New Age Religions
Recent papers in New Age Religions
Pre-publication page proofs of my Introduction to a special issue of Journal of Ritual Studies on "Ritual Creativity, Emotions, and the Body" co-edited with Anna Fedele.
I examine the epistemological vision of the body as an accumulation of genes that has been developed by the UFO religion called the Raëlian Movement. I reflect it against various posthumanist theories and take an approach that has rarely... more
The 2012-phenomenon includes apocalyptic fantasies regarding an impending collapse of our contemporary society, supposedly prophesized by the ancient Maya and their Long Count calendar. Sometimes connections to the ancient Maya collapse... more
Tradução do texto de Wouter J. Hanegraaff, publicado originalmente na Social Compass em 1999.
are left with the question of why anyone would replace the new gods of ''technology and smartphones,'' especially when there are few material religious objects left to allow for a relational dynamic of enchantment.
לחומרים ומידע נוספים על המאמר - היכנסו לקישור: For more materials and information on this item - go to the link:... more
This paper is an in-depth exploration of the modern school of yoga popularly known as Kundalini Yoga As Taught By Yogi Bhajan (KYATBYB). The practice will be examined in its political, historical, and religious dimensions, as compared... more
Książka o sekcie wisarionowców - socjologiczne studium przypadku (wyd. Semper, Warszawa 2010) /The book covers a sociological case study of the sect of vissarioners
If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. In 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas, in a video which has since been watched over 10 million times. He shared the... more
Over the past few decades, Daoism has become a recognizable part of Western alternative spiritual life. Now, that Westernized version of Daoism is going full circle, traveling back from America and Europe to influence Daoism in China.... more
Ernesto Genoni (1885-1975) was the pioneer of Biodynamic agriculture in Australia. He studied art at Brera Academy of Fine Art in Milan, Italy. He visited his older brothers and sisters who had earlier migrated to Australia and had farms... more
Dette nummers side 9-ikon stammer fra The Emin Foundation, en diminutiv, religiøs bevægelse der, ifølge bevægelsens egne tal, har små 3000 medlemmer verden over, fordelt i USA, Israel og en række nordeuropæiske lande, deriblandt Danmark.... more
Η εσχατολογική διδασκαλία του γέρ. Αρσενίου της Ναυπάκτου, prof. alexios panagopoulos
Witchcraft has refashioned itself into a religion that exudes female power. This dissertation enters a dynamic conversation in religion and history about the suppression of witchcraft as a religion, as well as feminist discussions on the... more
Bethel Church in Redding, Kalifornien, und ihr Pastor Bill Johnson sind Teil eines apostolischen Netzwerks, dessen Einfluss über die Grenzen der evangelikalen Gemeindebünde hinaus in Deutschland schnell wächst. Johnson begrüßt es offen,... more
The trope "We Are All One" is taken for granted across a wide spectrum of polyglot spiritualities. Heard today in many spaces, "We Are All One" has a historic precedent based on the multifaith belief in a "unified consciousness," but a... more
Sexuality is at the center of the kabbalistic cosmos, structuring interactions between the sefirot human and divine. Thus medieval kabbalists innovated rituals of sacred sexuality to act on that cosmos. This essay first describes these... more
We live in a world where most people believe in God. Despite propaganda to the contrary, the number of atheists in the world remains rather small (only 3% in the U.S.A, and only 9% in Canada). Why is that? Is it because people are stupid,... more
Sažetak Jedna od značajnijih karakteristika postmodernog doba, u religijskom smislu, jeste pojava novih vidova religioznosti kao alternativa postojećim, tradicionalnim religijama. Inače, krajem XX i početkom XXI st. religija doživljava... more
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde Meditation weltweit zu einem Kernbereich moderner Spiritualität. "Meditation und Moderne" enthält die bisher ausführlichsten Analysen zur Geschichte dieses Phänomens. Als Hintergrund wird der Wandel... more
The concept ‘New Age’ signifies, in today’s terms, an extremely popular belief system that offers complete control of one’s own life, as well as balance, love and peace in everyday situations. Although every individual would gladly accept... more
Yoga is now found in urban centres and rural retreats across the world as well as in its historical home in the Indian subcontinent. What is now practiced as yoga across the globe has a long history of transnational intercultural exchange... more
This article attempts to establish a sociology of the occult in general, and a sociology of the Western tarot in particular. The tarot is a deck of 78 cards invented in Italy in the fifteenth century. From humble beginnings as a device... more
The first part of this article addresses the origin and importance of the yuga theory in India. The second part deals with the discovery of the yuga system by the West, its use by modern Western esoteric writers, and its relevance to New... more
Pojam 'New Age' oznacava danas vrlo popularan sustav uvjerenja koji covjeku nudi kontrolu nad vlastitim zivotom, te stjecanje ravnoteze, ljubavi i mira u svakodnevnim situacijama. Iako bi svaka osoba sa radoscu prihvatila navedeno,... more
MS 2150 - Bir Makro Felsefe Klasiği
2150 AD-Thea Alexander
Çevirmen:Semra Ayanbaşı
Çağının Ötesinde Olan Kitap: M.S. 2150
2150 AD-Thea Alexander
Çevirmen:Semra Ayanbaşı
Çağının Ötesinde Olan Kitap: M.S. 2150
Mevlana, İbn-i Arabi, ve Hallac-ı Mansur tarihteki çok önemli tasavvuf alimlerindendir. Ülkemiz açısından ise Mevlana'nın önemi daha büyüktür. Ancak bu tasavvuf alimlerini "sapkın" düşünceli olarak niteleyen bazı çalışmalar da... more
The article addresses contemporary enthusiasts’ activities dealing with the ancient Thracian heritage in Bulgaria. Alternative re-writings of the past, cult movements and historical re-enactments have been analysed in view of the creation... more
In this article, I aim to showcase the emergence of the so-called Ancient Astronaut Discourse (AAD) out of religious discourse as well as its continued religious functions despite all differences and pretensions to the contrary (i.e., the... more
In her “Toward a Metamodern Reading of Spiritual but Not Religious Mysticisms,” Linda C. Ceriello frames being SBNR as evidencing a new means of engaging with mysticisms through what has been described as a metamodern epistemic shift. By... more
Key portions of Benjamin Creme's standard autohagiographical account of 1979 (cf. Creme 2007a: ix-xxii; for his official obituary, see SI 35.10 [2016 December]: 3-4) are variously repeated partially or in full across the Share... more
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
My Master's research on Starseeds, a new religious movement, and the inter-relationship between digital realities, the social imaginary and the nature of belief. Philosophical, reflexive musings on the connectedness between ideas, old and... more
MRes Dissertation: A comparative study of the existing Ethnographies on Neo-Paganism in Britain and the United States of America. The study aimed to draw out the commonalities between the way community is constructed in both country's... more