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Swanton, Michael W. and Sebastián van Doesburg. 1996. Some observations on the lost Lienzo de Santa María Ixcatlán (Lienzo Seler I). Baessler-Archiv, nf. 44: 359-377.
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      Mesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican codicesMesoamerican Philology
A historical review of Ixcatec writing (1854 till late 20th century) with particular attention to a 1939 letter to President Lázaro Cárdenas written in this language. Swanton, Michael W. 2008a. La escritura indígena como “material... more
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      Otomanguean LinguisticsPopolocanMesoamerican Philology
Swanton, Michael W. 2001. El texto popoloca de la Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca. Relaciones, 22: 87-109.
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      Mesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican codicesMesoamerican Philology
Short bibliographical note on the Oaxacan linguist Francisco Belmar (1859-1926) with the authoritative bibliography of his published work. López Cruz, Ausencia y Michael W. Swanton. 2008. Lic. Francisco Belmar: Pionero de los estudios de... more
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      History of LinguisticsMesoamerican Philology
A description of the sixteenth-century multilingual situation of the "Chuchon Mixteca" (Coixtlahuaca Basin and Tamazulapan Valley), which involved the use of Chocholtec, Mixtec and Nahuatl. Swanton, Michael W. 2008. Multilingualism in... more
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      NahuatlMixtecan LanguagesMesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican Philology
A short note about the word 'cacao' in Mixtec with some comments on early references to 'chocolate'. Comment on discussion in Ancient Mesoamerica regarding the etymology of 'cacao'. Swanton, Michael W., Alejandro de Ávila and Sebastián... more
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      EthnobotanyMixtecan LanguagesCacaoCocoa and chocolate
Swanton, Michael W. 2008. Notas sobre el ‘Arte de la Lengua Mixteca’ de Fray Antonio de los Reyes re-editado por el Conde de Charencey. En: Memorias del Coloquio Francisco Belmar. Coloquio de Lenguas Otomangues y Oaxaqueñas II. (A. López... more
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      Mixtecan LanguagesMesoamerican Philology
Swanton, Michael. 2004a. Review: “Aquí comiença vn vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana (Galeote, ed). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 81: 108-109 (Liverpool).
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      NahuatlMesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican Philology
This article is a diachronic investigation of a form of social organization of the Chochon (Xru Ngiwa, Chocholtec), a Mesoamerican people. Speciically, it is a philological examination of one form of a customary community subdivision ,... more
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      Mesoamerican EthnohistoryPopolocanMesoamerican Philology
A short note mentioning the acquisition of a colonial-period document in Chiapanec for the Biblioteca de Investigación Juan de Córdova Swanton, Michael W. 2013. Las Ordenanzas de la Cofradía de la Vera Cruz, un documento en lengua... more
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      Mesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican Philology
Swanton, Michael W. 2017. Fray Antonio de los Reyes y el exconvento de San Pablo. Boletín de la Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca, 20 (septiembre-octubre): 9.
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      Mixtecan LanguagesMesoamerican Philology
Swanton, Michael. 2004b. Review: “Nahuatl as Written” (James Lockhart). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 81: 109-110 (Liverpool).
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      NahuatlMesoamerican EthnohistoryMesoamerican Philology
Swanton, Michael W. 2010. Una conferencia inédita de Francisco Belmar preparada para el XI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas. En: El filólogo de Tlaxiaco: un homenaje académico a Francisco Belmar. (F. Barriga, coord): 151-170.... more
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      History of LinguisticsOtomanguean LinguisticsMesoamerican Philology
A short note describing ongoing research of Chocholtec toponymy to understand colonial documentation in this language

Swanton, Michael W. 2003. Language in landscape: Toponymy of the Xru Ngiwa. CNWS Newsletter, 23 (june):  28-29.
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      Mesoamerican EthnohistoryPopolocanMesoamerican Philology
Swanton, Michael W. y Sebastián van Doesburg. 2015. Observations on the glosses of the Lienzo of Tlapiltepec. In: The Lienzo of Tlapiltepec. A Painted History from the Northern Mixteca (A. Brownstone, ed): 85-87. Toronto: Royal Ontario... more
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      Mesoamerican EthnohistoryMexican CodicesMesoamerican WritingMesoamerican Philology