Idea of University
Most downloaded papers in Idea of University
The sector of education, when addressed carefully and wisely by the government, can be turned into a weapon of mass destruction by which any country can move millions of steps forward leaving behind it countries, which have not taken... more
The contemporary academy is suffering from a crisis in meaning. Its humanistic core has given way to disciplinary specialization. Scholars pursue their agendas within local specializations, often unware of outside scholarship that has... more
Three years ago, the academic freedom saga, which interrupted university operations from February to October, 2011, presented a big challenge in the life of the university and of scholarship in Malawi. It involved a clash of values... more
Das große Thema " Vernunft und Glaube " , das sich durch die abendländische Geschichte zieht, kristallisiert sich in besonderer Weise institutionell in der Universität. Welche Implikationen die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verhältnis von... more
Obie pozycje z jednej strony demaskują procesy i zachowania niszczące ideał uniwersytetu od środka, z drugiej zaś – podają pewne recepty na uzdrowienie czy utrzymywanie „organizmu” w dobrym zdrowiu. Upraszczając, można powiedzieć, że dwie... more
In this article I critically discuss Professor Oladele Abiodun Balogun's reflections on the proper final ends of doing philosophy and related sorts of abstract, speculative, or theoretical inquiry. Professor Balogun appears to argue that... more
L'intervento approfondisce il ruolo centrale del dialogo nella conoscenza inter- e trans-disciplinare proposta da papa Francesco nella Veritatis Gaudium. Senza idealizzazioni, la dinamica profonda del dialogo indica una strada di... more
In the text, the author has attempted to discuss, in connection with globalization processes in Western cultures, changes in the organization and functioning of higher education systems. Imple-mented reforms aim to replace the concept of... more
The paper deals with some aspects which occur in contemporary discussions concerning the idea and crisis of the university from the phenomenological perspective. The author holds that this crisis originates in the alienating... more