Maritime Boundary Delimitation
Recent papers in Maritime Boundary Delimitation
This paper will discuss the political and legal aspects of the maritime disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the factors relevant to their conciliation. The first part of the paper introduces the Mediterranean Sea and the relevance... more
On 3rd December 2014, Ghana and Côte d’lvoire concluded a special agreement to submit their ongoing dispute over the Atlantic Ocean to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). By the order dated 12th January 2015, the... more
Natuna or better known as the Natuna Islands is one of the border areas in Indonesia that has complex problems. As a cluster of islands bordering Indonesia with Malaysia and Vietnam, the Natuna Islands are also located in the South China... more
Kebutuhan Anggaran Biaya Pembuatan Peta Batas Desa Secara Kartometrik di Desa Wates Kec. Jenangan Kab. Ponorogo, Kode POS: 63492
The Guyana-Suriname boundary dispute is one that is just about two centuries old and provisionally accepted by the two neighbouring colonial provincial governors. Both governments have made claims to an almost uninhabited forest area of... more
The jurisprudence of international courts of the last decade as regards the delimitation of maritime zones and its application in the eventual future delimitation of Greece’s maritime boundaries with her neighboring countries will be... more
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is the document that serves as the public and customary law, codifies the various maritime zones and their regime. Jurisdiction over maritime zones is important in terms of... more
The main purpose of this article is to present the maritime delimitation dispute in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, submitted before the International Court of Justice in 2014. Hence, the full... more
General presentation of the regime of the continental shelf (history, evolution and current challenges including delineation and delimitation)
This paper deals with the possible disappearance of some island States as a result of one of the negative effects of climate change, i.e., the sea level rise. In this sense, this phenomenon of ‘disappearing island States’ implies serious... more
The charm of maritime delimitation and its enigmatic lessons hardly surprise us, yet the reasoning behind them sometimes seems seductively elusive. On September 23, 2017, a Special Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the... more
On July 07, 2014 the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) gave the final verdict on the Maritime Boundary Dispute between Bangladesh and India which has given Bangladesh a mass access to the sea as well as a key to the further economic... more
Departing from the observation that traditionally the law of State responsibility has hardly interacted with the law of territory, the article examines how these two fields of international law may relate in the case of State action in... more
This article is a late response to Bjørn Kunoy’s article “The Admissibility of a Plea to an International Adjudicative Forum to Delimit the Outer Continental Shelf Prior to the Adoption of Final Recommendations by the Commission on the... more
Las dos primeras décadas de la historia diplomática en el diferendo territorial por la Guayana Esequiba y las propuestas para el desarrollo conjunto de la Zona en Reclamación entre el Presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez y el Primer Ministro... more
Depuis plus d’un siècle, les contentieux liés aux frontières maritimes n’ont cessé de croître. Liés à l’augmentation des espaces sous souveraineté étatique, et donc des réclamations sur une même zone, il a fallu trouver des fondements... more
This article considers all questions relating to thc délimitation of inaritime spaces betwecn Spain and Morocco, whether in the Mediterranean or the Atlantic. Although these questions are sensitive ones in themselves, they are made even... more
The Law of the Sea reflects the competing interests of Nations over the resources of the oceans since humanity first set forth upon the seas. The sovereign control over the oceans has been an ongoing concern prior to the 20th century... more
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This essay examines recent decisions of international courts and tribunals—specifically, the 2009 Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea case between Romania and Ukraine—and draws implications for the territorial and... more
This summer, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PAC) held the first oral hearings in the case brought by the Philippines against China concerning the South China Sea. Before considering any substantive issues, the PAC has to decide... more
Arctic warming poses considerable legal challenges to the region. The fast disappearance of polar ice will increase economic activity, destabilize the environment, and create a host of security issues. Previous discussions have tended to... more
Bu çalışma, deniz hukuku alanında yeni bir kavram olan münhasır ekonomik bölgenin tanımı, tarihsel olarak gelişimi ve devletlerin münhasır ekonomik bölgedeki uygulamalarıyla ortaya çıkan sınırlandırma anlaşmaları, uluslararası deniz... more
A finales de mayo del año 2015, fue presentado a la nación venezolana un decreto presidencial que en su contenido y alcance evidenciaría una manufactura de corte castrense. Un decreto que por el ámbito de validez espacial que pretendía... more
The landmark dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the territories in the South Atlantic has been studied for decades from a territorial perspective. However, the possibility provided for under UNCLOS to extend the... more
This book describes the system of indexes, developed by the IMEMO for evaluation of the overall maritime potential of a country. The Index of Maritime Might (IMM) is atop this system. This research includes the rankings of the top-100... more
Environmental changes, such as sea level rise and coastal erosion, have an increasing impact on coastlines worldwide. Unilaterally declared maritime limits are generally determined by reference to coastlines and they are only binding... more
In an era where hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities keep soaring, the law of maritime delimitation has a vital role to play. Even though the optimal result in a delimitation dispute would be the establishment of a... more
The pending maritime delimitations between Spain and Morocco are highly complex and noteworthy due to the existence of diverse factors, namely the particularity that the delimitations shall be conducted in two different seas: the Alboran... more
"The article analyses the trends in continental shelf boundary agreements that extend beyond 200 nautical miles. The focus is on three issues: first, the delimitation method; second, whether States have acted on the basis that they have... more
Overlapping maritime entitlements to the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf must be delimited on the basis of international law to produce equitable solutions. The coastal front gives rise to maritime entitlements and is,... more
Nesta obra publicam-se as Actas da Conferência ‘20 anos da entrada em vigor da CNUDM: Portugal e os recentes desenvolvimentos no Direito do Mar’, que se realizou na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, no dia 29 de Outubro de... more
An international Arbitral Tribunal in its Award dated 07 July 2014 has sought to peacefully settle maritime boundary between Bangladesh and India in the Bay of Bengal. The article discusses complex and vexing question as to methodology... more
For centuries, the Mediterranean Sea has been a strategic sea lane for goods-laden vessels that are destined for ports in Europe and elsewhere. Beneath the East Mediterranean, a portion of the Mediterranean Sea, lies untapped natural gas... more
Currently, the Eastern Mediterranean region is undergoing one of the most intense crises the region has ever witnessed. The main reason behind the current crisis is the increasing discoveries of significant oil and hydrocarbon fields in... more
Doğu Akdeniz havzası, tarih boyunca sayısız politik güç arasındaki çeşitli uyuşmazlıklara tanıklık etmiştir. Günümüzde de özellikle 2000’li yılların başlarından beri büyük hidrokarbon rezervlerinin keşfedilmesini takiben Doğu Akdeniz’e... more
When investments have been made in an area in which a State asserts its sovereignty, but its boundaries later shift, which investment protection treaties apply? To illustrate this issue, this article focuses on the petroleum licenses in... more
The focal point of this book is the question related to the maritime boundary between Ecuador and Peru taking into consideration the official position of both countries as expressed in public documents and international agreements, the... more
Like other South China Sea claimants, Vietnam deploys a range of arguments to support its narrative, including the invocation of historical documents, many of which are Western in origin. Hanoi has argued that such documents are... more
This article addresses maritime boundary delimitation concerning the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles. The focal point is how the foot of the continental slope can be used as the point of departure in drawing the provisional... more
States have long fought to extend the limits to their maritime entitlements seaward but sea level rise and coastal erosion is threatening to push those limits landward.
В статье рассматриваются методологические проблемы, возникающие при проведении количественной оценки морского потенциала (мощи) различных государств. Для расчета данного показателя автор предлагает свою систему индексов-морских ресурсов,... more