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ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan membincangkan peranan dan kepentingan penubuhan Rumah Sedekah terhadap pembangunan ekonomi ummah. Salah satu mekanisme untuk meningkatkan ekonomi ummah adalah melalui dana yang dikumpul oleh Rumah Sedekah... more
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    • Islamic Charity (Sadaqa)
En Suisse, comme dans d'autres pays d'Europe occidentale, des associations musulmanes s'organisent pour fournir des prestations à vocation sociale et caritative. Ce phénomène interroge d'abord les évolutions d'un militantisme musulman... more
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      Social WorkSocial SciencesFaith Based OrganizationsIslamic Studies
Opinion 1-It can be given to those who are mentioned by Allah SWT as the recipients of Zakatul Maal .
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      Islamic StudiesPhilanthropyCharityZakat
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      SpiritualityPrayerIslamic StudiesIslamic Banking
Seiring dengan antusiasme masyarakat terhadap program pesantren yang semakin bertambah dari waktu ke waktu, dan dengan bertambah banyaknya jamaah, maka untuk menambah kenyamanan para jamaah dan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan ibadah, kami... more
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      Social MovementsInternational RelationsCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Networking
This is an annotation composed as footnotes upon the: Sawq’l-Umma Ila Ittiba` as-Sunna of my spiritual master, my doctrine of belief, my lamp, my support, my spiritual path, my guide and proof, the reviver of the Sunna, the knower of... more
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      African StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Borçlanma, insan hayatında sıkça karşılaşılan bir olgudur. Günümüz finansal araçlarının borçlanma davranışlarını karmaşıklaştırması, insanların faize düşme riskini artırmaktadır. Faizin neden olacağı sosyal, iktisâdî ve mânevî zararları... more
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic FinanceIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)Islam Iktisat Tarihi
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      HumanitarianismCharityHistory of CharityIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
Zakatul Fitr Chapter Excerpt from Ramadan and Fasting, by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty There are two types of Zakah in Islam. The first is the regular, compulsory charity (levied on the rich), also referred to specifically as Zakatul mal; it is... more
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      IslamFastingEid Ul FitrIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
"People in Motion" (PIMo) Training School
Centro Studi sui Monti di Pietà (Bologna)
13-16 June 2022
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      Economic HistorySocial HistoryMediterranean Studies (Area Studies)Early Modern economic and social history
Menuju Islam Yang Rahmatan Lil Alamin melalui Perayaan HBI maulid Nabi 2016
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      CharityFan CharityHistory of CharityIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
Au début de l’année 2010, au Sénégal, apparaît une étrange rumeur d’« offrande de la mort » : un individu à bord d’une voiture distribuerait des aumônes qui tuent les personnes qui les acceptent. L’histoire fait la une de l’actualité et... more
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      AnthropologyGift ExchangeIslamSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesSpiritualityQuranic Studies
This article examines the development of Muslim charitable practices in the Russian Empire (Volga-Ural region, Siberia and the northern Kazakh Steppe) from the Russian conquest of Kazan in 1552 to the 1917 Russian Revolution. Building... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesRussian HistoryIslamic History
The primary purpose of zakat is to "return wealth" to the local community. Identifying the needy in contemporary, economically segregated America requires outreach and effort. While zakat cannot, and is not intended to, solve structural... more
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      Islam in AmericaIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
Nur al-Din al-Raniri is among the prominent scholar in the field Islamic jurisprudence in the Malay world. He pioneered the continuation of the legacy of school al-Shafi'i in the Malay societies in South-east Asia. His famous work in the... more
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      Islamic Charity (Sadaqa)Kitab Jawi
The sociological dimensions of the development of a sectarian orientation in early Imami Shiʿism have remained sparsely explored since Marshall Hodgson posed the question 'How did the early Shia become sectarian?' in 1955. This article... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesHistory of the Islamic WorldIslamic History
Terdapat pelbagai kemudahan dan keringanan yang diturunkan sebagai pensyariatan termasuklah dalam perkara ibadat dan bukan ibadat. Ini kerana kemudahan itu adalah satu ciri-ciri dalam pensyariatan islam.
