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The goal of this paper is to explore the perception of Kosovo's citizens of the severity of tax evasion relative to other crimes and abuses. Perception of tax evasion may somewhat clarify the degree of rebelliousness with the tax laws.... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical SociologyLawCriminal Law
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      TaxationInternational Tax Policy
In international business, competitiveness is the crux of success, which means every effort has to be made to reduce the cost of production and marketing. Every single penny saved matters a lot and adds to an exporter’s global... more
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      BusinessEconomicsInternational Tax LawInternational Business
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) under Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action 2 indicated that tax arbitrage via hybrid mismatch arrangements “result in a substantial erosion of the taxable bases of... more
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      EconomicsTax LawInternational Tax LawTaxation
Multinationale Unternehmen haben viele Möglichkeiten ihre Steuerzahlungen zu minimieren. Dieses Policy Briefing stellt die gängigsten Methoden vor welche Unternehmen zur Steuervermeidung einsetzen. Außerdem stellt der Text bestehende... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax PolicyCorporate Taxation
Jurisdictional Excesses in BEPS’ Times:
National Appropriation of an Enhanced
Global Tax Basis
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      International BusinessInternational TaxationInternational Tax PolicyBEPS - Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual citizens. Taxes are used by states to fund the provision of public goods and public services, to engage in direct or indirect... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy
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      GlobalizationInternational Tax LawInternational BusinessEmerging Economies Multinational Enterprises
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      TaxationTax PolicyTax EvasionTax Compliance
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsInternational Tax LawDeveloping Countries
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      TaxationTax PolicyTax ComplianceInternational Tax Policy
"The global economic scenario seems increasingly characterized by an integrated financial systems resulting from the processes of globalization and liberalization of foreign exchange (with the relative capillary movement of capitals also... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsSocial Geography
This article examines certain specific points relating to the protection of the rights of taxpayers within the context of the exchange of information for tax purposes, with emphasis on the Brazilian experience. In this respect, the author... more
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationInternational Tax Policy
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      Tax LawInternational TaxationDireito Tributário (Tax Law)International Tax Policy
Second part of a three-part article published in Tax Planning International Review, Bloomberg-BNA
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationBusiness Taxation
El presente trabajo busca desarollar los aspectos más resaltantes de la fiscalidad de la asistencia técnica prestada por un no residente hacia el Perú, tanto en la legislación doméstica peruana, como en cuanto a su tratamiento en los CDI... more
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      Public FinanceInternational Tax LawTaxationBusiness Taxation
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform
Análisis comparado de la tributación de las rentas de origen ilícito delictivo al amparo de los ordenamientos jurídicos vigentes en España y los Estados Unidos de Norte América.
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      Criminal LawComparative LawTax LawInternational Tax Law
Many contemporary social, economical and political studies in the area of taxation do not give any definition of the term tax. Apparently it is assumed that everybody understands what the word tax means. This article discusses the... more
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      Future StudiesPolitical SociologySocial SciencesTax reform
Much has been written about the niceties of OECD’s Pillar One and its overall impact on Indian revenues, which is indeed at the heart of the digital tax debate. However, there have been few deliberations around other political, economic... more
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      International Tax LawTaxationTax reformBusiness Taxation
Just like the Germans celebrated by Tacitus, tax challenges posed by Digital Economy have been "magistrimuphati quam victi" 1 in the latest years by the OECD. Ever since the first inception of the BEPS Project,andright from 2013, digital... more
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      TaxationTax PolicyInternational Tax Policy
Overview of activities and publications, pls contact me, if you want access to any particular publication.
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      LawComparative LawInternational Tax LawTaxation
Problem Studied: This seminar paper deals with the concept of free trade zones in Nigeria and contentious issues that have arisen out of their operations. The main point of this paper is to analyse the history, concept, benefits,... more
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      LawTax LawInternational Tax LawTaxation
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Derecho Fiscal
This is the first in a series of articles analyzing international tax developments and their impact. This article focuses on traditional basic principles and restrictions imposed by international law on a state’s tax jurisdiction and how... more
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      International Tax LawTaxationBusiness TaxationCorporate Income Taxation
Taxation: Philosophical Perspectives is the first edited collection devoted to addressing philosophical issues relating to tax. The tax system is central to the operation of states and to the ways in which states interact with individual... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsPolitical EconomyPhilosophy
My 13 years old niece put me in a difficult position the other day when she asked me to write a speech for a competition at her school on the topic ‘inflation is taxation without legislation’. While I was surprised at the level of... more
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      Tax LawTaxationInflation TheoryInternational Tax Policy
I. Introducción II. Análisis conceptual III. El error “ excusable” IV. El error en el Derecho Penal Tributario a) Error de hecho b) El error de derecho penal y extrapenal V. Tendencias tributarias actuales en materia de error de derecho... more
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      Tax LawDerecho FiscalInternational Tax PolicyImpuestos y derecho tributario
co-authored by Juan Manuel Vazquez
[email protected]
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      Corporate Income TaxationDigital EconomyInternational Tax PolicyVAT
This book, written in Portuguese, is a compilation of 20 articles dedicated to international tax issues.
