Miscarriage, Spontaneous Abortions
Recent papers in Miscarriage, Spontaneous Abortions
The purpose of the research is to demonstrate how the practice of abortion in India involves state intervention in women’s personal lives. I demonstrate how significant contradictions arise in state practice towards women’s access to... more
This paper will study the effect of armed conflict and civilian instability on the spontaneous abortion rates and cesarean birth rate. Data from the official records of patients admitted to the gynecological department of Al-Jamhouria... more
The stillbirth of a wanted baby is a devastating and life altering experience that happens more than 26,000 times each year in the United States; but the impacts and implications of this loss on families is rarely discussed in public... more
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Considerações Gerais O abortamento espontâneo é um processo que se inscreve no ciclo gravídico-puerperal e que se traduz em aspectos físicos, psicológicos e socioculturais interdependentes. Intercorrência freqüente e de etiologia... more
Doświadczenie żałoby po dziecku w perspektywie biograficznej praca doktorska z dziedziny: nauki społeczne, socjologia napisana pod kierunkiem dr hab. Anny Kacperczyk prof. UŁ Streszczenie Celem rozprawy było dokonanie... more
Autor w swoim artykule wychodzi od mesjańskich nadziei związanych z rodzeniem dzieci. Przeciwstawia entuzjastycznemu spodziewaniu się zbawienia związanego z urodzeniem dziecka koncepcję mesjanizmu pustynnego Derridy, czyli oczekiwania... more
A postal questionnaire case-control study examined miscarriage in wives and congenital conditions in offspring of the 2007 membership of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association, a group of ex-servicemen who were stationed at... more
Background: Despite its commonality, there is a paucity of literature on miscarriage in non-Western societies. In particular, there is little understanding of how people ascribe cause to miscarriage. This research sought to gain an... more
Al centro di questo saggio c'è il dibattito pubblico e politico che ha portato all'approvazione della legge 194/1978 di cui Giovanni Berlinguer (deputato comunista alla Camera dalla VI all'VIII Legi-slatura) è stato relatore di... more
ObjeCtives To validate recent guidance changes by establishing the performance of cut-off values for embryo crown- rump length and mean gestational sac diameter to diagnose miscarriage with high levels of certainty. Secondary aims were to... more
Stained Radiance (first published in 1930) was the début novel by James Leslie Mitchell (better known as Lewis Grassic Gibbon). It charts the intertwined lives of a group of men and women struggling to live in London in the wake of the... more
ABSTRACT In depth study of thousands of articles in various international journals and information from text books is collected to conceive and compile evidences in favour of this theory. This paper contains evidences that cancer cells... more
Podcast overview of the systematic review
This book shares a story of transformation. It is a journey into what is highest in all of us. The Angelic qualities this Novel reveals are levels of awareness in each of us. Let your creative imagination reflect on the nature of soul,... more
While there are textbooks on pregnancy loss, and workbooks on grief and loss, Carrying On is the first and only workbook on pregnancy loss. This is important because journaling is a time-tested tool for healing and recovery.... more
Collegiality and professionalism are touted as crucial in academic career success and security, and as required for participation in academic spaces. Conversely, care, essential to well-being and social reproduction, is rarely portrayed... more
Background: Spontaneous abortion is the most common adverse pregnancy outcome. We aimed to investigate a possible link between nutrient deficiencies and the risk of spontaneous abortion.
This paper proposes an anti-abortion philosophy (AAP) containing some definitions, two main principles and some important recommendations (all based on a set of very solid scientific and juridical arguments), which AAP should be... more
In this article, I highlight how Romanian women make sense of the losses of pregnancies and babies. Based on 15 months of fieldwork in a Transylvanian town, and on interviews with and observations among ‘angel mothers’ (women who have... more
Previous studies showed that cultured mouse trophoblast stem cells (mTSCs) have most rapid proliferation, highest stemness/potency, least spontaneous differentiation and stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) at 2% O2 compared with... more