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Turkish makam music was at its origins, an orally transmitted, learned and performed tradition. The passage to written music started a hot debate that caused a sharp division among musicians, between the defenders of the meşk system and... more
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      ModernityTurkeyTurkish musicOttoman Music
If you want to read this article in English - contact me, I can send you translation. * "Wojciech Bobowski (Ali Ufki) - a Talented Pole at the Ottoman Court". The article presents the biography of an outstanding, yet complitely... more
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      Ali UfkiOttoman MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman music
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun klasik Batı müziği ile belgelendirilmiş olan ilk tanışmaları 1553 yılında Fransa Kralı I. François’nın Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’a teşekkür etmek için gönderdiği bir orkestra ile başlar. Oysaki Osmanlı’da Batı... more
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      Ottoman MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman musicTürk MüziğiBatılılaşma Dönemi Osmanlı Müziği
Dans le texte qui suit, il est question du «phénomène hétérophonique». Le but de la présentation est de montrer en quoi les analyses qui sont généralement présentées par les différents chercheurs sont, sinon fautives, du moins peu... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicologyPhonologyOral Traditions
As the Association of Ethnomusicology-Turkey, we had to postpone the organization we planned to organize in early June with the partnership of the Hungarian Cultural Center, due to the pandemic period, within the framework of our goals to... more
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      EthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyTraditional MusicOttoman Music
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      Ottoman HistoryTurkish musicOttoman MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman music
Erol Deran'dan Makamdan Makama Geçki Örnekleri kitap tanıtım yazısı.
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      Music ImprovisationMaqamOttoman MusicTurkish Classical Music
Creațiile muzicale teoretice ale principelui Dimitrie Cantemir au suscitat interes pentru muzicologi 1 , în special, dar și pentru celelalte categorii de muzicieni 2 precum și pentru istoriografi 3 , antropologi 4 , etc. Un număr însemnat... more
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      Byzantine MusicByzantine MusicologyGreek, Byzantine, Ottoman musicOttoman Music
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      Ottoman StudiesNotation (Music)Islam and MusicTurkish music
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      Turkish musicMiddle Eastern MusicOttoman Music
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      HistoryMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Music represents one of the main forms of manifestation for the political power, especially for the medieval period, primarily due to the fact that the ruler was the only one who laid claim to such kind of music. Apart from this, the... more
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      HistoryMusic HistoryMilitary MusicSocial Networking
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      MusicMusicologyEthnomusicologyTurkish music
The Master’s thesis titled “Beginnings of Musical Performing Arts in Turkey- Before and After Dikran Çuhacıyan,” focuses on western performing arts in the Ottoman Empire during the westernization movement in the Tanzimat (reformation) and... more
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      Performing ArtsOttoman HistoryOttoman-Turkish WesternizationTurkish music
Sâbit olan vezn-i mûsikî çarh-i âsmândan dakîka-i zamân gibi darb-ı mızrâbdan hâsıl olur. Öyleki her mızrâb bir ola ve her perdenin üzerinde bir mızrâb mevcûd buluna. Ve ol kadar tiz hareketlü ola ki iki mızrâbın arasında bir mızrâb dahi... more
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      Ottoman StudiesTurkish musicOttoman MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman music
Müzik, Türklerde tarihin başından günümüze kadar olan süreçte önemli bir yere sahiptir.
