Philosophy of Dance
Recent papers in Philosophy of Dance
The fiftieth anniversary edition of Maxine Sheets-Johnstone's book (the third edition in total) is a welcome reprint of a classic work. The work that she did in this book upon its first publication in the 1960s, and the work that its... more
In this article, I describe the experience of dancing-a-walk. My specific focus is on the shift that I perceive in my body when I dance-a-walk rather than functionally walking. Following a firstperson perspective, I demonstrate how my... more
a n i m a g i n a l a p p r o a c h t o a r t s p r a c t i c e carolina diaz .
This paper takes up the philosophical problem of modernism as it arises with respect to dance. While the “of” in the phrase “philosophy of dance” is most often construed as an objective genitive—philosophical which takes dance as its... more
В статье аргументируется тезис о том, что смысл танца не может быть выражен исключительно вербально, с помощью описания или нарратива. Если мы говорим в терминах семиотики, то смысл танца не сводится ни к денотату, ни к коннотату. Тело... more
It is well known that the ability to translate across languages is vital to global communication. The world is comprised of nations and people with different social, political, and cultural backgrounds, whose understanding and successful... more
Interview by Kerstin Germer and Maja Stark, editorial coordination at Excellence Cluster; an Interdisciplinary Laboratory, for the Cluster's newspaper. CZ# 147, May 9, 2016. "The book deals with embodied philosophy in Gaga, the movement... more
A Danish concentrated version of my article "Bodies in Skilled Performance", written for the dance journal "Dansemagasinet, Terpsichore, dans som scenekunst".
In the context of the effort undertaken by the Orchesis Study Group of Dora Stratou Theatre to reconstitute the philosophical and wider cultural presuppositions of the ancient Greek dance, from which the Greek-speaking and Roman world... more
In diesem Text werde ich der Frage nachgehen, warum Tanz seit der frühen Tanzmoderne bis hin zum zeitgenössischen Tanz in signifikanten Wellen mit Attributen des Rituellen, des Ritus und des Rituals verbunden wird – und warum dies in... more
How do I know when I am dancing? How do I shift from a non-dancing to a dancing state? Is there a continuum, in my lived experience, between the movements that I do when I vacuum-clean my apartment and those that I do when I dance at a... more
This text is an attempt to make an ontological analysis of American choreographer Deborah Hay's (1941-) 'performance practice' and to reflect its significance for the dance of the 2000-2020s. It bases its argumentation on the writer's... more
This paper fosters the term Dancing Metaphors in order to illuminate embodied cognitive processes within dancing. Dancing Metaphors suggests that processes of realizing new bodily movements in dance are metaphorically constructed. Thus,... more
This article is concerned with dance from an aesthetic perspective e.g it looks at dance, alongside painting and sculpture, as a form of art that might be addressed by way of aesthetic categories. Specifically it examines the tension... more
Българският текст е подготвен през 2004 г. и е мислен като есе, базиращо се на "включени" наблюдения от периода 2000-2003 г. Като доклад на английски език той е представен по време на срещата на изследователската група по... more
In this article, I describe the experience of dancing-a-walk. My specific focus is on the shift that I perceive in my body when I dance-a-walk rather than functionally walking. Following a first-person perspective, I demonstrate how my... more
Un ricco e stimolante scritto teorico sugli orizzonti concettuali di un"arte eminentemente antidualistica. Da Nietzsche e Valéry a Mallarmé e Merleau-Ponty sono diversi e importanti i pensatori della modernità che hanno riflettuto sulla... more
In an essay entirely devoted to the subject of dance in Alain Badiou's Handbook of Inaesthetics [Petit manuel d'inesthétique (Badiou 2005b)], we find the following contentious statement: “Dance is not an art, because it is the sign of the... more
The Afro-Latin dance known as ‘salsa’ is a fusion of multiple dances from West Africa, Muslim Spain, enslaved communities in the Caribbean, and the United States. In part due to its global origins, salsa was pivotal in the development of... more
This presentation suggests that processes of realizing new bodily movements in dance are metaphorically constructed. I will propose the term “Dancing Metaphors” in order to follow embodied cognitive processes of realization within... more
Voy a intentar compartir con ustedes algunas reflexiones en torno a mi trabajo de investigación que circula entre danza y filosofía, y con esta precisión de entrada: que no tomo a la danza como un objeto de estudio, sino que, de alguna... more
In: Screening the Past 21 (2007).
