Recent papers in Persecution
Pour un cinquième de l’Église mondiale, le leadership s’exerce dans un contexte de persécution. Si la persécution et le leadership suscitent l’un et l’autre un intérêt croissant tant parmi les érudits que chez un public plus profane, il a... more
When persecuting those accused of some kind of witchcraft and magic in the Nordic countries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the crime they allegedly had committed was labelled trolldom (sorcery). The correct historical legal... more
CONTENTS October 17th, 2011 [pages 6-15] I Persecution and the Art of Writing or Towards a Hermeneutics of Suspicion from interpretation of the meaning between lines to explanation of the transcendental effect of forms 1. ‘PERSECUTION’:... more
The injunction of ecclesiastical censoring that banded Sogamosos liberal community from being ministered their religious rites, this turned out to be a psyco-social pressure used by the catholic church hierarchy as a rendering mechanism.... more
محققان و عموم به هر دو موضوع جفا و رهبری، گفتگوهای اندکی بین این دو حیطه یا تحقیق روی تجربۀ رهبران جفادیده صورت گرفته است. هدف این مقاله این است که لزوم مطالعۀ هدفمند و پایدار رهبری مسیحی تحت جفا را نشان داده و چالشهایی که شاهدان امین... more
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
The phenomenon Muselmann was a peculiarity of Nazi concentration camps. In survivor’s testimonies, the term appears frequently enough to assume that it denotes a particular, commonly recognized category of prisoners. It was probably the... more
Accusations of witchcraft throughout early modern England were evidence of a popular imagination which understood sin within frameworks of tainted bodies bound by gender and sexuality. This study examines the increased anxieties and... more
Leo Strauss's claim that many philosophers of the past wrote exoterically is without a doubt his most fruitful contribution to the study of the history of ideas. However, to this day this claim remains highly controversial. To gain a... more
The series of crises reported daily on local, national and international media on killing and destruction of Christians and properties worth millions of naira is alarming. Christian persecution in today's world has taken a dangerous trend... more
The successive bans on Christianity in Early Modern Japan led to several persecution campaignsespecially during the early seventeenth centurywhich resulted in numerous deaths, among both the local converts and the missionaries. These... more
Cuando los enredos tocan el sentimiento, brotan los ecos del amor con sensatez desde el silencio del corazón.
Gender-related violence is a global pandemic affecting millions of women worldwide. Yet, in many instances, states continue to tolerate and indirectly condone the various forms that it takes. In cases where the gender-related violence... more
"Exoteric Teaching” is arguably one of the most important finds among the Leo Strauss papers. As his first attempt at an explanation of the controversial concept of “exotericism” in general terms, the fragment enables the reader to cast a... more
A structured and partly annotated bibliography of religious non-conformism / dissent / heresy / heterodoxy and its repression in the history of Christianity (now around 750 standard pages) intended to update and supplement, among others,... more
This book focuses on the numerous facts of persecution of activists of human rights in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The authors are convinced that the persecution of dissent and human rights defenders are a kind of crime against... more
Under persecution during the Ethiopian Revolution (1974-1991), highly committed men and women led the Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) through remarkable transformation and growth. Although persecution has been an enduring reality in the... more
Master's thesis in History. This thesis examines requests for exemption submitted by German citizens, whom the Nazi regime categorized as “Jews” or “Mixed breeds,” between 1933 and 1941. The petitioners’ vocabulary developed alongside... more
En el capítulo IV La persecución política hacia el Comité Central del Partido Comunista Puertorriqueño de 1953 a 1960 se estableció la relación entre el Comité de Actividades Anti-Americanas y los argumentos que se utilizaron para... more
Is Involvement in the Fight Against the Persecution of Christians Solely for the Benefit of Christians? – “But with gentleness and respect”: Why missions should be ruled by ethics – Persecution – May a Christian Go to Court? – Putting... more