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      PercussionTurkish musicOttoman MusicTurkish makam maqam classical music
Lirik-Dramatik Karakterli Azerbaycan Operalarında Koro Sahnelerinin Rolü Babayeva, A. 1037- 1042 Sâhibzâde Mehmed Şevket Efendi’nin Medhal-ı Mûsikî Ve Telhîs-i Mûsikî Eserlerinde Yer Alan Ilâhiler Çamlı, Ş. 889-902 Cahangir Cahangirovun... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyEthnomusicology
Öz On sekizinci yüzyıla gelindiğinde, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Batı medeniyetle-rinin bilim, sanat, askeri, siyasi vs. alanlardaki gelişmelerinin gerisinde kalmış, bu sebe-ple çeşitli alanlarda yenileşme çalışmalarına girişmiştir. Her... more
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      Ottoman MusicOsmanlı PadişahlarıTürk Müziği Tarihi
Both Ottoman and modern Turkish theorists have little to say about the relationship of melody and rhythmic cycle (usul). The present article is a preliminary attempt to define Ottoman musical practices in both short and long rhythmic... more
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    • Ottoman Music
Ali Ufkî Bey (Wojciech Bobowski) is one of the most important figures of the Turco-Polish cultural relations, and a product of both worlds. He was born around 1610 in a village near Lviv, which belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian... more
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      Ottoman StudiesOttoman TurkishHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureOttoman language
Özet Osmanlı insanı için 19. yüzyıl, evveliyatında yaşanan zor süreçlerin artık sona erdiği, rahatça nefes alınan bir dönem değildir. Gerek siyasî gerek içtimaî alanda yaşanan zorluklarla beraber devletin ihtişamlı günlerinin arkaik... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicTurkish and Middle East StudiesHistory of Popular Music
Given that today’s discourse around rebetiko, especially originating from fans and practitioners, often comprehend the style’s world as something ‘closed’ and ‘entrenched’, the examination of the work of Spyros Peristeris can grant a new... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPopular Music Studies
This study presents a catalog of the music manuscripts that are preserved in the İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi (İstanbul University Rare and Manuscript Collections Library). This library is especially important for its... more
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      Music HistoryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireIslam and MusicOriental Studies
Söz konusu doktora çalışmasında A. Nâsır Dede ve H. S. Arel'in müzikal yaratımları, ilişkiler akışı ve düşünceler paylaşımına konsantre olunarak, yaşanılan andaki yaratımla etkileşim dahilinde sorgulamaya tabi tutulmuş ve bu sorgulama ile... more
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      HistorySociologyMusicMusic History
The Mahur sound which is one of the determinative colors of today's Turkish music has been an aesthetic fact, towards which musical composers, who lived in different societies and periods, approached with their own specific manners. The... more
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      HistoryMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
Lucrarea propune o abordare nouă în istoriografia românească, și anume relația dintre muzică și puterea politică în Moldova și Țara Românească în secolele XV-XVIII. Mai exact, prin acest demers se încearcă relevarea modului în care domnul... more
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      MusicMusicologyMedieval HistoryRomanian History
Kemalism internalized the western orientalist discourse and judged the orient with the eye of the western orientalists. On the other hand, in accordance with its nationalist nature, it had to struggle against the negative judgments of the... more
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      Sociology of MusicTurkish ModernisationOrientalismOttoman Music
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      Ottoman StudiesNotation (Music)Turkish musicOttoman Music
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      Historical EthnomusicologyMusics of Ottoman EmpireAli UfkiMiddle Eastern Music
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      Ottoman StudiesOttoman-Turkish WesternizationHistorical MusicologyTurkish music
This thesis examined the Efterpi musical collection being published in Istanbul at 1830. This collection includes 96 Ottoman musical pieces which are transcribed in the New Method of Byzantine musical notation. Thus, I selected five... more
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      EthnomusicologyHistorical EthnomusicologyInterCultural StudiesInterdisciplinary research (Social Sciences)
This paper attempts to highlight the necessity of establishing a connection between performance and theory in the field of Ottoman Urban Music. In specific, it is crucial for theoretical thought to have a direct reference to and depend on... more
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      EthnomusicologyHistory of Music TheoryByzantine MusicByzantine Musicology
