Recent papers in Nike
Ascaridia galli, a nematode parasite, is the most prevalent nematode that causes gastrointestinal infections in birds. Some reports have stated that this nematode affects the intestines of birds; however, there is a lack of data on the... more
Reviewed by Barbara Blackwell Gülen (Ankara) This book, based on a prize-winning doctoral dissertation, questions the "hidden traditional conviction of the necessity to translate into one's mother tongue" (p. 30
eterotopic pregnancy, defined as the simultaneous development of an extrauterine along with an intrauterine pregnancy, is a very rare event, even in the context of ectopic pregnancy. Duverney first described this diagnosis in 1708 in... more
Nowadays, the competition on sport shoes is getting more competitive. Each company design sport shoes with the best quality. The purpose of this research is to explain the effect of brand image, product design, and product quality... more
Social media is a paradigm shift from the orthodox media and has proven to be the second richest media besides face-to-face communication. However, events like carnivals have been pulling tourists to different global destinations via... more
Název: Marketingový výzkum hodnoty značky Nike Cíle: Pomocí marketingového výzkumu zjistit hodnotu značky Nike z hlediska vnímání jednotlivých atributů produktu jeho současnými či potenciálními uživateli. Těmi jsou v rámci práce členové... more
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) merupakan suatu permasalahan yang harus diperhatikan oleh semua kalangan organisasi, contohnya adalah pada industri. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara bagian produksi di Divisi Nike PT. Nikomas... more
Brand alliances, which involve intentionally presenting two or more brands together, appear in many different forms. For example, Subway stores placed within Wal-Mart, Airbus A380 airplanes with Rolls-Royce Trent engines, and Nike+iPod... more
Napjainkban egyre több kutatás fókuszál a szabadidős sportfogyasztásra, annak motivációs hátterének vizsgálatára, célcsoport jellemzőinek meghatározására. Az extrém sportok a szabadidős kínálati elemekben egyre markánsabban jelennek meg... more
Academy Emran Futsal ini adalah salah satu tim futsal academy di Yogyakarta, tetapi akhir-akhir ini dalam mengikuti pertandingan futsal di daerah mulai menurun dalam keikutsertaan kejuaraan yang berakibat menurunnya prestasi. Hal ini... more
Niko Bartulović posve je zaboravljeno književno ime; iako autor dvaju romana, dviju drama te nekoliko knjiga novela i pripovijedaka, danas je tek usputna činjenica u historiografskim pregledima; književne povijesti i priručnici uglavnom... more
The article deals with the research of opportunities and prospects to use “Take a knee” protest in professional sports for Nike marketing purposes in terms of influencing customer loyalty to that brand. The action “Take a knee” became... more
The article includes an in-depth industry and competitive analysis of the athletic company, Lululemon. The article addresses key success factors based on both the industry analysis and the competitor analysis with recommendations for... more
In this paper we quantify the economic worth of celebrity endorsements by studying the sales of endorsed products. We do so with the use of two unique data sets consisting of monthly golf ball sales and professional golfer (celebrity)... more
The importance of brand equity is due to its strategic role in gaining a competitive advantage in the market. The purpose of this study was to assess the brand equity of Majid in comparison with Nike from the perspective of Iranian... more
I wake up every morning, jump in the shower, look down at the symbol (the Nike logo), and that pumps me up for the day. It's to remind me every day what I have to do, which is "Just Do It 1 The above quote illustrates how some individuals... more
The development of information technology enters people's daily lives, increasing activities with growing digitalization. One model of digitization is social media which is used to communicate as well as for promotion and marketing.... more
GO-JEK merupakan salah satu Perusahaan di sektor jasa yang melayani konsumen melalui aplikasi online di Indonesia, konsumen sudah tau membandingkan jasa yang satu dengan jasa yang lainnya yang dapat melayani sesuai dengan kebutuhan.... more
Recently, The Conversation published what was described as 'an experiment in collaborative writing' (featuring, among others, Dallas J Baker and Nike Sulway of this present article). The question behind the experiment was an open... more
Prispevek predstavlja subjekte, ki delujejo na področju zagotavljanja varnosti v lokalni skupnosti, ter dejavnike preprečevanja kriminalitete, in sicer: policijsko delo v skupnosti, kriminalna žarišča, sodelovanje občanov in strah pred... more
This research is to analyze the relationship between Brand Image and Purchase Intentions through Perceived Price, Trust, and Perceived Value of Nike sports shoes. In today's world, when viewed from its assortment planning, Nike has... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of sports sponsorship on brand equity using two managerially related outcomes: price premium and market share. Design/methodology/approach-This study uses a best-worst discrete... more
Brand alliances, which involve intentionally presenting two or more brands together, appear in many different forms. For example, Subway stores placed within Wal-Mart, Airbus A380 airplanes with Rolls-Royce Trent engines, and Nike+iPod... more
Rapid developments in digitisation have resulted in gamification (ie, the use of game elements and game mechanics in non-game areas) becoming more common and easy to apply in digital environments. This study examines the use of... more
Produksi ikan kembung (rastrelliger sp) melimpah di Indonesia, ikan ini mempunyai ciri ikan yang hidupnya bergerombol. Ikan ini biasanya diolah oleh masyarakat menjadi ikan kembung asin, ikan kembung asin diduga mempunyai kandungan lemak... more
Невіддільним складником професійного спорту сьогодні є оптимальна побудова бізнесу для отримання якомога більших прибутків. Однією з найбільш успішних у цьому плані ліг є NBA, яка з року в рік нарощує свої доходи завдяки веденню... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Brand Association, Brand Awareness, Price, dan Role Model terhadap Purchase Intention Studi Pada Sepatu Futsal Nike CR7. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dalam pengambilan data primer... more
What role can corporate codes of conduct play in monitoring compliance with international labour standards and improving working conditions in global supply chains? Addressing this question, the authors first summarize the results of... more
Using a unique data set based on factory audits of working conditions in over 800 of Nike's suppliers across 51 countries over the years 1998-2005, the authors explore whether monitoring for compliance with corporate codes of... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak latihan kondisi fisik terhadap performa pemain futsal, sebuah olahraga yang menuntut kecepatan, ketangkasan, dan ketahanan. Partisipan penelitian terdiri dari 29 pemain futsal pria yang... more
Latihan endurance memainkan peran penting dalam kinerja atletik dalam cabang olahraga basket. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki berbagai metode pengukuran yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kebugaran jasmani, khususnya... more
Latihan endurance memainkan peran penting dalam kinerja atletik dalam cabang olahraga basket. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki berbagai metode pengukuran yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kebugaran jasmani, khususnya... more
The NIKE Vaporfly shoe was introduced in May 2017 as part of the original #Breaking2 Project (an event aimed to run the first marathon under 2 h). This new advanced shoe technology (NAST) changed the footwear design conception. The aim of... more
Industri peralatan olahraga merupakan industri yang dapat berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Saat ini industri produk olahraga sangat kompetitif dalam menetukan harga, bentuk, warna, dan kualitas pada produknya. Merek pakaian, sepatu dan... more
Article 9, supra note 2. The 1954 SDF law provides that: The Self-Defense Force shall have as its main duty the self-defense of our country against direct aggression and indirect aggression in order to guard our country's peace and... more