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Estrategias para el posicionamiento activo de los bystanders ante el ciberacoso en defensa de las víctimas. Proposición de un modelo de intervención de seis categorías que amplía el modelo existente de las 6 Ds.
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    • Cyberbullying and Bystanders/Witnesses
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Recovery is an approach to mental health care that emergedin the 1960s and 70sfromthe United Statesconsumers ́ movements, ex-patients and psychiatric survivors. Currently, a number of recovery oriented mental health services operate in... more
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      HumanitiesMental HealthPolitical ScienceLatin Americans
Peer observation of teaching can provide valuable insights into effective educational practices. By adopting a developmental focus, peer observation can also provide insights into how practices might be enhanced and, importantly, how... more
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      MarketingPsychologyEducationPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)
(SI) model of student academic assistance helps students master classes that have a history of a high degree of difficulty as they develop and integrate learning and study strategies. This paper reviews research on SI, developed at the... more
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      Program EvaluationLibrary ScienceHigher EducationEducational Research
The U.S. press is filled with news reports detailing attempts and actions by postsecondary institutions and state and national policy makers to limit or eliminate learning assistance activities and developmental education courses,... more
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      Higher EducationPolitical ScienceStrategic Planning
The Education Opportunity Association (EOA) and the University of Minnesota sponsor the EOA Best Practices Clearinghouse.
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    • Directory
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      PsychologyMedical EducationRaw Data
We have all had issues and problems in our lives which have been successfully resolved by talking to a friend or a colleague. What makes them able to help is empathy: the ability to recognise and, to some extent, share feelings. This... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationPeer Assisted LearningLearning
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    • Psychology
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      RadiosurgeryMedicineClinical SciencesLesion
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a well-known academic support model to address retention and student performance in higher education. However, in studies reporting the effect of SI, the number of attendees at SI sessions are seldom... more
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      Peer learningAttendancePalSi
This report is based on the contributions from SI/PASS/PAL supervisors at 63 Universities in Europe to a basic survey of 13 questions. Each institution that responded to the survey was invited to provide more detailed information about... more
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In this paper, we aim to make a real-time system which can provide advice that teach users what should to do in what kind of situation, and to lead the user get a good communication skill impression. Towards to this goal, we confirmed the... more
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El ciberacoso o ciberbullying entre iguales consiste en el uso intencionado de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación por parte de algunos menores, con la intención de hostigar, acosar, intimidar, insultar, molestar, vejar,... more
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are vital areas of national interest. However, there has been a gradual decline in the number of Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees issued in STEM based disciplines from United States'... more
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      Mathematics EducationBachelor
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are vital areas of national interest. However, there has been a gradual decline in the number of Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees issued in STEM based disciplines from United States'... more
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationBachelor
This research explored feelings of belonging and engineering identity among entering first year students, within the case study of an engineering math course at a large, public institution. Incoming first-year students who did not place... more
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This paper concerns an aspect of schooling in sub-Saharan Africa which receives limited attention in official education discoursenamely, that students themselves often bear educational responsibilities for the access and learning of their... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)PedagogyEducation in Sub Saharan AfricaPeer Support
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      Medical EducationActive LearningTeacher TrainingMedicine
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      PsychologyMedical Education
Too often outreaches and interventions designed to support students transitioning to higher education, are developed by academics who may not have a full understanding of the complexity and diversity of their students’ realities. This... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Student and Academic Staff Partnerships in Learning and TeachingStudent engagement and retentionStudent Transitions
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      Computer SciencePeer learningOnlineAnnotated Bibliography
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      Program EvaluationHigher EducationEducational ResearchPolitical Science
