Muslim League
Recent papers in Muslim League
भारत-विभाजन विरोधी मुसलमान: देशप्रेमी मुसलमानों की अनकही दास्तान (2019 का प्रकाशन) डॉ॰ शम्सुल इस्लाम ने भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के इतिहास में सबसे अधिक उपेक्षित किये गए अध्याय पर क़लम उठाया है, अर्थात् उन मुसलमानों पर जो भारत-विभाजन... more
The formation of the All-India Muslim League, the first ever Muslim political party in British India to see the light of the day, represents a watershed in the political history of the Indian subcontinent. It was, in fact, the outcome of... more
While a political history of the Pakistani Left and its engagement with the Muslim League is a narrative that deserves attention in its own right, it also reveals significant insights into the colonial and post-colonial political... more
Those who have somehow reconciled with the mythologised history of ancient India will surely be surprised by the continuing trend of myth-making even in modern times. Partition of India has largely been covered by thick layers of... more
W r i t t e n b y : D r. M u h a m m a d M o i z K h a n A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r D e p a r t m e n t o f H i s t o r y U n i v e r s i t y o f K a r a c h i
What do you understand by the term ‘Communalism’? Evaluate the rise and growth of Communalism in India in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The secular-democratic polity of India has been besieged with challenges ever since its birth on 15 August 1947. It was born as an independent nation in the midst of unprecedented communal violence, mayhem and destruction of life and... more
Faisal Devji. Muslim Zion: Pakist an as a Polit ical Idea, if we consider all recent ly adopt ed regulat ions, it is clear t hat t he manufact uring error saves plasma post modernism. Muslim Zion, based on t he st ruct ure of Maslow's... more
Discuss the similarities of method, assumptions and approach between the following two authors: 1. Ayesha Jalal, The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, The Muslim League and the FOREWARD In the words of the Urdu writer, Ismat Chughtai (1915-1991): "... more
One of the least researched aspects of the Partition of India has been the role of Muslims who opposed the Partition. We are indeed informed about the strong opposition by Congress stalwart Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and the leader of the... more
शम्सुल इस्लाम की भारत विभाजन पर पुस्तक पर चर्चा [Video] शम्सुल इस्लाम की पुस्तक 'भारत विभाजन विरोधी मुस्लमान: देशप्रेमी मुसलमानों की अनकही दास्तान' पर चर्चा (सत्य हिंदी-शम्सुल इस्लाम, आशुतोष और आलोक जोशी) Discussion on Dr. Shamsul... more
This book is available in Marathi also, translated by renowned Marathi literary figure, Hira Janardan ji. For procuring a copy, please, contact: Price : ३५०/- On line buying:... more
सावरकर–हिन्दुत्व मिथक और सच (Hindi) This book is based on the contemporary primary sources. This book is also available in English (Media House, Delhi), Marathi (Sugwa Praksahan, Nagpur) and Telugu... more
Subaltern politics in India is usually studied outside the electoral process. This paper looks at a Muslim organisation of enviable electoral success in Kerala—the Indian Union Muslim League. By focusing on works by the most iconic of... more
Khilafat Movement was the major organization of Muslims of South Asia in the early 20th century. It was after the rebellion of 1857 and “formal loss of sovereignty”, that the Muslims lost their symbol of unity and power and felt... more
Betrayal at Midnight – Review of ‘Muslims against Partition’ : Guest Post by Karthik Venkatesh MARCH 7, 2016 Freedom at midnight put some people in a spot – those Muslims who chose to stay back in India and did not opt for Pakistan.... more
The Hindutva cronies like RSS and Hindu Mahasabha make a brazen claim that they were the only ones who opposed the divisive, communal and two-nation politics of the anti-national Muslim League led by MA Jinnah and played great role in the... more
Veteran politician, inveterate rebel, self-styled defender of progressive values; Mian Iftikhar-ud-Din remains one of the most intriguing individuals to have been associated with the Pakistan movement and the Muslim League. As an... more
‘विभाजन विभीषिका स्मृति दिवस’ मनाने की योजना सादवाद और आपराधिक प्रवृत्ति से पीड़ित दिमाग़ की उपज है!
