Logical Form
Recent papers in Logical Form
In the unpublished work Theory of Knowledge† a complex is assumed to be “anything analyzable, any- thing which has constituents” (p. 79), and analysis is presented as the “discovery of the constituents and the manner of combination of a... more
The tremendous success of the World Wide Web is countervailed by efforts needed to search and find relevant information. For tabular structures embedded in HTML documents typical keyword or link-analysis based search fails. The Semantic... more
The paper presents an outline of a unified answer to five questions concerning logic: (1) Is logic in the mind or in the world? (2) Does logic need a foundation? What is the main obstacle to a foundation for logic? Can it be overcome? (3)... more
In this paper, Ockham's theory of an ideal language of thought is used to illuminate problems of interpretation of his theory of truth. The twentieth century idea of logical form is used for finding out what kinds of atomic sentences... more
I show that for Ryle, category mistakes are mistakes of conjunction and quantification, not predication. Big implications for metaphysics follow.
This volume continues the discussion initiated in Part 1 of "Logical Forms" and deals with issues of language, logic, proof, and knowledge. I list the chapter titles: 13. Language, meaning, and reference. 14. Syntax and semantics. 15... more
This volume breaks new grounds b< bringing together a great variety of innovative contributions on triangulation, epistemology, and mind. The notion of "triangulation", developed by Donald Davidson (1917-2003) during the last two... more
I analyze Russell's account of the nature of relations (internal vs. external) and its logical, epistemological and metaphysical implications. In doing this, I also consider the problems of the unity of propositions, of their logical... more
Resumen: La aplicación de la lógica matemática a la evaluación de argumentos del lenguaje natural presupone que la
Il Tractatus logico-philosophicus di Wittgenstein attribuisce una forma ad entità a prima vista disparate: gli oggetti semplici; la realtà nel suo complesso; le proposizioni. In questo libro, Giorgio Lando pone la teoria della forma al... more
In this paper, I claim that the main reason why we should study (and teach) logic, at any level of education, is that what we call "logic" sometimes is simply wrong. More specifically: the forms that guide our reasoning sometimes make us... more
This paper shows why the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ must always be on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 and not anywhere else on the critical strip bounded by Re(s) = 0 and Re(s) = 1, thus affirming the validity of the... more
Corcoran, J. 1989. Argumentations and Logic. Argumentation 3: 17-43 Argumentations are at the heart of the deductive and the hypothetico-deductive methods, which are involved in attempts to reduce currently open problems to problems... more
This paper shows why the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ will always be on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 and not anywhere else on the critical strip bounded by Re(s) = 0 and Re(s) = 1, thus affirming the validity of the... more
This paper investigates wh-in-situ questions in Najdi Arabic. It documents the distribution of in-situ wh-phrases in Najdi Arabic and compares it to Lebanese Arabic (Aoun, Benmamoun, and Choueiri 2010). It also discusses the two major... more
for helpful comments on earlier drafts.
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the origin and the bounds of the schematic hylomorphism in ancient and medieval logic. The sub-purposes are fourfold. Firstly, various explications of the logical hylomorphism will be... more
Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) systems provide a logically shared memory over physically distributed memory to enable parallel computation on Networks of Workstations (NOWs). In this paper, we propose an infrastructure for DSM systems to... more
This paper compares performance of a linguistically motivated probabilistic context free grammar-based (L-PCFG) language model against a base line class ngram-based language model on data from a medium vocabulary application, the Clarissa... more
The paper argues that by modelling the incremental and left-right process of interpretation as a process of growth of logical form (representing logical forms as trees), an integrated typology of left-dislocation and right-dislocation... more
This article proposes a novel technique to generate natural language descriptions for a wide class of relational database queries. The approach to describing queries is phrasal and is restricted to a class of queries that return only... more
Simulating human language understanding on the computer is a great challenge. A way to approach it is to represent natural language meanings in logic, and to use logical provers to determine what does and does not follow from a text. What... more
In the article the structure of the negative clauses in Czech has been iscussed with respect to different types of clauses. We started from the typological observations conceming the possible means of expressing negation in the world... more
I will suggest, in this article, a possible explanation of the fact that legal language appears incoherent to the general public. I will present one legal text (an indictment), explaining why it appears incoherent to legal laypersons. I... more
There is almost a consensus among conditional experts that indicative conditionals are not material. Their thought hinges on the idea that if indicative conditionals were material, A → B could be vacuously true when A is false, even if B... more
Abstract Guillermo Rosado-Haddock: In this paper on Oswaldo Chateaubriand's book Logical Forms I, I am mostly concerned with the critical task of indicating some shortcomings and stressing my disagreements with the distinguished scholar.... more
In questa comunicazione, non intendo contribuire all'analisi di questa o quella classe di espressioni linguistiche. Vorrei invece dare un contributo
Many researchers believe that certain aspects of natural language processing, such as word sense disambiguation and plan recognition in stories, constitute abductive inferences. We have been working with a specific model of abduction,... more
We present a method for extracting sentences from an individual document to serve as a document summary or a pre-cursor to creating a generic document abstract. We apply syntactic analysis of the text that produces a logical form analysis... more
This is a paper versions of which I have presented at Denison University, Edinburgh, and UC Irvine. It has been improved by comments from all three audiences. It may be ready to send somewhere. The basic idea is that essentialism is... more