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El año 1968 fue de capital importancia, en los países capitalistas del orbe. Como nunca antes y constituyéndose en catapulta para el cambio social del futuro inmediato y mediato, universitarios y trabajadores se unieron para dar un... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
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    • History and Sociology
The article focuses on a case-study of a scientific dialogue (or lack of it) between the Marxist sociologist Henri H. Stahl and Romanian historians. The first section of the study, A failed dialogue, examines the various rhetorical... more
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      History and SociologyRomanian HistoriographyHistory of Romanian Sociology
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      SociologySocial SciencesHistory and Sociology
Bien que timidement abordée dans certains travaux universitaires, la « love migration » ou « migration d’amour » des migrants italiens « ensablés » en Abyssinie n’a jamais été étudiée ou explorée dans sa complexe diversité en lien avec... more
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      Gender StudiesItalian StudiesGender and SexualityPost-Colonialism
This book presents Ibn Khaldūn's anticipatory sociology of civilizations and power. Half a millennium before the birth of modern sociology in the West, Ibn Khaldūn-scholar, political counsellor, and Malikite judge-wrote a revolutionary... more
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      MulticulturalismEducationIbn KhaldunSolidarity
This contribution seeks to approach the history of sociology at the university and in the town of Göttingen beyond remembering merely local anecdotes. The deve­lop­ment of sociology in Göttingen is analysed in the context of the... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHistory of ScienceHistory of SociologyHelmuth Plessner
It discusses socio-economic situation of Hala of District Matiari
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    • History and Sociology
Syllabus of my senior-year seminar in Historical Sociology, taught at Rutgers University in the Spring 2018 semester
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      HistorySociologySociology of CultureHistorical Sociology
The present paper deals with the Brno Social Study, a rather extraordinary questionnaire survey given its extent and time (1947). Data analysis was forestalled by the political transformation after 1948, but the questionnaires were... more
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      Historical SociologyResearch Methods and MethodologyIndustrial Workers of the World-IWW HistoryHistory and Sociology
Depuis bientôt quatre décennies, les recherches de l'historien américain William H. Sewell Jr. tentent de tisser un dialogue entre l'histoire et les autres sciences sociales, au premier rang desquelles la sociologie et l'anthropologie.... more
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      HistorySociologyHistorical SociologyHistorical Events
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      HistorySociologyHistory and SociologyNobert Elias
Der Band bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Entwicklung der Soziologie in Göttingen von ihren Anfängen in der Frühphase der Weimarer Republik über die Etablierung des Faches in den 1950er Jahren bis in die Gegenwart. Die... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHistory of SociologyHelmuth PlessnerLudwik Fleck
Despite many promising recent advances, much of the public—and scholarly—debate about contemporary Russia remains dominated by three tendencies: an excessive focus on the political system and its elites, the use of a conceptual apparatus... more
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      HistorySociologyRussian StudiesRussian History
Political analysis, history and plurality of historicity models. Elements of a reflexive epistemology. The article reviews the contributions of the “historical crossroads of political science” (Y. Déloye) in France, based on the models of... more
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      Historical SociologyHistoriographyPolitical ScienceWalter Benjamin