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      Welfare EconomicsModeling and SimulationIslamic BankingIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
Apparue au Sénégal au début de l'année 2010, une étrange rumeur d'« offrande de la mort » a circulé dans tout le pays pendant quelques semaines au cours desquelles elle a fait la une de l'actualité et occupé les conversations :
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      AnthropologyGift ExchangeIslamSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
Abstract: This paper examines the neglected practice of Inf’aq and attempts to reconcile it with the contemporary world. This forgotten practice cannot be revived until the leaders, political as well as religious, themselves step up and... more
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      Islamic EconomicsEducationIslamic PhilosophyQur'anic Studies
This study attempts to shed light on the contextual factors that could have influenced the attacks on Islamic charities and the issues that took their toll on their collective reputation. It aims to explore the impact of commitment and... more
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      TrustIslamic StudiesIslamCommitment
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Islam
In this book, Aisha Musa draws our attention to a critical issue in Islam: Whether the Hadith - the reports of sayings and deeds allegedly attributed to the Prophet Muhammad - commands authority as a source of religious guidance and law.... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic EthicsIslamic Banking
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      Charitable givingPhilanthropyCharityWaqf Model in Takaful
L’expérience islamiste soudanaise est loin d’avoir mis un terme à l’histoire conflictuelle du pays et ce malgré l’indépendance du Sud en juillet 2011. Pourtant, une meilleur intégration des régions, hormis le Sud, faisait partie des... more
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      SudanArab Spring (Arab Revolts)Islamic Charity (Sadaqa)SOUDAN
In Islam, the Talim of Muwas’at is emphasized which is one of the best ways to help others. A welfare society can never acquire success and happiness by remaining aloof from others. As a matter of fact, Muwas’at with one another in good... more
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      Welfare EconomicsEducationWelfare StateKoranic Schools
The growth of private welfare in Syria since the 1990s and a parallel détente between the Ba'th regime and the Islamic trend have allowed an Islamic movement called Jama'at Zayd to gain an impressive hold on Damascus’s charitable sector.... more
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    • Islamic Charity (Sadaqa)
GENERATING GENEROSITY IN CATHOLICISM AND ISLAM Using an innovative methodological approach combining field experiments , case studies, and statistical analyses, this book explores how the religious beliefs and institutions of Catholics... more
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      Experimental PsychologyComparative PoliticsSocial PolicyWelfare State
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence Newcastle University Pollard JS, Datta K, James A, Akli Q. Islamic charitable infrastructure and... more
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      FinanceHuman GeographyEconomic GeographyCommunity Resilience
This chapter investigates Islamic-inspired volunteerism at Deniz Feneri Aid and Solidarity Association (Deniz Feneri Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği), a charity operating in Turkey since 1998, under the light of theories of successive... more
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      SubjectivitiesMichel FoucaultVolunteerismIslamic Student Activism
True peacemakers stop the evil when witnessed within the beginning before it is able to fully manifest itself. Learn the forgotten meanings whether of Jihad or any of the terminology 'break the cross' or Zakat and Sadaqa currently... more
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      Hebrew BibleTruthQuranic StudiesTafsir
Sénégal, janvier 2010 : un mystérieux personnage à bord d'une voiture distribuerait des offrandes de viande et d'argent qui tueraient ceux qui les acceptent. Pendant une quinzaine de jours, cette étrange rumeur circule dans tout le pays,... more
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      AnthropologyGift ExchangeIslamSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      CharityIslamic philanthropyIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
In the Muslim world "Ummah" or Community is a trans-national force that binds people, irrespective of geographic boundaries. But with the growing importance of nation-states and increased securitization of our societies, there has been... more
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      CharityCSR and philanthropyIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
