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      Pacific Island StudiesLand tenureMelanesia (Anthropology)Vanuatu
This article argues that the (Western-oriented) right to religion has been proven inadequate in protecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights. It recognizes that this is partly because of the distinctive characteristics of Indigenous religions,... more
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      ReligionIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesSpirituality
This article provides an update for 2019. The indigenous peoples of Namibia include the San, the Ovatue and Ovatjimba, and potentially a number of other peoples including the Ovahimba and Nama. Taken together, the indigenous peoples of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeHuman RightsIndigenous Knowledge
Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) has been, since 1979, a self-governing country within the Danish Realm. The population is composed of 89.6 % Greenlandic Inuit out of a total of 57,691 of inhabitants (July 2018 est.). The majority of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
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    • Indigenous Land Rights
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      Comparative LawCommunity Engagement & ParticipationNegotiationRights of Indigenous Peoples
This article provides an update for 2019. Chad is one of the six member states of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC). Its population is estimated at 14 million inhabitants living across an area covering 1,284,000... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeHuman RightsAfrica
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      Human Rights LawMaterial Culture StudiesHuman RightsProperty Rights
"Sametinget welcomes the visit of Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz to Sápmi this August 2015 in her examination of the current status of the Indigenous Rights of the Sami People residing in Sápmi and Sweden. Sápmi is the traditional... more
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      International RelationsDomestic ViolenceHistory Of EugenicsIndigenous Politics
In Madagascar, as in a large number of other countries, vast areas of community land are being leased or sold to foreign investors, often with the support of the state at a regional level. Large-scale land acquisition deals (LLAD)... more
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      Indigenous StudiesFood SovereigntyIndigenous Land RightsMadagascar
A diverse set of land tenure forms has emerged in the past 40 years in what we define as a land titling ‘revolution’, with statutory land rights or exclusive and non-exclusive forms of native title recognised over more than 30 per cent of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAustralian Indigenous StudiesNative TitleIndigenous Land Rights
Contemporary debates around the ontological turn have pitted efforts to take indigenous ontologies seriously against demands to make visible the forms of dispossession and environmental suffering that characterize the (post)colonial and... more
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      Latin American StudiesOntologyEthnographyIndigeneity
Since 2009, the Chilean Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court have produced a rapidly evolving and extremely interesting jurisprudence regarding indigenous land and water rights, as well as the (related) right to consultation. In late... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesChileIndigenous Peoples
Santal farmers of Sahebganj Bagadgada-farm under Gobindganj Upazila in Gaibandha district issued a memorandum to Deputy Commissioner of Gaibandha district in Bangladesh on 21 April 2022 to cancel the Export Processing Zone (EPZ)... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous KnowledgeRights of Indigenous Peoples
This article provides an update for 2019. Indigenous peoples in Canada are collectively referred to as “Aboriginal peoples”. The Constitution Act of 1982 recognizes three groups of Aboriginal peoples: Indians, Inuit and Métis. According... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeHuman RightsIndigenous Knowledge
The article is an in depth analysis of the ongoing mining conflict in Northern Sweden and Sámi’s land rights from a critical legal theory perspective. It particularly analyses what the mining conflict proves in terms of the Sámi people’s... more
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      Critical Race TheoryColonialismIndigenous Peoples RightsSweden
Studies have revealed intense competition over land in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh. This study examines land dispute processes within and between hill people (Chakma Community) and Bengali settlers (who migrated through... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesDevelopment StudiesResearch Methodology
This paper explores autodemarcations on the Tapajós River, Brazilian Amazonia, wherein a traditional communitythe beiradeiros (riverbank inhabitants)-and the Indigenous Munduruku together mark the boundaries of their lands and remove... more
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      Indigenous Land RightsLand RightsBrazilian AmazonTerritory
This PhD combines insights from postcolonialism, political ecology and critical development geography to interrogate the ambivalent role of land titling in indigenous struggles for decolonisation – that is, in addressing colonial legacies... more
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      BoliviaIndigenous Land Rights
This study examines the potential impact of recent developments in international human rights law relating to indigenous land claims on the protection of property under the European Convention on Human Rights. The authors show how, in a... more
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      International Human Rights LawIndigenous Peoples RightsEuropean Convention of Human RightsHuman Rights and Legal Pluralism
The instructions I received with respect to this second affidavit, were to address two areas that I had knowledge of from my historical research relevant to the issue of Maya traditional and historic rights. First, information pertaining... more
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      International Law and the Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Land RightsLand RightsBelizean Studies
Il presente lavoro, suddiviso in tre capitoli, dopo aver delineato la condizione giuridica a livello internazionale dei popoli indigeni, si sofferma in particolare sul diritto dei popoli indigeni alla terra e allo sfruttamento delle... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesIndigenous Land RightsLand Rights
This toolkit supports viewers in discussing Indigenous communities’ history in America, human rights, spirituality, and religious freedom. Includes introductory remarks addressing the audience’s awareness of the topic and contextualizing... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Land RightsLand RightsBlack Hills
Bolivia is the only country to have “ratified” the UNDRIP, implementing it as domestic law with Law No.3760 of 2007. The Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro-Secure (TIPNIS) is a recognized National Park, a demarked Indigenous... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesBoliviaIndigenous Peoples Rights
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      Indigenous StudiesDevelopment StudiesDalit and other marginalized communitiesIndia
The article uses the diplomatic efforts of John Brant and Robert Kerr to negotiate land claims with the Colonial Office in 1822 on behalf of the Grand River Six Nations, while presenting themselves (however problematically) as Mohawk... more
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      Indigenous StudiesBritish HistoryColonialismHistory of Canada
"Ethnic territories" were a central political technology of colonial rule, which also shaped strategies of anti-colonial resistance in diverse contexts. Today, in former colonies, the making of ethnic territories remains a key site of... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPostcolonial StudiesGovernmentalityRace and Ethnicity
The Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereafter LAA) has enabled the state to acquire land compulsorily even without theconsent of the land owner in the name of 'public purpose'. Of course, state is legally bound to pay the payment of... more
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      Development StudiesRehabilitationPolitical ScienceEminent Domain
The La Loche boat brigades had one of the most demanding jobs in the fur trade. The Methye Portage was the longest portage (20 km) in the fur trade traversing the height of land between the Hudson Bay watershed and the Arctic watershed.