German textDie vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der zentralen Leidensthematik des Ersten Petrusbriefes auseinander. Einer vorläufigen Betrachtung der Entwicklung und des Gebrauchs des zentralen Leidens- Begriffs folgt die ausführliche... more
Though some think that "a lie is a lie" and "we must tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" in every situation, this simply is not true according to the Bible. In this chapter, I discuss the biblical definition of... more
Leo Strauss's claim that many philosophers of the past wrote exoterically is without a doubt his most fruitful contribution to the study of the history of ideas. However, to this day this claim remains highly controversial. To gain a... more
Trusting the Holy Spirit for his guidance in persecution does not exclude a proper preparation of global workers. However, more important than any security check list is to check and foster spiritual disciplines so that workers will be... more
Currently this is the most comprehensive and biblically theological analysis of Christian persecution worldwide. "In this situation I can highly recommend Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher's new book. It gives a clear and logical insight in many... more
For one-fifth of the global church, leadership is exercised in contexts of persecution. Despite growing popular and scholarly interest in both persecution and leadership, there has been little dialogue between these fields or... more
对全球五分之一的教会来说,其领袖是在迫害的环境中带领信徒的。尽管受迫害和领导力在民众和学者中越来越受欢迎,但这两个领域几乎没有任何交叉,也没有看到对受迫害领袖的经历进行任何调查。考虑到在这种情况下为耶稣基督忠心作见证的人所面临的挑战、圣经中的观点、领导力理论的相关性以及对普世教会的益处——包括对受迫害的社区、宣教士和享受很高程度的宗教自由之人的益处,这篇文章呼吁有意地、持续地研究受迫害的基督徒领袖。罗伯特·E·奎恩的领导力理论是1974年至1991年在埃塞俄比亚梅塞雷特赫里斯... more
the Communist period was "better" than the current one and distrust democracy, the market economy, minorities (Jews especially), and state that the current situation in Romania would only be improved by a dictatorship.
This paper describes René Girard's interpretation of myths and explains the scapegoating mechanism. This interpretation is then applied to the Slavic basic myth of the divine battle between Veles and Perun. The paper demonstrates that the... more
Despite the overwhelming evidence of human rights violations within the Eritrean Military/National Service Programme (“MNSP”), adjudication of asylum applications made by Eritreans remains a challenge. Narrow interpretations of “slavery”... more
Cuvânt înainte * Această carte este o dezvoltare a lucrării cu titlul Ţiganii în România. Privire asupra istoriei unei minorităţi etnice , realizată în anii 1993-1995, cu sprijinul Research Support Scheme din cadrul Universităţii Central... more
Întreg efortul pe care l-am depus pentru a aduna aceste „«Boabe de tămâie» spre amintirea slujitorului lui Dumnezeu pr. Anton Demeter” nu este altceva decât o tentativă umilă de a cinsti memoria aceluia care a predicat cu viața de pe... more
John 15.26 has always been understood to be a continuation of the Paraclete’s testimony to the world. In this essay, the readers are urged to rethink the Paraclete’s witness not in relation to the world but in relation to the disciples... more
Der Autor stellte die Genese und das Verlauf des beatifikationsverfahrens von 108 Martyrer aus den Zeiten des II. Weltkrieges, darunter denen sich auch zwei Geistlichen aus der Kattowitzer Diözese: Józef Czempiel und Emil Szramek... more
Establishing and maintaining communal identity through food in times of persecution: an interpretation of Daniel 1:8-16 MANITZA KOTZÉ 8 The death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 2 Maccabees 9: persecution and epiphany as dramatic irony... more
“Los armenios han llevado constantemente la imagen de Cristo, del Cristo doliente” (Pablo VI)
Uno dei primi a parlare apertamente di persecuzione e martirio dei templari è stato MOSES W. REDDING, Persecution and Martyrdom of Knights Templars in England, in ID, Scarlet Book of Free Masonry, New York 1885, pp. 271-286; mi sembra un... more
KASGANJ AND BEFORE: RSS AND CONSPIRACIES ARE SYNONYMOUS At Kasganj Muslims of the area suffered life threatening violence and wide spread destruction of properties on the Republic Day, January 26, 2018 perpetrated by the organizations... more
This book is the publication of my doctorate's thesis. I study four main aspects in the book of Wisdom, in all the Old Testament, in the inter testamentary Literature, and in the New Testament: righteousness, persecution of the righteous... more
Карелин В. М. Человек сталинской эпохи: антропология жертвы в свете современных теорий // Грани культуры: актуальные проблемы истории и современности: Материалы VII (2011 г.) и VIII (2012 г.) межрегиональных межвузовских научных... more