Letters & documents (History)
Recent papers in Letters & documents (History)
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
The text and translation of the selected letters presented here (twenty-one in all) forms part of a hitherto unpublished corpus of letters in Syriac, Neo-Aramaic and Arabic written and sent during the 1880’s from Mosul to Berlin by... more
The main focus of this study is a methodological analysis of private letters written by Spanish emigrants from the Americas to their relatives and friends back in Europe, with an intensive discussion about the interaction and blurring... more
Edición entera de 1214 cartas de emigrantes.
This article analyzes the history of editions of letters written in America by Spanish emigrants to their families and friends during the colonial era. We also trace how Spanish and Latin American historiography made use of emigrant... more
This paper studies the interaction between clerical and lay English Catholics on the Continent in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In contrast with Protestant exiles, who established separate exile churches, Catholic... more
Retomamos el 25.º aniversario de de las Cartas privadas de Enrique Otte para hacer un repaso por las ediciones de similares cartas producidas desde entonces. Se analizan los fondos de los que se han sacado, se establece una tipología de... more
This essay combines literary criticism with archival work in order to explore the relationship between two material signs that were often connected figuratively in English Renaissance literature, the seal and the hymen. While the seal... more
This article is about passion and prurience, about those who write love letters and the scholars who subsequently wish to read them.It examines some ofthe practical and textual difficulties that the scholar encounters in attempting to... more
"The celebrated 1710 trial of Doctor Henry Sacheverell has been viewed as a classic example of the politicised 'state trial'. This work offers a critical edition of original texts and documents necessary for understanding the trial's... more
During the first third of the 16th century there was a burst of messianic interest among the Jews of Italy. The messianic interest was fed by constant rumors suggesting that the ten lost tribes have been found, and are on their way back... more
In this paper I have analyzed connection between rumors on the Holocaust circulating in Warsaw ghetto and emergence of knowledge on that issue among the public opinion and ordinary inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto. I have focused on... more
Prof.univ.dr. Gheorghe POPOVICI Conf.univ.dr. Carmen ALBERT REȘIȚA-NOVI SAD 2012 Traduceri rezumate în limba engleză: Alina COTEA-GUGA 9 Volumul a fost realizat cu sprijinul Consiliului Județean Caraș-Severin și al Universității "Eftimie... more
In this paper I have analyzed connection between rumors on the Holocaust circulating in Warsaw ghetto and emergence of knowledge on that issue among the public opinion and ordinary inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto. I have focused on... more
Distinctions between public and private — however problematic and contested — turn on notions of borders or boundaries and this essay examines approaches to collections of private and, in some cases, highly personal papers that have found... more
The early 19th century was a period of intense turmoil and chaos in the Spanish-speaking world: The Napoleonic Wars and French occupation of the Peninsula in the 1800s, independence movements in the Americas, the liberal constitution of... more
Edición digital de un conjunto de cartas privadas escritas desde diferentes puntos del Caribe a España a fines del Trienio Liberal, probablemente interceptadas por fuerzas absolutistas.
Cet article entend détailler un moment clé de redéfinition des frontières raciales dans la petite ville de Nambucca Heads sur la côte nord des New South Wales : le processus de la ségrégation de l’école en 1915. L’examen minutieux de tous... more
It is clear to anybody who has ever heard of Napoleon that he was a military genius. In just a few years, He managed to conquer the majority of Europe, dividing it between the French empire and satellite states. What most people ignore... more
Encounters between researchers and the archive are embodied ones: it is not only the intellectual, but also the physical (and emotional) dimensions of the encounter that endow it with its unique texture. While there is remarkably little... more