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The study of human gait is one of the interesting fields among several disciplines. This arena has attracted researchers and professionals not only from human physiology and neuro biology but has also fascinated scientists from... more
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      Genetic ProgrammingBiometricsHuman RecognitionHuman Gait
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      SecurityMobile PhonesHuman Gait AnalysisMobile Security
A two-dimensional, seven link, nine degrees of freedom biped model was developed to investigate the dynamic characteristics of normal and transfemoral amputee locomotion during the entire gait cycle. The equations of motion were derived... more
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      RoboticsMotion controlOptimizationPhysiological Models
Today neuromuscular simulations are used in several fields, such as diagnostics and planing of surgery, to get a deeper understanding of the musculoskeletal system. During the last year, new models and datasets have been presented which... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDesignModelMovement
The availability of large data sources has been an important support for decision making; however, inmanycases, this is complicated due to the volume and complexity with which data is presented and manipulated. In medicine, this situation... more
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      MultidisciplinaryData IntegrationDatabaseHuman Gait
The paper deals with the mechanical design of a new active stance-control knee-ankle-foot orthosis (SCKAFO). The orthosis is intended to provide gait assistance for incomplete spinal cord injured patients that present functional hip... more
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      Motor ControlMechanism DesignSpinal Cord InjuryDc Motor
Most women like wearing high-heeled shoes for the benefit of sensuous attractiveness and selfesteem while musculoskeletal problems and gait patterns changes are often associated. The present study aimed to identify changes during the gait... more
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      HealthHuman Gait
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      Mechanical EngineeringPhysiologyMathematicsHarmonic Analysis
Understanding the human gait is an important objective towards improving elderly mobility. In turn, gait analyses largely depend on kinematic and dynamic measurements. While the majority of current markerless vision systems focus on... more
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      Computer VisionAssistive TechnologyMachine VisionMotion estimation
Research in the perception of depth in augmented and virtual reality has reported a consistent underestimation of egocentric depth with regard to stationary objects located along the ground plane. However, there has been a rather large... more
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      Computer ScienceVirtual RealityVirtual EnvironmentHuman Gait
Today neuromuscular simulations are used in several fields, such as diagnostics and planing of surgery, to get a deeper understanding of the musculoskeletal system. During the last year, new models and datasets have been presented which... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDesignModelMovement
In this paper, we systematically analyze different components of human gait, for the purpose of human identification. We investigate dynamic features such as the swing of the hands/legs, the sway of the upper body and static features like... more
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      Data MiningBiometricsFaceProbability
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      Skeletal muscle biologyNeurophysiologyStabilityGait
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      Skeletal muscle biologyNeurophysiologyStabilityGait
This paper presents an experimental characterization of the biomechanics of human gait by means of Cassino Tracking System (CaTraSys). CaTraSys is a passive cablebased parallel manipulator that is used to determine pose and exerted force... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomechanicsHuman Gait
The measurement of a particular limb in the human body is an important task in many applications. Human behavior understanding typically involves human body posture analysis or estimation, as well as the generated corresponding gestures.... more
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      Health TechnologyHuman behaviorHuman BodyAccelerometry
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      Human Computer InteractionPattern RecognitionMobile ComputingSafety
Motor control can be achieved in the absence of awareness, even when performed intentionally. The aim of this study was to understand the mechanisms of the sudden awareness of our own movement. This was studied in locomotion because it is... more
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      Motor ControlBrain and Cognitive DevelopmentMotivationAutomatism
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      PhysiologyMovementDeterminantsHuman Gait
From what we know at present with respect to the neural control of walking, it can be concluded that an optimal biologically inspired robot could have the following features. The limbs should include several joints in which position... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRoboticsBiomedical Engineering
We present a strategy based on human gait to achieve efficient tracking, recovery of egomotion and 3-D reconstruction from an image sequence acquired by a single camera attached to a pedestrian. In the first phase, the parameters of the... more
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      EngineeringTechnologySignal ProcessingGait Analysis
Understanding the human gait is an important objective towards improving elderly mobility. In turn, gait analyses largely depend on kinematic and dynamic measurements. While the majority of current markerless vision systems focus on... more
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      Computer VisionAssistive TechnologyMachine VisionMotion estimation
The aim of this study was to determine the relative involvement of the corticospinal (CS) pathway in voluntarily controlled walking compared to unconstrained walking. In the voluntarily controlled walking condition, subjects had to walk... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSkeletal muscle biologyGait
Human gait is a spatio-temporal phenomenon and typifies the motion characteristics of an individual. The gait of a person is easily recognizable when extracted from a sideview of the person. Accordingly, gait-recognition algorithms work... more
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      Face RecognitionBiometricsStructure from MotionOptical Flow
Analysis of the gait stability of a man moving along an even surface with a constant velocity is presented. The stability criteria applied to biped robots, namely: the Zero Moment Point (ZMP) and the Ground projection of the Center Of... more
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      Theoretical and Applied MechanicsHuman Gait
Cerebral palsy is a neuro-musculoskeletal condition which affects human gait and balance. Intelligent diagnosis of this condition can have many advantages in clinical decision making. In this paper a novel classification algorithm is... more
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      Decision Support SystemsNeurophysiologyEntropyGait Analysis
We compare the complexity of human gait time series from healthy subjects under different conditions. Using the recently developed multiscale entropy algorithm, which provides a way to measure complexity over a range of scales, we observe... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsTime SeriesComplexity
We compare the complexity of human gait time series from healthy subjects under di erent conditions. Using the recently developed multiscale entropy algorithm, which provides a way to measure complexity over a range of scales, we observe... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsTime SeriesComplexity
The use of a wearable triaxial accelerometer for unsupervised monitoring of human movement has become a major research focus in recent years. In this paper, the relationship between accelerometry signals and human gait is analysed using a... more
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      Signal AnalysisGait AnalysisWearable computersAccelerometers
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      Civil EngineeringBiomechanicsModelingBody