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationDireito Tributário (Tax Law)International Tax Policy
The Taxation trend in Western Balkans, 2016 publication is first edition of publication of tax policies and issues in the Western Balkans countries. The countries that compile the contents of this report are part of Western Balkans and... more
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      TaxationKosovoBosniaTax Policy
Dokumen ini merupakan ikhtisar mata kuliah perpajakan internasional mengenai tax treaties dan skema penghindaran pajak internasional
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      Tax TreatiesInternational TaxationInternational Tax PolicyInternational Tax Treaties
The objective of this contribution is to provide the OECD – with a view to designing the final 2020 Report-, the EU Institutions –projecting an eventual legislative action- and whatever States – considering or (re)considering unilateral... more
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      International TaxationInternational Tax PolicyInternational Business TaxationE-COMMERCE AND INTERNATIONAL TAXATION
En términos generales, habrá doble imposición internacional cuando una misma renta o un mismo elemento patrimonial 3 se gravan, en el mismo periodo impositivo, en dos o más estados a través de un impuesto de la misma o similar naturaleza. 4
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationDireito Tributário (Tax Law)Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationInternational Tax PolicyInternational and European Tax Law
Duplicity is endemic in the international tax regime as each country tries to secure the best deal it can for itself. Developed countries continue to demand standards from developing countries that they refuse to apply to themselves, the... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Tax LawInternational BusinessTax Policy
This study takes a fresh, thorough look at the interpretation and application of Article 3(2) and submits a new approach that transcends the current controversies and gridlock between the German and English positions into a holistic... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax Treaties
Today, digitalization and accordingly, the digital economy is developing rapidly. With this rapid development, traditional taxation rules are inadequate in the taxation of this area. Countries wishing to take a share from the digital... more
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      TaxationTax PolicyInternational Tax PolicyDigitalization
Resumen: El presente artículo evalúa y plantea una crítica al Proyecto BEPS de la OCDE. En las primeras tres secciones del artículo se expone la lógica conductual de las empresas multinacionales, el contexto económico en el que se plantea... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform
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      AccountingInternational Tax PolicyInternational and European Tax LawNigerian Taxation
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawInternational TaxationDerecho Fiscal
Responding to calls for reallocating taxing rights over multinationals' profits to reflect the place of user value creation, the OECD recently announced a Program of Work to implement international tax reform. I use the European... more
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      European LawTax LawInternational Tax LawInternational Trade
SUMARIO I. El contexto económico fiscal e internacional. II. Régimen tributario hasta el ejercicio 2012: El diferimiento fiscal. III. La Transparencia Fiscal Internacional. IV. El régimen peruano de TFI. 4.1. El test de sujeción del RTFI... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform
This paper introduces a new dataset that codes the content of 519 tax treaties signed by low- and lower-middle- income countries in Africa and Asia. Often called Double Taxation Agreements, bilateral tax treaties divide up the right to... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesInternational Tax LawInternational Law
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (‘OECD’) is currently considering best practice approaches to designing rules to prevent base erosion and profit shifting (‘BEPS’) by multinational enterprises (‘MNEs’). However,... more
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      International Tax LawTaxationTax reformTransfer Pricing
This article is a critical review and as a means of lesson learned for Indonesia taxation system based on the taxation reform undertaken by Norwegian government as a member of welfare state and OECD, that is considered as a country with... more
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      TaxationInternational TaxationInternational Tax Policy
Automatic exchange of information (AEoI) for tax purposes has become the global standard for international tax cooperation in 2013. As a tool for containing offshore tax evasion, it has encountered opposition in the past and continues to... more
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      International RelationsInternational Tax LawDeveloping CountriesEconomic Development
This article aims to offer the first structural analysis of tax disputes under institutional instability using a core element of the international tax regime as an example. It offers a theory grounded on Mancur Olson's seminal... more
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    • International Tax Policy
FORT BONIFACIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE- Transitional Input Value Added Tax FACTS: Petitioner was a real estate developer that bought from the national government a parcel of land that used to be the... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationTax reform