Recent papers in Mentalism
I examine Skinner's objections to mentalism, concluding that his only valid objections concern the "specious explanations" that mentalism might afford, and their fostering explanations that are incomplete, circular, or faulty inother... more
Want to learn all of the latest card tricks and illusions. This is one of the BEST books on the market
Özet: Arda Denkel'in Anlam ve Nedensellik adlı kitabında önerdiği anlam kuramı, üç temel iddia üzerinde inşa edilmiştir. Bunlardan ilki, "anlam taşıyan bir im ile anlam arasındaki ilişki nedir?" sorusuna kitabın verdiği şu yanıttır:... more
This paper uses the findings of two art-science research projects to reveal insights into how brains work and how we think about how brains work. It uses these insights to suggest ways that art can engage more critically with... more
[1] Stoff ist Kraft (≈ being is energy). [2] Wesen ist Werden (≈ being is becoming). [3] Sein ist Sosein (≈ being is qualit(ativit)y. [4] Ansichsein ist Fürsichsein (≈ being is mind). [1]–[3] are plausible metaphysical principles, and... more
This paper evaluates the relevance of the mentalism-behaviorism (MB) dichotomy in economics in light of recent debates and subsequent arguments in favor of mental-ism. The MB dichotomy in economics has historical ties to debates in the... more
This essay appears in a remarkable collection of essays entitled "Octagon: The Quest for Wholeness, Volume 2", that is edited by Hans Thomas Hakl (Gaggenau, Germany: H. Frietsch Verlag, 2016). Hakl undertook the daring project to publish... more
Wolf Messing (1899-1974) was a Polish Jew and in particular circles a quite well known psychic stage performer, to whose name nowadays are attached a number of persistent stories. A handful of anecdotes woven together with some hard facts... more
El conductismo: una aproximación al estudio científico del comportamiento humano. © Sociedad para el Avance del Estudio Científico del Comportamiento Escuela de Psicología Univer sidad Anáhuac del Nor te (México)
The aim of the paper is to present the main conceptions in the cotemporary philosophy of mind. The debate is narrated in two ways: The first approach concerns the ontology of mind, with the questions such as: What is the nature of mind?;... more
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a great deal of confusion arises from the use of the word 'idealism', but it is not that hard to sort it out
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
This thesis offers a philosophical perspective on the different conceptions of agency and choice as they are understood and employed in economics and behavioral decision research—this perspective is two-fold: on the one hand,... more
Second language acquisition/competence does not happen pronto; it gradually and steadily evolves. It is the result of painstaking, but constant language input and output processes. According to Ellis (2008), there are four theoretical... more
textabstractThis thesis offers a philosophical perspective on the different conceptions of agency and choice as they are understood and employed in economics and behavioral decision research—this perspective is two-fold: on the one hand,... more
Evidentialism and mentalism enjoy much popularity. In fact, mentalist evidentialism is often considered the most plausible internalist approach towards epistemic justification. However, mentalist evidentialism does not amount to a... more
Boros Gábor: Descartes és a korai felvilágosodás. Budapest, áron -Brozsek, 2010. 484 o.
In this paper, I shall show that for Husserl (1) evidence determines epistemic justification and (2) evidence is linked to originary givenness in the sense that one’s ultimate evidence consists of one’s originary presentive intuitions.... more
Is Matter Real? Are Concepts Real? The Curse of Reification: A World Problem "Every thing is of the nature of no thing." Parmenides of Elea Has the modern world got it all wrong? An Old Answer for a New Problem: Implications... more
This morning I intended to get out of bed when my alarm went off. Hearing my alarm, I formed the intention to get up now. Yet, for a time, I remained in bed, irrationally lazy. It seems I irrationally failed to execute my intention. Such... more
There are three main positions on animalthought: lingualism denies that non-linguistic animalshave any thoughts; mentalism maintains that theirthoughts differ from ours only in degree, due totheir different perceptual inputs; an... more
The present study investigates the combined effects of different amounts of comprehension-based and form-focused instruction on skill-based proficiency and knowledge of grammatical structures of beginner-level efl students. Specifically,... more
This is the second part of a jungian analysis of the drives which bring us to 'do magic' (in the broadest sense) in the contemporary world. The model follows the analysis presented in another essay, "Magus. Dangerous kids and the... more
The view that human communication is essentially a matter of sharing mental states, especially communicative intentions, has been immensely influential in pragmatics and beyond. Drawing together and elaborating various lines of criticism,... more
The first movements of the table were markedly similar to those from the previous sittings, causing all the sitters to rise from their chairs. The pervading smell of incense, relaxing yet not intoxicating, and the light from a 60 watt... more
The present study investigates the combined effects of different amounts of comprehension-based and form-focused instruction on skill-based proficiency and knowledge of grammatical structures of beginner-level efl students. Specifically,... more
This paper aims to revisit the psychological concept of representation (Vorstellung) as it was theorized by Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) at the beginning of the 19th century. I show that, by defining the representation both as an... more
This article advances the case for 'normative behaviourism' – a new way of doing political philosophy that tries to turn facts about observable patterns of behaviour, as produced by different political systems, into grounds for specific... more
A close attempt to what it says, in the context of Programmable Heuristics, slightly more human approach here.
This is the first part of a jungian analysis of the drives which bring us to 'do magic' (in the broadest sense) in the contemporary world. The model is completed in a second essay, "Divinus. Readers' beliefs and the problem of... more
Der Begriff ›Gepflogenheit‹ hat in Wittgensteins Philosophie eine zentrale Stellung. Da dieser Begriff jedoch bis heute nur wenig erforscht worden ist, soll seine Relevanz in diesem Beitrag herausgearbeitet werden. Der Übergang von der... more
Although multitudes of contemporaries use psychoanalysis to explain their actions to one another, we hardly manage to discern a social phenomenon in the widespread recourse to this analytical idiom. For we have grown accustomed to the... more
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 1 mai 2019. Corela-cognition, représentation, langage est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes... more
D'innombrables contemporains ont recouru et recourent encore à la psychanalyse pour se rendre compte de leurs actions les uns aux autres. Plusieurs chercheurs demeurent pourtant réticents à considérer cette pratique comme un phénomène... more
Many philosophers claim that intuitions are evidential. Yet it is hard to see how introspecting one's mental states could provide evidence for such synthetic truths as those concerning, for example, the abstract and the... more
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 1 mai 2019. Corela-cognition, représentation, langage est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes... more
Discovering the power of architecture when purposefully design to deal with human mind. By studying the phenomenon of human brain and translating the tricks and techniques of magic and mentalism into architectural language, spaces are... more
The subject of this paper is Kripkensteinˈs critique of mentalistic explanation of linguistic normativity, as well as his intersubjective conception of normativity. The author argues against dominant interpretation of Kripkensteinˈs view... more