Recent papers in Orchestration
Throughout recorded human history, experiences and observations of the natural world have inspired the arts. Within the sonic arts, evocations of nature permeate a wide variety of acoustic and electronic composition strategies. These... more
Orchestration is a problem that has been relatively unex- plored in computer music until recently. This is perhaps due to its com- plexity. This paper presents a survey of the field of computer-assisted orchestration. The span of such... more
A brief analysis of Beethoven's last Symphony, his "Choral" symphony.
Excerpt from the book on the contemporary playing technique of percussion with special emphasis on mallets and other types of excitation. The book also contains a series of essays written by renowned composers and performers such as... more
Excerpt from the book on contemporary trombone playing techniques (in collaboration with Mike Svoboda). Part of the Bärenreiter Verlag's well-known series on contemporary playing techniques and awarded with the German Music Edition Prize... more
Deadline-sensitive workflows require careful coordination of user constraints with resource availability. Current distributed resource access models provide varying degrees of resource control: from limited or none in grid batch systems... more
[PT] Um dos paradigmas mais influentes na música contemporânea é o som como material composicional em si mesmo: a expansão das sonoridades, a primazia da escuta e os processos de estruturação que fogem dos parâmetros e formas... more
Within the past decade, music-theoretical analysis of popular music has become increasingly common. Nonetheless, until quite recently the purview of such research has been relatively limited, focusing mainly on classic and art rock from... more
The ways teachers work with (digital) resources for professional practices have become a research focus in the last decade. The primary aim of this doctoral research is to explore how English secondary mathematics teachers access, adapt,... more
An analysis on Brahms Symphony No. 1. Brahms was highly sought after to be the one that was the "hope" of Germanic music after Beethoven. After taking nearly 15 years on this masterpiece, Brahms shows why he truly is an academic... more
Data-centric and service-oriented workflows are commonly used in scientific research to enable the composition and execution of complex analysis on distributed resources. Although there are a plethora of orchestration frameworks to... more
"Terimalah di Hati-Mu" (in English: Accept it in Your heart) is catholic offering song. This is one of my favorite song which composed by Putut Pudyantoro. Mr. Putut is a songwriter also as known as maestro for catholic church music in... more
Beethovens Musik wird oft als teleologisch vorwärtstreibend beschrieben. Hierzu existieren unzählige musiktheoretische und musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die die Rolle motivisch-struktureller Arbeit für den prozesshaften Verlauf... more
Samuel Adler's The Study of Orchestration, first published in 1982, has already been the standard reference for a whole generation of composers and other musicians. Adler's book is a justly celebrated contribution to the literature and... more
This paper explores orchestration capability as a concept defining the firm's ability to purposefully build and manage innovation networks. Due to the lack of empirical research on the subject as well as the focus on the organizational... more
ABSTRACT Responsive Regulation (RR) introduced important new ways of thinking about regulation. But RR was designed for domestic settings in which a single agency had clear jurisdiction, full regulatory capacity, and extensive... more
This is the complete 132 pages of this monumental work, with my notes showing themes, use of doubling, form, harmony and much more. One of Ravel's longest works, it is a seldom played, or studied, masterpiece. A perfect work to examine... more
Information for and analysis on Cherubini;s Requiem in C minor. This packet contains information on the work to help better understand it as it relates to the work.
Tarihsel süreç içerisinde transkripsiyon, birçok bestecinin çeşitli uygulamalarıyla tanınmış bir tekniktir. Piyanoya özgü özelliklerden dolayı, piyano müziğinin orkestra için transkripsiyonunda karşılaşabilecek bazı güçlükler olduğu... more
Three cues from this seminal movie analyzed with the primary focus being on Herrmann's motives and his development practices.Cues are "Prelude" "Marion", and "Temptation".