Friends I am glad to share with you the news of the publication of Punjabi edition of my book on Partition of India. It has been translated by veer Boota Singh ji. This book is available in English, Hindi, Urdu, and Bengali too.... more
Pakistan is both the embodiment of national ambitions fulfilled and, in the eyes of many, a failed state. Muslim Zion cuts to the core of the geopolitical paradoxes entangling Pakistan to argue that it has never been a nation state in the... more
Aga Khan 3rd in the History of Pakistan 本論では、20世紀初頭からパキスタン建国までのアーガー=カーン3 世に着目し、彼が ヒンドゥー、ムスリム、大英帝国に対して、どういった考えを持っていたのかを探る。加 えて、彼独自の見解が最もよく表れている「南アジア連邦」構想についても言及する。 アーガー=カーン 3 世はイスマーイール派のコージャー派のイマームであり、パキスタ... more
Riassunto del libro di Oldenburg, P. "India, Pakistan and Democracy Solving the puzzle of divergent paths".
Per una migliore comprensione del tema affrontato, si consiglia di accompagnarne la lettura all'originale del libro.
Per una migliore comprensione del tema affrontato, si consiglia di accompagnarne la lettura all'originale del libro.
The post-1857 revolt era represents one of the highly eventful phases in the history of the Muslims in British India. Perhaps the most striking event was the U-turn that occurred in the minds of the Muslim elite by the turn of the century... more
आरएसएस/भाजपा के भारत-रत्न उम्मीदवार सावरकर ने 1942 में मुस्लिम लीग के साथ साझा सरकारों चलाईं विनायक दामोदर सावरकर की अध्यक्षता में हिंदू महासभा ने 1942 में अंग्रेज़ों भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन का दमन करने के लिए निर्लज्जता पूर्वक अपने अंग्रेज़... more
भारत विभाजन हम ने नहीं कराया: झूठों के शहंशाह अमित शाह झूट बोलने में माहिर आरएसएस इस समय दुनिया का कोई भी फासीवादी संगठन दोग़ली बातें करने, उत्तेजना फैलाने और षड्यंत्र रचने में राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ (आरएसएस) को मात नहीं दे सकता। भारत के... more
भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन 1942 से ग़द्दारी की कहानी; आरएसएस और सावरकर की ज़बानी कांग्रेस का आह्वान इस 8 अगस्त 2020 को भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के एक अहम मील के पत्थर, ऐतिहासिक ‘भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन’ जिसे 'अगस्त क्रांति' भी कहा जाता है को 78 साल... more Partition debates in India drew on the League of Nations’ discussions on minorities in the nation-states created after World War I. The League’s legacy persisted beyond... more
"The Indian Express, New Delhi. 31-08-2004 The Savarkar Debate A DIVISIVE FIREBRAND Kumar Ketkar (The unbearable potency of Savarkar’, IE, August 27) has not done justice to the ongoing debate on Savarkar’s role in the freedom... more
Faisal Devji. Muslim Zion: Pakist an as a Polit ical Idea, if we consider all recent ly adopt ed regulat ions, it is clear t hat t he manufact uring error saves plasma post modernism. Muslim Zion, based on t he st ruct ure of Maslow's... more
Ahistoricity of Savarkar’s Rehabilitation Project An aggressive campaign to rehabilitate VD Savarkar (1883-1966) as great Indian freedom fighters is under way. He is being touted as a legendary Indian nationalist, freedom fighter who... more
RSS/BJP BHARAT RATNA NOMINEE SAVARKAR JOINED HANDS WITH BRITISH MASTERS IN CRUSHING QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT The Quit India Movement (QIM) also known as ‘August Kranti' (August Revolution) was a nation-wide Civil Disobedience Movement for... more
RSS/BJP ने फ़िलहाल अपने अव्वल नंबर के देशभक्त 'वीर' सावरकर की स्तुति काफ़ी हद तक कम करदी है। इस की सब से बड़ी वजह यह है की इस 'वीर' की असली कहानी दुनिया के सामने आगई है ।[i] हिंदुत्व के इस 'वीर' ने अंग्रेज़ हुक्मरानों से एक बार नहीं बल्कि... more
FILLING IN THE KNOWLEDGE GAPS (Review of Muslims Against Partition in The Statesman by Moinuddin Ahmad) Religious minorities in many post-colonial states have been subjected to " othering " while being blamed for the socio-political... more
This article discusses the role of the Muslim League leaders in the establishment of Pakistan and changes in the party's policies in the course of its battle for a separate homeland for South Asia's Muslims. Scholars of modern South... more
I am glad to announce the publication of Bengali version of MUSLIMS AGAINST PARTITION OF INDIA. This book is presently available in English, Hindi, Urdu and Bengali. 1. Muslims Against Partition of India: The Untold Story of Allah... more
The rationale for Pakistan was economic and political not religious