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      HistoryPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Political ScienceDevelopmental Education
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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationMedical EducationMedicine
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      PsychologyMathematics EducationPedagogyDevelopmental Education
uvod u tehnike reikija, akupresure, radietezije , obuke kod nas , sve info na [email protected]
mnogo obuka omline, konkurs otvoren stalno
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In 2012, Cleveland State University implemented a comprehensive program, called Operation STEM (OpSTEM), funded by two National Science Foundation grants, federal work study, and Cleveland State University. Its goal is to increase... more
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      EngineeringMathematics EducationPopulationCoursework
Communicating science can be challenging at any educational level. We used informal and experiential learning to engage groups of potential University applicants in one project that involved staging a play in one of the teaching... more
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      Higher EducationDramaVocational EducationMedicine
In this current era of policy and legislation driving curriculum and instruction in higher education, the field of college reading is grappling with how recent curricular mandates affect learners, particularly mandates that reduce or... more
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      Composition and RhetoricCommunity CollegesHigher EducationReading
教員養成大学において、教員に求められる資質能力である実践的指導力や協働性の向上に向けて、PBLの取組が取り入れられつつある。特別支援学校教員養成においては、PBLの観点での授業の取組の有効性について、必ずしも十分に検討されていない。筆者らは、地域の知的障害特別支援学校と連携を図り、特別支援教育専門科目である「知的障害教育論Ⅱ」の科目において、PBLの枠組みを用いた実践を試みた。支援学校生徒と大学生の交流活動を学生らが計画した。履修者を対象とし、教員の資質能力に関する学びと課題... more
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    • PBL
This article investigates the proposals of ten Japanese government designated "Top Global Universities," (TGUs) which participated in the Japanese Ministry of Education's (MEXT) Project for the Promotion of Global Human Resource... more
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      Japanese educationInternationalization of higher educationGlobal Citizenship EducationGlobal Competitiveness
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      Medical EducationActive LearningTeacher TrainingMedicine
This study explores integrating cooperative learning strategies, technology, and General Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) feedback to enhance writing support for ESL students in Chinese English Medium Instruction (EMI) universities. Given... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEducational TechnologyPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Cooperative Learning
After developmental education became optional for qualified students entering a Florida College System institution for the first time in fall 2014: • A smaller percentage of students enrolled in developmental education courses than in... more
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    • Political Science
Conecta con la realidad de tu hijo. Guía para prevenir el acoso escolar.
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      Medicina EscolarViolencia escolar y mediación de conflictos
Objectives: The current study aims at exploring the possibility of aligning peer assessment, audiovisuals, and medical case-report extracts (vignettes) in medical terminology teaching. In addition, the study wishes to highlight the... more
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      PsychologyPeer AssessmentPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Learning and Teaching
This research paper was reviewed using a double blind peer review process that meets DIISR requirements. Two reviewers were appointed on the basis of their independence and they reviewed the full paper devoid of the authors' names and... more
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      EngineeringPsychologyEmployabilityStudent Engagement
It has been observed that most first year engineering students seem to enjoy and often perform well in their project and project-oriented freshman engineering course, but seem to have difficulty and often perform poorly in their first... more
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This study focuses on the Interlanguage Pragmatic (ILP) competence levels of Grade 11-TVL Caregiving students and the factors influencing these levels. Additionally, it aimed to develop an ILP Reinforcement Model to enhance the ILP... more
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College (Illinois) conducted an experiment in remedial mathematics classes at a community college. The researchers wanted to investigate whether, while teaching mathematics in a rigorous manner, they could also use their instruction to... more
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      PsychologyMathematics Education
Research on best practices in higher education aimed at empowering the disadvantaged learner is scanty. The Learning Advancement Unit of the University of Fort Hare under the Teaching and Learning centre has been established to support... more
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      EducationAcademic DevelopmentPeerStudent
El acoso escolar es un proceso que afecta a una creciente población escolar. Se diferencia de agresiones puntuales por sus reiterados insultos, amenazas o conductas violentas en un largo periodo temporal. Se identifican tres agentes: la... more
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This study aimed to develop a teacher educator training program trying to improve the planning and conducting skills in in-service teacher training. We tested out the teacher educator training program in two graduate-level courses. One of... more
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      In-service teacher trainingTeacher educator