Indigenous women
Recent papers in Indigenous women
Aboriginal incarceration rates are much higher than the general Australian population. Moreover, indigenous women represent 34% of the total number of inmates. As if this wasn't enough, the legal and welfare systems are removing... more
The signifi cance of traditional economies in indigenous communities goes beyond the economic realm-they are more than just livelihoods providing subsistence and sustenance to individuals or communities. In the words of Simon Brascoupé,... more
This text is based on a conversation between Leonice Tupari and Fabrícia
Sabanê (Indigenous women who are members of AGIR - Association of Indigenous Women Warriors of Rondonia, Brazil) and Priscylla Joca for Revista Lüvo.
Sabanê (Indigenous women who are members of AGIR - Association of Indigenous Women Warriors of Rondonia, Brazil) and Priscylla Joca for Revista Lüvo.
Desarrollado desde la perspectiva de la antropología histórica, este artículo expone una revisión actualizada de la circulación de cuentas vítreas en Chile tras el momento de contacto hispano-mapuche acontecido en el siglo XVI. A partir... more
In this article, we explore the concept of Indigenous scholar sisterhood practices and its powerful role in affirming Indigenous women to survive and thrive in the act of research and the larger academic landscape. We address how we, as... more
Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) women find empowerment in participation in Wasase (War Dance) as a way to find solutions to teen suicide in the community of Kahnawake.
In this paper I examine how the use of Indigenous digital storytelling (DST) within the framework of Indigenous research methodology, allowed Indigenous women to share their health stories in a safe and respectful context. This... more
In this article, the author presents an Indigenous Epistolary Methodology (IEM) to reflect on what it means for Indigenous women to engage thenotion of refusal in traditional writing methods and qualitative research. The author proposes... more
Rachel Mariano and Betty Belén, indigenous women and human rights advocates share their incarceration stories due to trumped-up charges and evidence. The cause of their persecution is clear: they defend their ancestral lands. Because of... more
2014, en Cuicuilco, vol. 21, núm. 60, mayo-agosto, pp. 147-168.
There comes a cholita (Allá viene una cholita)," said don Gustavo. A mestizo landowner and merchant in his 70s, don Gustavo had had a store in the small rural town Laja ever since he had dropped out of school in the capital city La Paz... more
This Article argues that because of its historical and ongoing investments in settler colonialism, the Canadian state has long been complicit and continues to be complicit in the human trafficking of indigenous women and girls in Canada.
Género, diversidad cultural y derechos: las apuestas de las mujeres indígenas ante la justicia comunitaria María Teresa Sierra, investigadora del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) México D.F.... more
Chapter from my doctoral thesis, "Warrior women: Indigenous women's political engagement with the Canadian state" (University of Toronto, 2014).
The aim of this paper is to examine the vulnerability of indigenous women in the migration context using interdisciplinary approaches as a conceptual framework. There are several types of social tension and different kinds of... more
Chapter from my doctoral thesis, "Warrior women: Indigenous women's political engagement with the Canadian state" (University of Toronto, 2014). Chapter four discusses NWAC's Sisters in Spirit initiative.
This thesis explores how nineteenth century Métis concepts of family and community have found expression in post 1930s urban development, governance and political activism. In this study, genealogical methods and participant interviews... more
En el libro se presentan los efectos del cambio climático en territorios indígenas y en particular para las mujeres indígenas. De igual manera, desde las voces de mujeres indígenas se planten las maneras de conocer y las perspectivas que... more
Women in Drylands: Barriers and Benefits for Sustainable Livelihood Arid regions are most often characterized as geographical areas which lack environmental resources for a secure livelihood. As a result, many communities living in the... more
MULHERES INDÍGENAS DA TRADIÇÃO é um livro fotográfico, fruto da pesquisa sobre as mulheres indígenas em Pernambuco, realizada por pesquisadoras de onze povos no estado de Pernambuco. Cada povo indicou uma mulher para se dedicar à escuta,... more
Filming Feminist Frontiers/Frontier Feminisms is a transnational qualitative study that examines ten landmark feature films directed by women that re-imagined the frontiers of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S through a feminist... more
Like other communities, Indigenous peoples must adapt to climate-induced ecological variations like sea level rise, glacier retreat and shifts in the habitat ranges of different species. In ongoing conversations on climate change, some... more
El texto parte de cómo las transformaciones ambientales, el cambio climático, la pérdida de las luchas por la sustentabilidad desde abajo biodiversidad y los procesos extractivos han afectado a los territorios indígenas y sus prácticas y... more
In the 1790s, Mary Doxtator along with other Stockbridge Indian girls were sent away from their home in New Stockbridge, New York to Philadelphia where they were boarded in Anglo homes and taught to read, write, and perform Anglo domestic... more
This article examines the depoliticization of violence against women in indigenous communities. It argues that there is a pressing need to examine the ways in which gendered violence is explained, addressed and often sanctioned in... more
Al abordar la legislación electoral de los estados de la Tercera Circunscripción Plurinominal, Inés Castro centra su atención en tres elementos: la forma en que se han adoptado los preceptos de equidad de género e igualdad de... more
Resumen. Este artículo nace de una investigación doctoral que analiza las re-formula-ciones identitarias de las mujeres indígenas desplazadas en el contexto de conflicto armado en Colombia. El objetivo del mismo es mostrar cómo la... more
El presente artículo analiza las violencias sufridas por las mujeres indígenas situadas en el escenario de conflicto armado colombiano y desplazadas forzosamente. En este artículo trata-remos de poner de manifiesto, por un lado, que... more
View at: password: cotton 2020 Video and transcript. This is a collaborative community project done with Wauja women of Central Brazil, who are teaching a master class on... more
Este documento recopila los resultados de la investigación, contemplando cuatro apartados de análisis: en primer lugar la explicación del diseño metodológico y conceptual propuesto para la producción de los dos estudios de caso... more
La épica siempre ha sido considerada como un género masculino. La emergencia de una identidad de grupo, masculina, blanca, aristócrática, cristiana, se suele hacer a partir de la representación y la exclusión del Otro, singular ficticio,... more
The Sámi self-determination discourse has always been state-centric in its tendency to invoke the central role of the Nordic states in shaping national policies and legislation on Sámi rights. This article examines the meaning of Sámi... more
Over the last two decades, Latin America has witnessed a massive expansion of resource extraction. One of the most significant countermovements to emerge out of this context in Ecuador features a strong base and leadership of indigenous... more
In October 2013, a group of indigenous women from the southeastern Ecuadorian Amazon started the “March of Life”. This 250-km long march – organized and led entirely by female representatives from the Achuar, Shuar, Zapara, Kichwa,... more
Esta es una reseña crítica sobre el libro "Memorias del caso peruano de esterilización forzada" (2014), en el que la artista e investigadora social Alejandra Ballón compila cuatro ensayos que abordan el caso de las esterilizaciones... more
The Continuum of Indigenous Customary Practice into Contemporary Art - Curatorial essay for the exhibition presenting the work of Daphne Boyer, Maureen Gruben, Susan Pavel, Skeena Reece and Marika Echachis Swan.
This book presents a comparative analysis of the organizing trajectories of indigenous women's movements in Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia. The authors' innovative research reveals how the articulation of gender and ethnicity is central to... more