Judas Iscariot
Most downloaded papers in Judas Iscariot
The discovery and publication of the Gospel of Judas created a sensation in scholarly and popular settings alike. Much of the interest in the new publication grows out of the interpretation that was advanced, in which Judas Iscariot is... more
The fulfillment of “the Scriptures” in John 17:12 has long been a bone of contention among commentators on the Fourth Gospel. The majority of authors have argued that ἡ γραφή unmistakably refers to a passage in the Hebrew Bible. Wendy... more
Análisis de textos bíblicos canónicos y extracanónicos. RESUMEN Este artículo propone un recorrido analítico literario sobre la figura de Judas Iscariote. Para ello se rastrearán sus huellas en una serie de escritos del Nuevo Testamento:... more
Interview et article dans l'e-revue du Monde de la Bible
This is a synopsis of apostasy in Mark, Matthew, Luke-Acts, John, and the Epistles of John
Summary: Matthew and Luke provide us with quite different accounts of Judas’s death. Despite what’s often claimed, these accounts aren’t irreconcilable; rather, each author chooses to record a different aspect of Judas’s death, and... more
Scopo della presente ricerca è dimostrare in che modo il mito greco di Edipo sia suscettibile di essere studiato alla luce del folklore, ovvero in base a quali elementi si possa parlare di un "folk-tale" di Edipo e come uno studio... more
In this article, I examine the tradition of San Simón in Guatemala, from the perspectives of antisyncretic sacerdotes mayas (Maya Priests) associated with an activist Maya Spirituality, and costumbristas (followers of local... more
[…] lo contrario del pecado no es la virtud, sino la fe.
The cognomen "Iscariot" is usually explained as "Man from Kerioth". This theory is herein found to be wanting, and in its place other proposals are offered relating to Arimathæa, to leprosy, and -- newly added to this essay -- to the... more
What is meant by the puzzling expression "during eight days, three days before he celebrated Passover", appearing at Gospel of Judas page 33, lines 3-6? After showing how chronological references have literary functions within gospel... more
Despite this renewed attention, scholars have avoided situating their analyses of this pericope within the major debates about Papias' work. The question of whether Papias employed the methods of Greek rhetoric sits as the most relevant... more
In this article review of the most common gestures of Judas Iscariot in “The Last Supper” icons іn Ukrainian art is presented. The period 15th—18th centuries is considered. The main author’s conclusions are as follows. The gesture in the... more
La forma de representar a Judas Iscariote en la imaginería religiosa española RESUMEN Este breve artículo trata sobre la manera de representar al apóstol traidor (Judas Iscariote) en imaginería religiosa, iconografías herederas del siglo... more
El término predestinación refiere específicamente a la actividad cognitiva de Dios respecto a las acciones humanas libres, puede decirse que refiere a la actividad volitiva del Creador. Cualquier decisión divina relacionada con la... more
У монографії розглядаються особливості іконографії Юди Іскаріота в українському мистецтві XV—XVIII ст. та символіка його образу. В дослідженні зібрано та проаналізовано збережені пам’ятки образотворчого мистецтва з музейних та приватних... more
Summary. We study several Hispanic, Christian epitaphs, of Byzantine and Visigothic epoch, with a common denominator: they refer to Judas Iscariota (the Apostle of Jesus), in a typical formula of religious penalty or sorceress against... more
Representations of a life’s end generally play a decisive role in biographical storytelling. As the very last chapter they give a final status to all previous events. It is against this background this paper aims at a synopsis of the New... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT In this article, we examine the iconographical and textual evidence of Judas's damnation. Are his byzantine and post-byzantine representations in Hell corresponding to the canonical or extra-canonical sources and if so,... more
The monograph "The Death of Judas in the Bible and the Christian Tradition" (published in the scientific series "The Library ‘the Word of the Cross’"; Verbinum, 2012) is devoted to the Biblical account of the Judas’ death. It analyzes... more
My Huffington Post review of CNN's third "Finding Jesus" Episode (03/17/2015); while the Gospel of Judas offers no historical insights into the ministry of Jesus, it does reflect second- and third-century speculation about the role of... more
On pense souvent que la littérature qui traite de religion n’est que la mise en mots d’une pensée élaborée par le théologien, qu’il peine à exprimer : la Bible, texte premier, est d’abord interprétée par des théologiens, et ensuite les... more
The death of Judas (Matthew 27:5, Acts 1:18) in its patristic and medieval understanding as a divine retribution mirroring the traitor's sinful behaviour against Christ is investigated as a literary or iconographic subtext of medieval... more
History of the Reception of Judas Iscariot
A copy of my latest Sermon, from my first church service conducted in the new Fale Iupeli of the CCCS in Samoa. May God be praised for His continuing love and faith in my life and ministry. May He bless His Word as it continues to be... more
Littérature, no. 153 (Paris: Armand Colin), pp. 61-74
In the past decade, following the publication of Codex Tchacos and the Gospel of Judas, biblical and literary scholars have re-evaluated the presentation of Judas's actions and suicide in ancient texts and early literary traditions. Yet... more
Kann man Barths Judas-Interpretation als Schlüssel zu seiner Erwählungslehre wie zu seiner Dogmatik insgesamt lesen? Matthias Käser rückt mit seiner Studie Judas Ischarioth, der als «Überlieferer» von Christus seinen apostolischen Dienst... more
Judas, der Gerechte des Alten Testamentes Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich dem Thema „Der Tod des Judas (Mt 27,3-10) im Licht der alttestamentlichen Gesetzesvorschriften“. Im ersten Teil beleuchtet der Verfasser die Person des Judas... more
While the sacrifice of the man who bears Jesus in the Gospel of Judas is evidently what sets off the salvific dissolution of the archontic world, its way is prepared by the “stars that bring everything into completion.” These later,... more
Wer bei einem Kommentar und Studien zu gerade einmal 163 hexametrischen Versen aus Sedulius’ carmen paschale ein schlankes Büchlein erwartet, wird beim Anblick von Deerbergs Werk erstaunt sein. Auf nicht weniger als 552 Seiten bietet der... more
116 ché a causa della defezione di Giuda il numero di dodici è rimasto incompleto; invece la citazione del Sal 109, la Scrittura che deve essere adempiuta, apre all'elezione di Mattia. La complicazione centrale era stata implicitamente... more
Despite the cautiousness of the earliest gospel writer, there still stands Jesus´ note referring to Judas during the Last Supper, „It would have been better for that one not to have been born.” (Mk 14,21) A different stand is held by... more
This is a short story that illuminates why Jesus went willingly to his death. It is a dramatization of my Shorten-the-Days theory of the passion. It’s one heck of a short story, if I do say so myself, and it gives a whole new... more
Any eye wandering through the dense lines of Nahuatl text found among the rich contents of the so-called Codex Indianorum 7, presently held at the John Carter Brown Library in Province, Rhode Island (henceforth JCB-Ind. 7), will be caught... more
the Gnostic gospel of Judas, featuring some advanced doctrines and a few jokes by Jesus. Jesus confronts the rebellion of a number of his apostles. Here is a confession in Jesus name, that he walked out on everybody like the Buddha... more