Wilbur, S. (2018). The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Politics. Dance Research Journal, 50(2), 78-87. At 656 pages wide and 31 authors deep, The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Politics collection contains a veritable who's who of US, UK,... more
Review of two books by Francis Sparshott: After a long and distinguished career considering the philosophical problems of virtually every art form except dance, Sparshott. . . published two voluminous works to make amends.' They were... more
As the audience’ spectacle has shifted from the proscenium to the screen, creating an experience that engages and immerses the audience back to the stage has become quite a task in the world of dance. With its own power structure at work,... more
In her bo ok Pornography, the Theory (w hich is tellin g ly subtitled, "What Utilitarianism Did to Action") literary th e orist Frances Ferguson advances the m ain reason w hy pornography is a key en tryw ay in to the ration ality that... more
In the mid-1970s, the dance community was ecstatic that choreographic works were finally being recognized for protection under the Copyright Law of 1976. Dance came into its own as an art form, worthy not only of legal protection but of... more
Upcoming in the MoMA book about the choreographer Boris Charmatz)
"Connect Effort into Pleasure" analyzes the mental instructions in Gaga as means to overcome a perceptual gap between body and mind. The text is in Hebrew, and deals with ideas that are as well discussed in "Embodied Philosophy in Dance"... more
Throughout the history of Philosophy, certain subjects concerned all known philosophers, but Dance still remains underrepresented in the field of Aesthetics.
In her article "Towards a Framework of a Semiotics of Dance" Nicoleta Popa Blanariu constructs a framework of based on de Saussure's, Peirce's, and Barthes's thought. She applies Ferdinand de Saussure's concept of semiosis defined as a... more
M a r i e B a r d e t-L'A t t e nt i on à t r a v e r s l e M o u v e m e nt : d e l a m é t h o d e F e l d e n k r a i s c o m m e a m o r c e d ' u n e p e n s é e d e l ' a t t e n t i o n Rev. Bras. Estud. Presença, Porto Alegre, v.... more
Does dance convey meaning? Dancers and choreographers will offer a range of answers to this question, running the gamut from “Of course it does!” to “No way! It does something else.” Responses, predictably, seem to depend on artistic... more
This paper discusses the role of intuition in dance research by looking at two scholarly publications: The first is entitled " The typology of the archaic layers in Bulgarian music and dance folklore, " by Iskra Racheva and Anna Ilieva (A... more
In this chapter we are interested in understanding how contemporary dance involves a series of epistemological contributions, so for this reason we review and analyze the work of iconic and representative dancers and choreographers who... more
NIETZSCHE'S DANCERS ISADORA DUNCAN, MARTHA GRAHAM, AND THE REVALUATION OF CHRISTIAN VALUES KIMERER L. LAMOTHE ... I was choreographing and performing professionally and training regularly while completing doctoral work in Christian... more
Based on the analysis of four dances, this work intends to make a first approach and reflect on the following question: in what way the dances involved in the initiation ritual –and with them, their experience as a dancing... more
Ο χορός ως αντικείμενο επιστημονικής έρευνας και φιλοσοφίας. Προλεγόμενα Άννα Λάζου, Τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών Περίληψη Η τέχνη του χορού μελετάται σήμερα από τις επιστήμες και τη φιλοσοφία. Από την... more
M a r i e B a r d e t-A A t e n ç ã o a t r a v é s d o M o v i m e n t o : o m é t o d o Fe lden k r a i s c omo d i spa r a dor de u m p en s a mento sobre a atenç ão Rev. Bras. Estud. Presença, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p. 191-205,... more
An analogy between dancing and writing deals intrinsically with the question of embodied fantasy. Dancer and spectator create together an image of dance as a radically ornamental and therefore opaque figuration of moving letters and... more