Osmanlı dönemindeki dinî musikinin en önemli isimlerinden birisi olan Ali Şîrûganî Dede hem kendi zamanında hem de daha sonra bu alanda şöhret sahibi olmasına rağmen günümüzde hak ettiği ölçüde tanınmamaktadır. Bu makalede Ali Şîrûganî... more
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      Music HistoryOttoman HistoryEthnomusicologyHistorical Ethnomusicology
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      Ottoman StudiesTurkish musicOttoman MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman music
Η μουσική μεταρρύθμιση του 1814 δεν επηρέασε μόνο την εκκλησιαστική μουσική (στην οποία κυρίως απευθυνόταν) αλλά και τη λεγόμενη εξωτερική μουσική, δηλ. την κοσμική (ελληνόγλωσση και μη) μουσική. Μέχρι τότε, είχαν συνταχθεί αρκετές... more
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      ModalityByzantine MusicologyGreek Traditional MusicOttoman Music
This study focuses on the «in-between state» which characterizes the position of dragomans of the Sublime Porte through the lens of cultural history and specifically through history of everyday-life and musical orality. The aim of the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEthnomusicologyOralityOttoman Music
ÖZ Toplumların muhtelif tezahürlerle yaşattıkları kültürleri, yapı itibariyle bir vücudun organları gibi sürekli etkileşim içinde birbirini beslemekte ve birlikte gelişmektedirler. Mimari, resim, edebiyat, musiki gibi sanatlar arasında... more
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      Ottoman Divan PoetryOttoman Music
Hakimiyeti Milliye Caddesi, Atlas Ç›kmaz› No: 69 ÜSKÜDAR / ‹STANBUL Tel: 0 216 531 30 00 • Faks: 0 216 531 31 03 ULUSLARARASI ÜS KÜ DAR SEM POZ YU MU V
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      Cultural StudiesOttoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
Ottoman has had a traditional art music culture, called the Ottoman Art Music, in the maqam music culture of Middle/Near East, which is from the 9th century. However, the 19th century was a period of significant change of Ottoman State in... more
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      MusicologyOttoman StudiesOccidentalismOttoman-Turkish Westernization
Mehter music or „Mehterhâne” represents the military music used in the Ottoman Empire both in times of war and in times of peace. It had as main purpose the accompaniment of the Ottoman armies in war. During the battle, the roles of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryMusic
Review of K. KALAITZIDIS, Post-Byzantine Music Manuscripts as a Source for Oriental Secular Music (15th to early 19th century), trans. by KYRIAKI and DIMITRI KOUBAROULIS, Würzburg 2012 (Istanbuler Texte und Studien, 28), pp. 356, € 75,... more
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      Performing ArtsOttoman StudiesSociology of MusicByzantine Studies
Music is a universal art and narrative, but its universality can only be perceived through the diversity of cultures and countries. In Turkey, especially Istanbul and its surroundings had a close commercial and cultural relationship with... more
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      MusicologyCultural MusicologyMusical Instrument PedagogyMusical Instruments
MEDIA OF PERFORMANCE AND INTERSECTING IDENTITIES OF MUSIC IN ISTANBUL (İCRANIN MECRASI VE İSTANBUL'DA MÜZİĞİN KESİŞEN KİMLİKLERİ), International Conference, Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Istanbul Research Institute, Istanbul, November... more
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      Ottoman HistorySocial Network Analysis (SNA)Late Ottoman PeriodHistorical Network Research
F atih ilçesi, İstanbul'un tarihî sur içinden oluşması sebebiyle, tarihte "nefs-i İstanbul" yani İstanbul'un kendisi, merkezi olarak tanınan bölgesidir. İstanbul denince akla ilk gelen yer, eskiden sadece sur içi idi. Öyle ki bugün dahi... more
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      History of IstanbulTurkish musicOttoman MusicHistory of Turkish and Ottoman music
Meterhaneaua reprezintă formația muzicală cea mai importantă întâlnită la curțile domnești ale Moldovei și Țării Românești, deoarece ea este cea care face legătura – din punct de vedere artistic și politic – între aceste țări și Imperiul... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryMusic HistoryMusicology
This paper was written to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the publication of musical treatise by Archbishop Chrysanthos of Madytos (c.1770-1846), the first work towards a ‘scientific’ treatment of Greek ecclesiastical music (1821).... more
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      Byzantine ChantGreek, Byzantine, Ottoman musicOttoman MusicTurkish makam maqam classical music
The book that focused on in this presentation, was written by Maximilian Stadler from listening of Mr. von Hussard who served as an emissary in Istanbul and he has joined to some Mevlevi rituals and memorized their music. Stadler wrote... more
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      Ottoman MusicTurkish religious music
Özet Makale, şiir ve musiki kavramları üzerine kurulmuştur. Her ikisinin temelinde dinî inanç yatması konusunda bazı açıklamalar yapılmıştır.Osmanlı Devleti'nin ortaya koyduğu kültür ve sanat eserlerinin temelinde din ve tasavvuf... more
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      IslamOttoman Divan PoetryOttoman MusicOttoman Sufism