Northern Bald Ibis
Recent papers in Northern Bald Ibis
En el marco del "Programa de Emergencias, Control Epidemiológico y Seguimiento de Fauna Silvestre de Andalucía", el presente informe describe y analiza la población reproductora en el conjunto de la región andaluza de las aves terrestres... more
The paper concentrates on ancient Egyptian attestations of the presence of the northern bald ibis in Egypt, evidence for bservations of the bird’s behaviour and biotope, and especially on its religious significance as witnessed in the... more
The notion of akh, often translated as (effective) spirit, pointed toward many different meanings, such as the identity of the transfigured dead as well as that of living persons who acted efficaciously for (or on behalf of) their... more
Stadtgemeinde Waidhofen an der Thaya 4 Siehe den Abschnitt "Die Initiale" ab S. 376. 5 Stowasser transkribiert "Sigel", weil er den Bogen, der am Zeilenende vom unteren Schaft ende des "l" vom Schreiber nach oben geführt wird, als Kürzung... more
Die Quellensammlung zum Waldrapp (Geronticus eremita - Northern Bald Ibis) versammelt Knochenfunde (ab dem Miozän), Bildquellen aus dem Mittleren Osten, dem Alten Ägypten, der Antike, dem Mittelalter und bis ins 17. Jahrhundert und... more
in: M. Bárta, J. Janák (eds.), Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces, Sheffield, UK/Bristol, CT: Equinox, 2020, pp. 89-96.
The akh and the ba count among the most important Egyptian religious concepts of human and divine beings. Both occur frequently in Egyptian texts, from its beginnings until the very dusk of the hieroglyphic script, and, coincidently,... more
Three different kinds of ibis species are attested from ancient Egypt: the sacred ibis, the glossy ibis, and the northern bald ibis. Pictorial representations of the latter bird-easily recognizable by the shape of its body, the shorter... more
Vesmír 97, červen (June) 2018, 366-369.