Midwestern Literature
Recent papers in Midwestern Literature
The first issue of The North Meridian Review: A Journal of Culture and Scholarship. NMR is an independent humanities journal in northern Indianapolis that highlights the work of thinkers, artists, and writers in the Midwest and globally.
In this article I examine the link between ancient Greek epic and American Midwestern Agrarianism. Specifically, I examine how Greek and Roman epic influenced Modernism as evidenced in one of the earliest Modernist works, Anderson’s... more
The Freedom to Try: Voltairine de Cleyre in Postmodern Pedagogy Voltairine de Cleyre has been virtually ignored by both the radical and academic communities in the last one hundred years. Unlike Emma Goldman, who has had a PBS documentary... more
This is a review of poet Chrissy Kolaya's book "Any Anxious Body" (Broadstone Books, 2014). It was originally published in the online literary magazine CutBank (October 20, 2014).
In their film musical State Fair (1945), Rodgers and Hammerstein attempted to capitalize on audiences’ enthusiasm for their earliest collaboration, Oklahoma! (1943). The 1945 film echoed Oklahoma!’s pastoral themes while allowing the... more
"Book description (from publisher): Internationally recognized poet Michael Dickel commemorates his March 2012 U.S. poetry tour with this book of poems. The poems begin with an invocation, visit the Midwest, travel to the Mid-East,... more