In my dissertation Sound Colour and its Function in Music Composition Construction I am trying to find new point of view on the situations when sound colour becomes an active element. Hierarchy in construction (its presence or contingent... more
The Climax is essential to every form of art, film and music composition among them. Classic Hollywood Film tends to rely heavily on the score to create the climax. Indeed, it is one of the greatest tools at a composer’s disposal to... more
Past research has largely characterized disadvantage as an individual or social condition that somehow impedes mathematics learning, which has resulted in the further marginalization of individuals whose physical, racial, ethnic,... more
Tesi di dottorato (cotutela Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia - Université Paris 8) L’elaborato si propone di sondare la presenza del saxofono all’interno delle partiture orchestrali francesi e italiane della prima metà del secolo XX,... more
Analysis, Historical information, and facts about Dvorak's New World Symphony: Symphony No 9
Information and interesting facts about Howard Hanson's Orchestral composition: Lament for Beowulf op. 25. Form and Analysis
Analysis of the orchestration and motivic development of the intriguing work by the French master. One of the more remarkable features of this movement is the fact that the theme is played almost continuously. Of the 63 measures in the... more
A pedido de vários colegas envio mais um tema "clássico": Ode to Joy também conhecido por Hino da Alegria. Escolhi uma obra que é muito conhecida e que pode ser tocada e/ou cantada facilmente por alunos iniciantes. À semelhança de outros... more
Happy to finally release the results of this long-time research on the Webern's Variations. My goal was to observe how Webern's orchestration interacts with serialism. The paper points to some usefull (I hope!) and unpreceded (I guess!)... more
Un breve análisis sobre los aspectos extramusicales de la Sinfonía Fantástica de Hector Berlioz y algunas técnicas de orquestación utilizadas.
Texture e orchestrazione nel Concerto per violino di Alban Berg (pubblicata originariamente in Tetraktys, Anno I, n. 0, luglio 1997)
After the enormity of the Third Symphony, Mahler now gives us a much more manageable piece, in length and in palette, as though after two such pieces, another of this scope were simply unnecessary, or rather, it has now become necessary... more
This is an annotated bibliography of the composer/conductor Gustav Mahler's re-orchestrations of other composers' works.
"Quizás distinguir acordes posibles e irrealizables en el violín, la viola o el cello, sea el problema más difícil para compositores y directores que no sean también, instrumentistas de cuerda. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos... more
Composing for guitar and orchestra constitutes a challenge for composers. This thesis focuses on some of the issues raised by this endeavour. By nature, the guitar is an instrument which only manages to impose itself over an orchestra... more
Flauti : Caratteristiche fisiche, spettrali, tecniche tradizionali e contemporanee di modifica timbrica.
A multifacetada carreira de Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) projeta desafios e provocações para o diálogo entre artes e saberes. Entre ensaio, literatura, etnografia, pintura, música e teatro, Kandinsky se move em meio a realizações... more
Analysis of Haydn's Clock Symphony. Form and Analysis, and historical information on the work.
Historical information relating to Bach's Mass in B minor. Analysis of the form of the movements. Also contains detailed information as it relates to the Bach masterpiece.
Trabajo de Investigación sobre el compositor español Ferrer Ferran y su obra para banda sinfónica "El Coloso". ESPAÑOL / SPANISH Sobre el autor se habla tanto de su biografía como del contexto que le lleva a componer la obra. Sobre... more
Nueva versión de nuestra traducción con fines estrictamente didácticos de la obra "The elements of orchestral arrangement" de William Lovelock
INTRODUCCIÓN El abordaje de la composición para las orquestas de nivel infantil en nuestro país, supone para los compositores una gran oportunidad para la puesta en práctica de sus ideas musicales y planteamientos estéticos, no obstante,... more
This paper aims at establishing the fact that the process of Fusion in Music is not confined within any specific bracket of space and time and is just as old as music itself. It is the process of (in-) fusion of various individualistic... more
La llegada de los platillos a Europa. Joffre O"igoza Víd#