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      Postcolonial StudiesMetis StudiesIndigenous Land RightsFur Trade Studies
Indigenous peoples now engage with many decentralized approaches to environmental management that offer opportunities for integration of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) and western science to promote cultural diversity in the... more
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      Social MovementsInstitutional TheoryIndigenous KnowledgeEcology
Anarchists live in cultural spaces sustained by a lived commitment to collect- ive principles and values that differ from mainstream norms. These values are based on a different way of thinking about and living in the world, which chal-... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesClimate Change
WHY CUSTOMARY LAW MATTERS: THE ROLE OF CUSTOMARY LAW IN THE PROTECTION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLESʼ HUMAN RIGHTS PhD thesis available free online at…/27…/EThesisCombined.pdf… Abstract For millions of... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesSociology of Law
In 1988 (4-8 July) the 46th International Congress of Americanists took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For that occasion several solidarity groups as well as individual scholars and students joined forces together with the Carib... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Research MethodologiesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
Baie St. Paul, or Saulteaux Village [ west of St. Francois Xavier] and the Metis scrip applications from this location.
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      Postcolonial StudiesMetis StudiesIndigenous Land RightsSettler Colonialism & Its Legacies
Metis scrip applications from Red Deer River.
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      Postcolonial StudiesMetis StudiesIndigenous Land Rightsmetis land base
Converting Old Possessions into Lease System in Ethiopia: Decades of Unsuccessful Endeavors Taye Minale Belachew & Habtarnu Sitotaw Sernahagne Abstract Dual urban land tenure arrangements have continued to exist... more
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      Fiscal federalism and decentralizationIndigenous Land RightsWomen's Land RightsLand Policy and Governance
Pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in eastern Africa and elsewhere on the continent have long been regarded as peripheries, especially in economic terms, but also in terms of social and cultural accomplishments. Although biased perceptions... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyNatural Resource ManagementIndigenous PeoplesIndigenous Land Rights
Rising tensions between states and indigenous peoples are reaching a tipping point, and with an ever-shrinking civic space worldwide, the topics of criminalisation of Indigenous Rights Defenders’ activities and their organisations; land... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeHuman RightsIndigenous Knowledge
O presente artigo tem como fio condutor o conflito em torno da regularização fundiária da Terra Indígena (TI) Sawré Muybu (do povo Munduruku, no Médio Rio Tapajós) e a investida de megaprojetos de infraestrutura sobre a bacia... more
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      AnthropologyEthnologyIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Land Rights
O artigo analisa decisão da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos sobre o direito dos povos indígenas à propriedade coletiva a partir do caso Xukuru vs. Brasil. Para tanto, identifica a proteção transnacional desses direitos no... more
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      Indigenous Land RightsCorte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos
Esta coletânea foi organizada durante o processo de julgamento da TI Raposa Serra do Sol pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal iniciado em 2008. O livro reúne artigos, estudos, entrevistas e sustentações orais sobre o caso da Terra Indígena... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Land RightsDireito Constitucional, Direitos Coletivos, Direitos HumanosPovos Indígenas
Suicide is discussed through comtemporary issues concening amerindians in Brazil, especially amazonian rainforest. Predation, xamanism, multinaturalism do contextualize health problems and demands beyond friction model or intruding... more
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      EthnographyIndigenous HealthEthnologySuicidology
A reflection that links together two convoluted and problematic themes in Latin American cultures -the colonial penetration and shamanic practicesopens a discussion that prompts interrogations on the focal role that forms of inspirational... more
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      EthnohistoryPostcolonial StudiesReligion and PoliticsLatin American politics
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      Development Induced DisplacementIndigenous Land RightsCoal Mining
Throughout the world, indigenous peoples live on ancestral land and territories, governed by their cultural and traditional norms and values. Their lives and livelihoods are heavily dependent on natural resources and these are managed in... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeEnvironmental Law and Human RightsTribal Culture and Local self GovermentIndigenous Land Rights
En el presente estudio se demuestro por primera vez de manera sistemática e integral la exclusión estatal por motivos raciales que conocieron aymaras y quechuas desde la independencia del dominio colonial español, una exclusión en la que... more
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      HistoryPsychologyLatin American StudiesConstitutional Law
The consequences of State claims to, and controls over, the territories of Guyana’s Indigenous Peoples (Amerindians) are traced through successive Dutch and British colonial to post-Independence governments. From the mid-eighteenth... more
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      Indigenous StudiesLand tenureIndigenous Peoples RightsBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
With the advent of constitutionalism in South Africa, customary law is elevated to a position where it now is recognized alongside legislation and the common law as one of the sources of law. This is a major shift from the previous... more
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      CommonsLegal PluralismIndigenous Land Rights
CITATIONS 0 READS 59 3 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Changes in seaweed reproduction over the last 100 years View project
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      Natural ResourcesConservationRuralProperty Rights