Literary Anthropology
Recent papers in Literary Anthropology
Following Wolfgang Iser’s studies, literary criticism could no longer avoid a confrontation with the phenomenology of the act of reading. This has led the analysis of a literary text towards new researches regarding the reader’s response... more
Il codice arcadico ovvero Venus magistra vitae 1 Quando, nell'ottobre del 1749, l'Accademia di Digione sollevò pubblicamente la questione "se il ristabilimento delle scienze e delle arti avesse contribuito a purificare i costumi", un... more
Taylor brings an ethnographer’s eye, ear, and many years of experience to this fictional portrait of life along the US/Mexico desert border. In these linked short stories, readers are taken on a wild ride from San Diego to Nogales, into... more
This graduate seminar is an invitation to think through what it takes to do and write ethnography. You will alternate between readings that explicitly address methods for conducting fieldwork and those that enact and theorize the... more
The study analyses the development and change of gender semantics during the 'long 19th century', based on the premiss of the constitutive role of literature as a medium where socio-historical concepts are formed and reflected upon. In... more
Identità relazionale, sintagmatica e paradigmatica La categoria del personaggio è tornata al centro della riflessione teorico-letteraria, dopo l'eclissi narratologica, e dunque mi pare meritevole anche di un tentativo di analisi nel... more
Spanish Orientalism, America, Granada, Literary Anthropology
This master's thesis tries to answer the research question “What is post-irony, and how does it manifest itself on social media?”. The study was conducted through fieldwork carried out on the visual- and auditory- social world of VRChat,... more
The Communism has pleaded for uniforms, believing that it will erase social differences, and the literature is one of the most interesting channels for receiving this state of affairs as depersonalization by clothing in the Communist... more
Realizzazione editoriale: Omnibook, Bari Finito di stampare nel febbraio dalle Arti Grafiche Editoriali Srl, Urbino ISBN --- Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. della legge aprile , n. ) Senza... more
2022. ¿Se sigue hablando de "la ciencia del hombre" para referirse a la antropología? Las agendas contemporáneas parecerían indicar que no, pero la evidencia documental sugiere lo contrario. O mejor: indica que la elección y uso de... more
Opposed to Czech literary criticism, which draws inspiration from anthropological knowledge very reluctantly, contemporary literary criticism in Poland is barely thinkable without “an anthropological perspective”. A great number of... more
The conventional definition of a conceptual class is that its members must possess certain properties in common. Vygotsky and Wittgenstein have shown that this definition is unrealistic and logically unnecessary. The resultant recognition... more
Tavern in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Summary A tavern or a pub in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania could be interpreted in two paradigms. One of them is based on the carnival culture theory of Michail Bachtin. In this case, a pub... more
This book tells the remarkable story of the friendship between Liria Hernández, a Roma woman from Madrid, and Paloma Gay y Blasco, a non-Roma anthropologist. In this unique reciprocal experiment, the former informant returns the gaze to... more
La collana intende pubblicare volumi di carattere multi-e interdisciplinare, in italiano e in altre lingue, capaci di misurarsi e dialogare con la critica internazionale, proponendo una innovativa esplorazione e trasgressione dei confini... more
The aesthetic nature of witness-narratives raises theoretical concern insofar as this particular form of storytelling blends different genres and crosses the boundaries of literary, historical, and juridical rhetoric. From the point of... more
Ocalić od zapomnienia: Teofila Bobko-Jankowska (1920–2009) Artykuł stanowi dokumentację twórczości miejscowej poetki Teofili Bobko-Jankowskiej (1920–2009) związanej z warmińską miejscowością Biskupiec. Zebrany materiał należy do kategorii... more
Review Essay of Fairy Tale: A Very Short Introduction. Marina Warner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. xxix + 156 pages. 9780199532155
Résumé Le théâtre d'Eugène Ionesco fait l'objet d'un paradoxe: son «avant-gardisme» spectaculaire se nourrit d'une vision essentiellement classique. Plus précisément, Ionesco envisage des «archétypes oubliés», et cherche à les... more
Rodney Needham, Classificazionepolitetica: convergenzaeconseguenze................................................................................. Massimo Bonafin, Alcuneimplicazionitassonomichedellostudio... more
La collana intende pubblicare volumi di carattere multi-e interdisciplinare, in italiano e in altre lingue, capaci di misurarsi e dialogare con la critica internazionale, proponendo una innovativa esplorazione e trasgressione dei confini... more
Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung gewinnt die Weltgeschichtsschreibung in besonderem Maße an Bedeutung. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht André de Melo Araújo das bislang unerforschte Gesamtspektrum des spätaufklärerischen... more
The article aims to outline aspects, features and functions of a cluster of characters in some chansons de geste, in particular Yon and Gaifier, both designated often as rulers of Aquitaine (or Gascony). Around these characters, we can... more
Despite its pervasive presence in our daily experience, narration has today lost much of its original cultural weight. The narrative act instead has played a fundamental role in those traditional communities which for centuries moulded... more
Although Wolfgang Iser is one of the most influential literary theorists of the twentieth century, there is no authoritative study about his oeuvre. The present work remedies that problem by analysing Iser’s German and English writings in... more
Luis Rosales, poetry, Andalusia, flamenco
Inspired by Polish literary scholar Anna Łebkowska's writing, this thesis is a work of anthropology that focuses on the specific population of writers from postcolonial nations who live in exile in the land of their former colonizers. I... more
In this paper I deal with the concept of "literary anthropology", reconstructing its history from the "anthropological turn" in literature in the Eighties (Poyatos; Iser) both in the Anglo-American and in the German context. In the last... more
У овом раду се служим идејама књижевне антропологије да књи-жевна дела представљају легитимно поље антрополошког рада. С тим у вези, анализирам роман "Снежни човек" (1996) Давида Албахарија из његове тзв. "канадске трилогије". Намера ми... more
Literary Images of Christ as Hero in the Early Poetry of Dorothy L. Sayers: The Influence of English and French Romanticism Barbara L. Prescott As a Christian apologist, Dorothy L. Sayers is rarely considered to be an author whose... more
This article examines Berlin's ascendance to the status of a global city and in particular the tethering of this discourse to the city's attraction for institutions of world literature. Drawing on fieldwork between 2011 and 2017, it... more
Page layout does not correspond to published text. Please quote from the original publication. P. 1 L'eredità di Nuto Revelli I. I diari di guerra, dalla campagna di Russia alla Resistenza. 1946 -1967 P. 18: L"esordio P. 47: La guerra dei... more
This essay discusses the craft of writing and also the pressure to write in anthropology today.
Slightly earlier version of my chapter in 'Centralizing fieldwork: critical perspectives from primatology, biological and social anthropology', edited by myself and A.Fuentes, Oxford: Berghahn, 2011, pp. 156-272
Le propagginazioni del motivo dei vanti nell'area francese legata ai rifacimenti della storia narrata nel Voyage de Charlemagne non sono l'unico né il più notevole esempio che l'area romanza offra al nostro studio. Nell'antica letteratura... more
Artful Immorality – Variants of Cynicism. Machiavelli, Gracián, Diderot, Nietzsche. WeltLiteraturen / World Literatures. 8. Eds. Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, Stefan Keppler-Tasaki, and Joachim Küpper. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015. Available... more
A look at "Cuentos de la selva" by Horacio Quiroga in the perspective of literary anthropology.
This paper is an attempt to review the concept of auditivity, which has been introduced implicitly by Antonio Candido, elaborated by Luiz Costa Lima, developed by João Cezar de Castro Rocha and currently is being taken up by Marília... more