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The contemporary security environment is becoming more and more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. At the same time, there is a deficit of understanding of the security environment, which results, among others, from the... more
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      MilitaryNational SecurityRevolution in military affairsNew Trends & Technologies of Information Science
O advento das tecnologias da informação ocasionou a demanda por documentos digitais, com isto, uma quantidade significativa de documentos com necessidades de preservação em longo prazo começou a ser produzida exclusivamente em meio... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information Systems
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
Cloud computing plays a critical role in modern society and enables a range of applications from infrastructure to social media. Such system must cope with varying load and evolving usage reflecting societies' interaction and dependency... more
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      Software EngineeringClimate ChangeMachine LearningSecurity
The articles included in this publication present a number of perspectives on physical and virtual learning environments that support future learning.
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      Futures and OptionsNew Trends & Technologies of Information Science
Over the last few decades, we have seen massive improvements in computing power, but nevertheless we still rely on digital documents and file systems that were originally created by mimicking the characteristics of physical storage media... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation ScienceInformatics
In 2013 the European Space Agency’s Planck Observatory revealed that aspects of asymmetric electromagnetic reality associated with the functioning of an electromagnetic universal field rotated anticlockwise during the birth of the... more
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Changes in the world and rapid developments in communication technologies are affecting the way cities are governed. With each passing day, traditional forms of management and ways leave their place to the new structures and new... more
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      Political ParticipationNew Trends & Technologies of Information Science
Resumo: O constante aumento de documentos digitais vem impulsionando as práticas de preservação em longo prazo. No entanto, a literatura técnica concentra-se em preservar a autenticidade dos registros, e por vezes, há pouco aprofundamento... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information Systems
The purpose of grid computing is to produce a virtual supercomputer by using free resources available through widespread networks such as the Internet. This resource distribution, changes in resource availability, and an unreliable... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsGrid ComputingArtificial IntelligenceInformation Society
Within our Master degree curriculum WS 2020, studying Subject: Digital Trends I try to clarify and describe the key facts regarding artificial intelligence as an uprising trend, the artificial intelligence and its implementations will... more
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      Quantum ComputingArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionMachine Learning
Diversos autores abordam as técnicas de backup em suas pesquisas sobre preservação digital (FRANCH, 2008; INNARELLI, 2007; 2012; INTERPARES, 2007; SOMASUNDARAM & SHRIVASTAVA, 2011), paralelamente a isto existe uma indefinição do contexto... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceComputer Security And ReliabilityInformation Science
We live in the digital age, where the only constant is change, it becomes necessary for people, companies, and industries, to adapt to such changes. Business Digital Transformation seeks to optimize performance by designing and... more
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      ManagementCreativityInnovation Ecosystems and Their DynamicsTransformational Leadership
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      Political Communication (Communication)Neo-colonialismCultural HibridityNew Trends & Technologies of Information Science
Presentation on 15th May 2008 to Swinburne University’s course HBI550/HBM550 Trends in International Business & Marketing.
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      Information TechnologyStrategic ForesightFutures StudiesFutures Studies and Foresight
Latest, Breaking, News, Alerts
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      GoogleTRENDSWorld NewsTrend Analysis
Business to business report 2020, trends
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      MarketingSociologyTRENDSShopping Centre Retail Trends and Shopper Behavior
Abstract Firms compete by the skills and knowledge of their employees to deliver a range of customized solutions to meet their clients' needs. Knowledgeable workers thereby play a pivotal role in today's... more
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      Knowledge Intensive Business ServicesService DeliveryExplicit KnowledgeBusiness rules
Asked to edit and critically review the exchange between philosopher Rafael Capurro and Linda Treude on the concept of information, the below linked document presents the final version of the exchange, including my contributions to copy... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsSemioticsCultural History
The dynamic nature of grid resources and the demands of users produce complexity in the grid scheduling problem that cannot be addressed by deterministic algorithms with polynomial complexity. One of the best methods for grid scheduling... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingGrid ComputingParallel Computing
О роли информационных технологий в социальной адаптации детей-сирот сказано и написано немало. Тем не менее, многие сиротские учреждения с большой осторожностью относятся к самой возможности включения новых технологий в образовательный... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyEducational PsychologyEducational Research
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      Social MediaTurkeyLabor unionsTrade Union
It is increasingly important to present a map for the identification of mindsets and socio-cultural trends and to understand how it contributes to the development of products and services within the scope of trend analysis and strategy.... more
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      Cultural SociologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyCultureCulture Studies
In this text the ideas about technology and anti-technology were analysed in two contexts: an industrial one (with the changes generated by the Industrial Revolution) and a cybercultural one (with the changes generated by the Internet).... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsHistory of Science and TechnologyHuman Computer InteractionAnthropology
Приходится признать, что к началу третьего тысячелетия вопрос социального самоопределения детей-сирот так и не получил адекватного и однозначного решения. Причем значимость его – как для судеб детей, так и для построения стратегии... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryInformation/Communication Technologies and DevelopmentSelf-determination theory (Education)Orphaned Children
In update intensive main memory database applications, huge volume of log records is generated, to maintain the ACID properties of the database system, the log records should be persistent efficiently. Delegating logging of one main... more
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    • New Trends & Technologies of Information Science
Постоянно возрастающее число детей-сирот в России побуждает искать более эффективные формы их жизнеустройства. С каждым годом муниципальные образования большинства регионов нашей страны становятся перед необходимостью открытия все новых... more
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionInformation/Communication Technologies and DevelopmentIntercountry Adoption
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      Communication TheoryWireless TechnologyNew Media LiteracyBig Data