Benevolence known in Islam as sadaqa is an integral component of Muslim religiosity. Muslims are generally accustomed to giving away charity as sign of religious devotion and care of the poor and needy in society. Yet while the... more
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic FinanceCharityIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
يهدف هذا البحث إلى محاولة إدراك العلم الإلهي في الطبيعة بناءً على بعض الآيات القرآنية والتفسير الروحاني للحركات في الطبيعة. أولًا، بناءً على الآية الكريمة (سورة الرحمن (55)، الآية: 7)، فإنَّ الله (سبحانه وتعالى) يحث المناطق الغنية... more
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      Islamic StudiesDivine ScienceIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
In Surah al-Baqarah, (2:261-275), the Qur'an discusses in detail the concept of spending in Allah's way and all the dos and don'ts associated with it. It is said that whatever we spend out of our wealth will be returned to us multiple... more
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      EthicsSocial JusticeIslamQuran
In early 2010, Senegal was gripped by a strange rumor known as the " death offering. " It spread throughout the country over several weeks, making headlines and feeding gossip. Reports say that since yesterday a crazy rumor has been... more
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      AnthropologyGift ExchangeIslamSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
Sadaqa is a voluntary act of charity performed in order to please God. Blanket donations can make a huge difference to a person or organisation, especially if they are homeless. Millions of the poorest people in the world cannot afford... more
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      Non Profit FundraisingCharityCharity fundraisingIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
Islam menganjurkan umatnya supaya berusaha dan memperolehi harta secara yang halal bagi mencapai kesenangan hidup di dunia dan di akhirat. Memiliki harta merupakan suatu nikmat yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT kepada kita semua. Sesiapa... more
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    • Islamic Charity (Sadaqa)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.. الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد ومن إتبعه واهتدى بهديه إلى يوم الدين أثار هذا الكتاب إعجابي،لأنه تناول موضوع الصدقة بطريقة جديدة لم أعهدها من قبل،وفق فيها بين منهج الشرع والعقل..فتوصل بعد... more
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      Islamic StudiesDivine ScienceIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
This paper questions claims about the all-pervasive neoliberalization of everyday life that dominate many debates in anthropology and beyond. Situated in deprived rural areas of post-war Bosnia–Herzegovina where socio-economic... more
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      Islamic EconomicsEconomic AnthropologyGift ExchangePostsocialism
Social assistance generally means eliminating the needs of people by providing goods or financial support. There might be some problems with social assistance, particularly at the stage of conveying assistance to the "recipients". For the... more
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      Social AssistanceIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
L’articolo prende le mosse dalla Nota maussiana dedicata all’elemosina – un tema difficile da affrontare nel contesto del Saggio sul dono di Marcel Mauss, ma impossibile da evitare – per indagare un modello diverso dalla reciprocità del... more
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      ArtMarcel MaussWaqf StudiesIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence Newcastle University Pollard JS, Datta K, James A, Akli Q. Islamic charitable infrastructure and... more
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      FinanceHuman GeographyEconomic GeographyCommunity Resilience
Гараев Д.М. Социальный капитал мусульманской общины как механизм профилактики радикализма (по материалам благотворительных проектов общины «Ярдэм») 845
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      CharityTatarstanIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)Islam In Russia
With the centennial of the official end of the First World War, which had a profound effect on the modern Middle East and the Islamic World, this year’s conference seeks papers around this theme, but also war and peace in the Middle East... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaMiddle East History
This article is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Andijan massacre and narrates on the fate of the Andijan religious community known for being influenced by the teaching of the self-taught theologian Akram Yuldashev. This is a... more
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      Human RightsRefugee StudiesCentral Asian StudiesIslamic Studies
A panel at the DAVO Congress in Berlin in October 2011, which I organized together with Inken Wiese. I thank our panelists Silvia Martens, Paula Schrode, Ebtisam Hussein and Inken Wiese.
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      PhilanthropyCharityIslamic Charity (Sadaqa)