Recent papers in Metalanguage
Focusing participant roles in relation to process types: recently arrived adolescents' progress in written academic language Due to increased migration and mobility, teachers face recently arrived adolescents with limited schooling in... more
Показывается ошибочность базовых положений когнитивизма о репрезентативной функции сознания и языка. Подчеркивается биосоциальная функция языка как когнитивной области кооперативных взаимодействий, в ходе которых формируется и развивается... more
My data comes from participant observation among and interviews with several dozen white Kenyans, aging former settlers and the descendants of former settlers, mostly of British descent, across several years in the 2000s. Some of them are... more
Det Naturlige Semantiske Metasprogs ordforråd kaldes 'semantiske primer'. Kortet viser de danske eksponenter og nogle af de mest basale kombinationsmuligheder. Der findes flere muligheder for kombinatorik end de muligheder der vises her.... more
Speech acts shape the core of pragmatic competence and their mastery is a prerequisite for successful discourse encounters in an L2. Cross-cultural comparisons, as claimed by Johnstone (2018), are very effective for knowing and acquiring... more
This paper offers a critical exploration of the arguments for the 'internalization' of speech in Lev Vygotsky's culturalhistorical psychology. Vygotsky's conception is predicated on the existence of three forms of speech-'external',... more
I. Die Kritik an der Dualisierenden Redeweise stellt diese inkorrekt dar und ist inkonsistent.
II. Die Alternative der Nicht-Dualisierenden Redeweise ist widersprüchlich.
II. Die Alternative der Nicht-Dualisierenden Redeweise ist widersprüchlich.
Within the context of multidimensional education, the efficiency of language teaching and assessment in English involves depolarizing the educational process, disbanding boundaries, and encouraging students to actively participate in the... more
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук (10.02.01 — русский язык, 10.02.19 — теория языка). Калининград, 2007.
Ce texte vise à rendre compte des développements de la théorie de l’énonciation à la suite de la question posée par Benveniste sur la possibilité d’étendre ce concept à la musique et à d’autres langages non verbaux (1974 : 43-78). Si les... more
This study contributes towards an understanding of the nature of sequential visual narratives, how different semiotic resources may be employed to construct a visual narrative and how sequence of images may be developed. Over the years,... more
Resumen La Real Academia de la Lengua Española ha introducido en estos últimos años dos símbolos: el asterisco (*) para indicar la agramaticalidad, y la bolaspa (⊗) para indicar la incorrección de una expresión. En este artículo se... more
Nel ripercorrere l'idea barthesiana di "scienza mitologica" e quella echiana di "semiotica come critica delle ideologie", questo intervento cercherà, per quanto è ancora possibile, di rispondere a una domanda tanto semplice quanto... more
This is how the goals of this book are described in the Preface: This study seeks to define language ideologies having first reached a definition of ideologies in general; that is, it proceeds from the general to the specific. A... more
Ala-Risku, Riikka (2016). Contrasti e commistioni: Plurilinguismo, dialetto e metalingua nella narrativa italiana contemporanea. Tesi di dottorato, Università di Helsinki. Helsinki: Unigrafia. (versione rivista con variazioni minime... more
Metapragmatics encompasses the study of displays of awareness on the part of users and observers of language about their use of language. In this chapter, it is argued that corpus-based approaches to metapragmatics are uniquely positioned... more
Among the many subjects taught at primary, secondary and tertiary institutions physical education (PE) has had limited discussion with respect to the language of PE. As an examination subject in secondary school, physical performance is... more
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the pragmatic information in 'My Book of English, Year Three', a textbook used to teach English in Algerian middle schools. The study attempts to answer four research questions pertaining to the... more
Les sémioticiens ont souvent donné pour acquise l’existence d’un métalangage visuel sans en avoir problématisé la légitimité et le fonctionnement jusqu’au bout. Ce texte vise tout d’abord à défendre l’hypothèse selon laquelle le langage... more
Abstrakt. Analiza dyskursu naukowego według projektu Scientext. zarów-no pisanie jak i rozumienie tekstów naukowych jest umiejętnością bardzo istotną w środowisku akademickim. Francuska grupa Scientext, w skład której wchodzą trzy zespoły... more
Kleine Nachzeichnung der Entwicklung von Roland Barthes' écriture vor seiner Entwicklung als Wissenschaftler.
VI Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores «Mundo hispánico: cultura, arte y sociedad» (Universidad de León, España)
This chapter examines the development of teachers’ knowledge about language and metalanguage in an Australian secondary school serving students from low SES and indigenous backgrounds. The central research question addressed is whether a... more
On the Metaphor of the Metalanguage from the Perspective of Translation Studies using the Example of “Geschichte der neueren Sprachwissenschaft” (The History of Modern Linguistics) by Gerhard Helbig The topic of the article is the conduit... more
This article outlines an agenda for critical discourse studies that reserves a place of honour for the notion of reflexivity. It draws on four concepts of reflexivity developed in the social sciences: reflexivity as a general feature of... more
Theorists have argued that the changed nature of contemporary texts to communicate meaning through multiple modes requires students to develop ‘multimodal’ literacy appropriate for engaging with these texts. This Professional Research... more
Linguistic anthropologists have shown that the way a person reports speech or represents discourse—for example, whether they ‘put on an accent' or merely repeat attributed words—is crucial for understanding what social action that person... more
[Postprint] The present paper constitutes a guide through the complex history of the word διάλεκτος/dialectus/dialect from Greek antiquity up to the early modern era with a focus on the latter period and on its fate as a (Neo-)Latin word.... more
En las páginas que siguen, al hilo de la caracterización de la historiografía lingüística como actividad metalingüística, nos acercaremos a la cuestión de las relaciones entre metalenguaje e historiografía de acuerdo con un trayecto que... more
This paper studies Krzysztof Kieślowski’s portrayals of woman in The Double Life of Véronique. It explores the dialectic between Kieślowski’s ambition to capture the essence of womanhood on the one hand, and his female characters’... more
The dissertation describes the problems of metalanguage and peculiarities of linguistic terminology. Special attention is paid to autonymy, which plays a central role in metalanguage. The dissertation presents the life and work of Eugen... more
Starting in the mid-twelfth century, Scholastic thinkers began using a particle that is unknown in classical Latin: "li" or "ly." In its earliest occurrences, the word was typically accompanied by an explanation of its "Gallic" origins.... more
L’attuale reazione antiformalista della semiotica rischia di travolgere quel poco di buono che si è creato quanto a strumenti per ridurre la complessità testuale. Il quadrato semiotico è un buon esempio: usato e abusato, è stato... more
This chapter considers the scope of metalanguage during English language instruction undertaken directly before tertiary studies. While past studies of metalanguage have tended to privilege the analysis of spoken language in the... more
This study analyzes how ten linguistically and culturally diverse candidates in a TESOL master's degree program used systemic functional linguistics and genre-based pedagogy to design curriculum and instruction. Using case study methods,... more
Supervisor: Helen Gasti Professor of Ancient Greek and Latin Literature Εxamination Committee H. Gasti, E. Karakasis, K. Synodinou MA Thesis Defense: May 13, 2019 Grade: 10/10 (A) Classics Department University of Ioannina... more