Origins of Life
Most downloaded papers in Origins of Life
Puji syukur saya panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena atas kehendak-Nyalah saya masih dapat berkereasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya berupa sebua makalah yang berjudul Asal usul dan persebaran manusia di kepulauan Indonesia.
Lacking a plausible model for the emergence of telos (purposive, representational, and evaluative relationships, as in life and consciousness) from simple material and energetic processes, the sciences operate as though all teleological... more
The Modern Synthesis explains the evolution of life at a mesolevel by identifying phenotype–environmental interactions as the locus of evolution and by identifying natural selection as the means by which evolution occurs. Both micro- and... more
A deep research in the philosophical (between phenomenology and new metaphysics) anthropology of Zubiri looking for how the human person connects and grows with others from metaphysical root until social development, studying love as... more
The work of Daniel Sennert (1572-1637), professor of medicine at the Lutheran University of Wittenberg, encompasses the cluster of issues raised by the early seventeenth-century intersection of matter theories and the life sciences, where... more
This short text summarizes the work in biology proposed in our book, Perspectives on Organisms, where we analyse the unity proper to organisms by looking at it from different viewpoints. We discuss the theoretical roles of biological... more
The universe (including the natural laws, space and time) started from the realm of infinite "information" which contains the set of multiverses. This hypothesis might sound crazy, but it is plausible.
Recently reported signs of liquid water on early Mars and volcanic activity suggest that Mars’s subsurface could harbour traces of microbial life, making the tracing of life on Earth’s subsurface even more compelling. Caves on Earth host... more
Living systems employ several mechanisms and behaviors to achieve robustness and maintain themselves under changing internal and external conditions. Regulation stands out from them as a specific form of higher-order control, exerted over... more
In his "Platonic Theology on the Immortality of Souls" (1482), Marsilio Ficino defended the idea of the world's universal animation. In this purpose, he especially developed a ‘Platonic’ interpretation of spontaneous generation, relying... more
We present a compilation on the evolutive processes that led to the gene emergence that should help readers who are not familiar with the subject to understand the mechanisms that might have shaped it over time. The main challenge in... more
The Jesuit father Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680) tried to interpret the Creation of the world and to explain the origin of life in the last book of his geocosmic encyclopedia, "Mundus subterraneus" (Amsterdam, 1664–1665). His... more
La Terre est née il y a 4,6 milliards d'années (4,6 Ga). Les bactéries fossiles les plus anciennes datent de 3,5 Ga mais des traces chimiques font penser que la vie bactérienne est apparue il y a 3,8 Ga. Mais par quel processus? On a... more
The term biology is of Greek origin meaning the study of life. On the other hand, chemistry is the science of matter, which deals with matter and its properties, structure, composition, behavior, reactions, interactions and the changes it... more
Urmăresc în materialul de față, câteva chestiuni-limită din câmpul cercetării științifice, care în ultimele decenii au generat dezbateri aprinse, menționând poziții care sugerează că ele ar ascunde discontinuități de fond, ce fragmentează... more
"Starting in Summer of 1996, and for each Summer thereafter, the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) has offered a weekend laboratory seminar on Bions and the Reich Blood Test. The basic discoveries of Wilhelm Reich on bions and... more
The study of life remote in space has strong parallels with the study of life remote in time. Both are dependent on decoding those historic phenomena called 'fossils', here taken to include biogenic traces of activity and waste products.... more
Primary scientific literature documents frequency oscillations in both the geosphere and the biosphere arising from a host of different phenomena. At certain frequencies there are known associations between geological oscillations and... more
The concept of spontaneous generation is traced from the 17th century up to 2005, summarizing the most recent research from the history of biology. The concept of spontaneous generation was always debated in a context where its... more
This paper explores the connection between the second law of thermodynamics and the emergence and evolution of life on Earth. 60 years ago Schrodinger understood that the thermodynamically-open nature of living systems exempted them from... more
Focused ion beam (FIB) milling permits the accurate extraction of ultrathin (c. 100 nm) cross sectional lamellae from microfossils found in geological thin sections. Subsequent TEM analysis of these lamellae can provide unique insights... more
Due to the rise in philosophical anthropology and the philosophy of mind there is a need to re-consider afresh the theological debate surrounding the origin of the soul. I address this particular issue in the context of the recent... more
Life is an inordinately complex unsolved puzzle. Despite significant theoretical progress, experimental anomalies, paradoxes, and enigmas have revealed paradigmatic limitations. Thus, the advancement of scientific understanding requires... more
In his treatise "De spontaneo viventium ortu," published at the end of his masterpiece "Hypomnemata physica" (Wittenberg, 1636), the professor of medicine at Wittenberg, Daniel Sennert (1572-1637), built his corpuscular interpretation of... more
The ∼1000 Ma Torridon Group of northwest Scotland are here shown to contain a rich diversity of organic walled microfossils preserved in exceptional detail within sedimentary phosphate. The phosphatic nodules and bands in which they occur... more
Book review of a 2016 compilation of essays regarding the historical Adam. Essays range from a variety of disciplines: biology, anthropology, biblical studies, theology, and paleontology (to name a few). The review may also be read at the... more
Since the 1990s, results coming in from molecular phylogenetics necessitate us to recognize that Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) occurs massively across all three domains of life. Nonetheless, many of the mechanisms whereby genes can... more
The siliciclastic lacustrine rocks of the~1000 Ma Diabaig Formation, northwest Scotland, contain a remarkable diversity of macroscopic structures on bedding planes that can be compared with various kinds of microbially induced sedimentary... more