Legal Counseling
Recent papers in Legal Counseling
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
Being administered at local centres throughout the world in 120 countries, IELTS is one of the most widely used large-scale ESL tests that also offers a direct writing test component. Because of its popularity and its use for making... more
This brochure was developed to summarize the author's experience of work as a corporate counsel in multinational companies. The handbook describes the role, tasks, and challenges of an in-house lawyer. The corporate counsel's handbook... more
Dr. Jann M. Contento has been an institutional researcher in at Estrella Mountain Community College's Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness since 2002. He provides strategic planning and research analysis in support of... more
A reference work for specialists in student counselling and for those who employ counsellors in mental health services. It provides an analysis of research in this area and provides useful information on the extent and severity of student... more
At the top of the assessment pyramid are multinational testing corporations, best known by the names of their standardized tests, such as IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, BULATS, TKT, Cambridge ESOL main suite, or G-TELP (there are many other... more
This article explores the role of counsel before the International Court of Justice, taking into account their tasks under the Statute of the Court and the legal value of their pleadings in international law. Pleadings of counsel... more
Komentarz do uchwały Nr 10/2010 IX Krajowego Zjazdu Radców Prawnych z dnia 6 listopada 2010 r. stanowi obszerne omówienie aktu nazywanego ordynacją wyborczą do organów samorządu radców prawnych. Przedstawiono w nim najważniejsze wymogi,... more
Considering the Interpretation of Article XI of the US-Argentina BIT according to the VCLT; Considering that the Tribunal's award erroneous held that Argentina had breached the fair and equitable standard and the Umbrella clause of the... more