Intelligence Analysis
Recent papers in Intelligence Analysis
The project is a follow-up to Libel and Shpiro's (2015): "the perceptions of the Israeli intelligence community towards Palestinian terrorism, how these perceptions have changed over time, and how perceptions have influenced intelligence... more
Network forensics is the study ofanalyzing network activity in order to discover the source of security policy violations or information assurance breaches. Capturing network activity for forensic analysis is simple in theory, but... more
Time characterizes every aspect of our life and its management when storing and querying data is very important. In this paper we propose a new temporal query language, called T4SQL, supporting multiple temporal dimensions of data.... more
The aim of the proposed paper is to review the development of Israeli economic intelligence collection and analysis. The paper's main focus will be on Israel's leading analysis unit, the Analysis Department of the Military Intelligence... more
Subscales of the Empowerment Scale (Rogers, E.S., Chamberlin, J., Ellison, M.L., Crean, T., 1997. A consumerconstructed scale to measure empowerment among users of mental health services. Psychiatr. Serv. 48, 1042-1047 were examined to... more
Human security issue remains an empathetic approach towards comprehending the security environment in Sahel region as there is strong connection between the environment and human survival. Though, it remains indisputable that every region... more
Nel corso dell’elaborazione di un prodotto intelligence, ed in particolare durante l’analisi, l’analista giunge a definire delle ipotesi alternative ovvero delle possibili spiegazioni o conclusioni di un problema o di un fenomeno oggetto... more
Intelligence analysis is a decision-making process rife with ambiguous, conflicting, irrelevant, important, and excessive information. The U.S. Intelligence Community is primed for psychology to lend its voice to the "analytic... more
The appropriate proximity of analysts and policymakers is contested. Analysts must be close enough to understand the needs of the policymaker to deliver an appropriate and tailored intelligence product. However, the analyst must be... more
Abstract: As technological advances accelerated changes in the security paradigm, the rise and unpredictable alterations of hybrid warfare strategies and rise of terrorism gained significant terrain on the global scene, often proving to... more
Perhaps unsurprisingly, last year’s 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings saw a bevy of new books published on the subject. One of these is David Abrutat’s Vanguard: The True Stories of the Reconnaissance and Intelligence Missions Behind... more
A seminar on 22nd May 2003 based on my 2003 Masters essay on Business Intelligence for the former Australian Foresight Institute based at Swinburne University of Technology.
Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin has burst into the limelight of the political sphere. Most recently, due to allegations of influencing the 2016 election of U.S. President
Public safety and security agencies face a range of current and emerging threats. These range from conflicts, strategic crime, terrorism, disease, and natural hazards, as well as the confluence of any or all of these occurring at a given... more
In order to win in the information domain, the Department of Defense requires a new capability-an information fires team, engaged to combat disinformation. Working at the operational level, such a team will include military members... more
Intelligence analysis, like any other field of human endeavour, relies on and is shaped by discourse. However, the extent to which discourse affects the process of intelligence analysis has seldom been tackled in research on this issue.... more
A new trend that will change the dynamics of the intelligence industry? In the Knowledge Age, traditional intelligence organisations have been disenfranchised from holding the monopoly over their core intelligence function: forewarning.... more
Con questo articolo mi propongo di far conoscere al lettore generico, così come al professionista del settore, un ulteriore strumento di analisi che può essere utilizzato per quantificare una nostra valutazione della minaccia, il... more
Team approach to intelligence analysis has been touted as one of the panaceas of intelligence analysis. This paper therefore examines the impact of team approach to intelligence simulation exercise conducted at Brunel University, London... more
Според Юрий Курносов и Павел Конотопов видовете анализ се характеризират с голямо разнообразие и включват такива видове като: анализ на показателите за ефективност, контент-анализ, графичен, дискриминативен, дисперсионен, експертен,... more
Към техниките на оформяне на крайния аналитичен продукт може да бъде причислено безкрайно множество от начини за оформяне на аналитичния материал като документ (според предназначението му) и като изложение (според структурирането на... more
The phenomenon of will has been studied from both ontological and epistemological perspectives for centuries by experts in disciplines including philosophy, psychoanalytic psychology, sociology, geopolitics and military theory.... more
Concepts and ideas within this document, the CISC Integrated Threat Assessment Methodology, are gathered from a wide variety of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, academic publications and open source research, both domestic and... more
Counterintelligence (CI) analysts serve a wide variety of customers across a spectrum from national-level policymakers to tactical commanders. That variety, however, is at the core of confusion, even among CI analysts themselves,... more
Intelligence Analysis Program at James Madison University
Разузнавателният анализ преобразува информацията относно средата за сигурност, вкл. потенциалната или реална несигурност в нея. Обектът и предметът са дадени в разузнавателния анализ не непосредствено, а чрез информацията. Информация... more
Since 9/11 American intelligence has evolved in a changing atmosphere of modern tactics and techniques of information collection. This atmosphere, coupled with massive leaps in technological advancement such as social media, mobile... more
Υπάρχουν πολλά παραδείγματα όπου η λανθασμένη ανάλυση των πληροφοριών έχει οδηγήσει σε σημαντικές αποτυχίες εκτίμησης της πραγματικής κατάστασης και των προθέσεων του αντιπάλου, με μεγάλο κόστος για την πλευρά που έκανε τη λανθασμένη... more
Timely and accurate intelligence is not always possible to glean from complex conflict areas. Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) is the newest “INT” to the intelligence discipline and it adds a robust resource to the existing,... more
Metoda scenariilor presupune analiza prospectivă și modelarea probabilistică a implicațiilor posibile ale unor ale unor evenimente actuale și/sau anterioare asupra viitorului. Selectarea, conturarea și proiectarea de scenarii asupra... more
The Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire endured almost a thousand years longer than its Western Roman counterpart. Central to the longevity of the Byzantine Empire was its state intelligence gathering capabilities; but what were those... more
The operations and overall endeavors of the Intelligence Community (IC) are supervised by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Within 17 agencies that compose the IC, five main intelligence collection disciplines... more
Evoluția mediului internațional de securitate obligă serviciile de informații să se adapteze de așa manieră încât să poată răspunde coerent, eficient și în timp util amenințărilor. Schimbările nu trebuie să vizeze doar modul în care... more
Recently—after the release of the 9/11 Commission and WMD Commission Reports--a substantial amount of money and attention has been devoted to the identification and development of structured analytic techniques for capturing, presenting,... more