Local Correlation Methods
Recent papers in Local Correlation Methods
Genetic algorithm is used to perform variable selection to determine the ranges of wavelengths in NIR spectral data suitable to be used as predictors in multivariate calibration model via partial least squares. The NIR spectral data... more
Tying the synthetic trace to the actual seismic trace at the well location is a labor-intensive task that relies on the interpreter's experience and the similarity metric used. The traditional seismic to well tie suffers from subjectivity... more
An approximation to the many-body London dispersion energy in molecular systems is expressed as a functional of the occupied orbitals only. The method is based on the local-RPA theory. The occupied orbitals are localized molecular... more
This paper proposes to manage data structures manipulated by the proposed correlation function based on a new concept called Multi-violation Detectors (MvD). The MvD-based correlation function manipulates events based on metrics that... more