Mathematical reasoning and proof
Recent papers in Mathematical reasoning and proof
Mathematics is about problems, and problems must be made the focus of a students mathematical life. Painful and creatively frustrating as it may be, students and their teachers should at all times be engaged in the process-having ideas,... more
In the article, the philosophical significance of quantum computation theory for philosophy of mathematics is discussed. In particular, I examine the notion of "quantum-assisted proof" (QAP); the discussion sheds light on the problem of... more
This is a small (98 page) textbook designed to teach mathematics and computer science students the basics of how to read and construct proofs. Why do students take the instruction "prove" in examinations to mean "go to the next... more
Introduction to mathematical arguments/proof. This is an portfolio with different proofs.
This column will publish short (from just a few paragraphs to ten or so pages), lively and intriguing computer-related mathematics vignettes. These vignettes or snapshots should illustrate ways in which computer environments have... more
This paper brings up some important points about logic, e.g., mathematical logic, and also an inconsistence in logic as per Gödel's incompleteness theorems which state that there are mathematical truths that are not decidable or... more
We point out seven features that appear to partly constitute a distinctive rhetorical style in which mathematical proofs are written. As evidence for this, we report on a mathematics journal survey and on interviews with eight... more
Los recursos tecnológicos digitales han mostrado la posibilidad de profundizar en la naturaleza del conocimiento matemático y establecer nexos entre diferentes conceptos. La investigación didáctica ha mostrado que es posible usarlos para... more
First days of a logic course This short paper sketches one logician’s opinion of some basic ideas that should be presented on the first days of any logic course. It treats the nature and goals of logic. It discusses what a student can... more
This article outlines teaching ideas appropriate for primary mathematics. It is mainly aimed at primary school teachers and teacher-researchers. James Russo shares his experiences of exploring proof with a group of 8-and 9-year old... more
In this chapter, the traditional approach of introducing proof in geometry as a means of verification is critiqued from a philosophical as well as a psychological point of view, and in its place an alternative approach to the... more
Mathematicians distinguish between proofs that explain their results and those that merely prove. This paper explores the nature of explanatory proofs, their role in mathematical practice, and some of the reasons why philosophers should... more
This is the first page of the paper "Coloring the Fourth Dimension. Coloring Polytopes and Complex Curves at the End of the Nineteenth Century", which deals with the epistemological roles and functions of color in mathematics during the... more
Tarski’s proof of the law of identity Tarski’s LEIBNIZ’S LAW [Introduction to Logic, Sect. 17] is the second-order sentence in variable-enhanced English: For everything x, for everything y: x = y iff x has every property y has and y... more
Mathematicians distinguish between proofs that explain their results and those that merely prove. This paper explores the nature of explanatory proofs, their role in mathematical practice, and some of the reasons why philosophers should... more
Mathematical induction is a proof technique that can be applied to establish the veracity of mathematical statements. This professional practice paper offers insight into mathematical induction as it pertains to the Australian Curriculum:... more
The paper uses the structure and math of Prime Generators to show there are an infinity of twin primes, proving the Twin Prime Conjecture, as well as establishing the infinity of other k-tuples of primes.
Although traditionally neglected, mathematical diagrams have recently begun to attract attention from philosophers of mathematics. By now, the literature includes several case studies investigating the role of diagrams both in discovery... more
Examples play a critical role in mathematical practice, particularly in the exploration of conjectures and in the subsequent development of proofs. Although proof has been an object of extensive study, the role that examples play in the... more
This paper is concerned with undergraduate and graduate students’ problem solving as they encounter it in attempting to prove theorems, mainly to satisfy their professors in their courses, but also as they conduct original research for... more
Our study is exploratory. We introduce a possibility on how the processes of experimentation with technology and algebraic approaches may be combined to investigate Ruffini’s rule. We highlight simulations, visual aspects, conjectures,... more
Esirgeyen ve Bağışlayan Tanrı'nın adıyla 12/20/1993 Sayın Carl Sagan, Üç yıl önce, "İlişki" adlı romanınızı okuduğumdan beri, si-zinle "ilişki" kurmayı düşünüyordum. Geçenlerde, dizi halinde yayınlanan yazılarınız beni bu mektubu... more
I am Kishlaya Jaiswal, a high school student (at the time of writing this document), and I have a great curiosity in Research and Mathematics. In this paper, I’ll be presenting and proving the Vandermonde’s Identity. I’ll also be... more
This paper discusses some renewed interest in geometry research as well as the Van Hiele theory of learning geometry, the USEME teaching experiment in 1977/78, and some implications for teaching of new developments such as dynamic geometry.
Teacher is the pivot of the whole educational process.The present study attempts to compare the emotional intelligence of senior secondary teachers in relation to their teaching aptitude. For this purpose, the investigator adopted random... more
This is a text for a course that introduces math majors and math-education majors to the basic concepts, reasoning patterns, and language skills that are fundamental to higher mathematics. The skills include the ability to read... more
By tertiary level, in this chapter, we will be referring to undergraduate students majoring in mathematics, including preservice secondary mathematics teachers. Also, in so far as there is information, this chapter will also deal with... more
This paper describes algorithmic proofs of the four color theorem based on spiral chains.
Para creer un enunciado necesitamos motivos. ¿Está más allá de toda duda, o es razonable creer y simultáneamente dudar de él? Y si podemos creer y dudar de un grupo de enunciados, ¿hay enunciados más creíbles o menos creíbles que otros?... more
This paper aims to clarify Merleau-Ponty's contribution to an embodied-enactive account of mathematical cognition. I first identify the main points of interest in the current discussions of embodied higher cognition and explain how they... more
Abstrak. Kemampuan siswa dalam pembuktian matematika memegang peranan penting pembelajaran matematika yang telah menjadi perhatian banyak pihak terutama ahli pendidikan matematika. Oleh karena itu, masalah -masalah pembuktian perlu... more
Este trabalho pretende estudar as concepções e práticas de três professores do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico, pertencentes a três gerações diferentes, acerca da resolução de problemas, raciocínio e comunicação. Para isso procura dar... more
Gauss's quadratic reciprocity theorem is among the most important results in the history of number theory. It's also among the most mysterious: since its discovery in the late 18th century, mathematicians have regarded reciprocity as a... more
Öz Bu çalışma 7. sınıf ortaokul öğrencilerinin Matematik dersindeki muhakeme etme beceri düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılının birinci döneminde, Türkiye'nin Karadeniz bölgesinde bulunan... more
Ethics and mathematics have long invited comparisons. On the one hand, both ethical and mathematical propositions can appear to be knowable a priori, if knowable at all. On the other hand, mathematical propositions seem to admit of proof,... more
On pense généralement que l'impossibilité, l'incomplétdulité, la paracohérence, l'indécidabilité, le hasard, la calcul, le paradoxe, l'incertitude et les limites de la raison sont des questions scientifiques physiques ou mathématiques... more
The paper uses the structure and math of Prime Generators to show there are an infinity of twin primes, proving the Twin Prime Conjecture, as well as establishing the infinity of other k-tuples of primes.
This paper discusses the nature of mathematical induction, and analyses it mathematically and psychologically, including behavioural and conceptual dimensions and prerequisites, and common errors and misconceptions. It analyses the... more
This paper shows why the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ will always be on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 and not anywhere else on the critical strip bounded by Re(s) = 0 and Re(s) = 1, thus affirming the validity of the... more