Recent papers in Instrumental
ÖZET Tarih sahnesinden, farklı biçimlerde yorumlanan, mirası farklı boyutlarda değerlendirilenler yalnızca siyasi kişilikler ya da Napolyon gibi askeri portreler değildir. Çoğu zaman kültürel aktörler, müzisyenler örneğinde olduğu gibi... more
Solo-Transcriptions, Insight and Technical Exercises for Tenor Trombone with Improvisational Purpose.
This research aims to Enhance creativity Indonesian narrative essay writing through project based learning models with instrumental music learning in class V SD LPI At-Taufiq, District CempakaPutih, Central Jakarta, Jakarta, in the... more
El texto se fundamenta en la idea de Horkheimer sobre la razón instrumentalista que impera por sobre una razón critica, esto se traslada al proceso de diseño desde el boceto para proponer algunas características con este fin y trabajarlas... more
The phrases mirti bad-u (‘to die hunger-ɪɴs.sɢ’), mirti iš bad-o (‘to die iš hunger- ɢᴇɴ.sɢ’), mirti nuo bad-o (‘to die nuo hunger-ɢᴇɴ.sɢ’) are generally considered to be synonymous ways to express a cause of death. Still, if the... more
La tesi magistrale verte sull'analisi della desinenza proto-indoeuropea *-bhi: dopo averne affrontato le questioni etimologiche, la ricerca si concentra sulle occorrenze micenee di -pi e su quelle omeriche di -φι. Accanto ai metodi di... more
In recent decades, practitioner interest in the notion of 'play' at work has generated a surge of research on the topic of play-at-work activities. Findings suggest that activity-based play-at-work can produce an array of positive... more
Sustainable competitive advantage lies in the intellectual capital of firms, where it has become important to retain employees and train them for future leadership. Hence, firms must recognize the importance of the work values and... more
В работе описывается употребление беспредложного творительного падежа, предлога is и предлога b(r)ez в среднечакавском говоре села Куклица на острове Углян. В куклицком и многих соседних чакавских говорах беспредложный творительный... more
Intrinsic value is a concept central to the environmentalist movement. Whether one believes that natural objects have intrinsic value is supposed to determine whether one takes a ecocentric or homocentric approach to environmentalism,... more
Sustainable competitive advantage lies in the intellectual capital of firms, where it has become important to retain employees and train them for future leadership. Hence, firms must recognize the importance of the work values and... more
The Rehearsing in Style article published in 2007 in TEMPO Music Educators' Magazine, discusses the importance of considering style first when rehearsing a band or any other ensemble. Notes and Rhythms, as well as dynamics, are not the... more