Henry David Thoreau
Recent papers in Henry David Thoreau
The coronavirus pandemic seemed to throw everyone off their path, but by the time spring arrived, I had begun two projects that moved along similar paths and gradually opened in directions I had never anticipated. One was reading and... more
A reading of Cape Cod (1865), Thoreau's third posthumous book publication edited by Sophia Thoreau. The chapter expands the sense of the narrative as encompassing seven excursions to Cape Cod, extending from 1849 to 1857.
Una paradoja acecha a este libro. Una tensión entre lo individual y lo colectivo, entre lo trascendente y aquello más inmanente. Jonas Mekas ha sido, probablemente, quien mejor ha representado los logros del cine underground que se llevó... more
O artigo tem dois objetivos. Primeiro, apresentar a gênese histórica do ensaio “Resistência ao Governo Civil”, publicado por Henry David Thoreau em 1849, enfatizando a relação entre as técnicas argumentativas do ensaio e os conceitos... more
Een bespreking op basis van 'Het Tij Keren', Joke Hermsen (2019).
Several scholars have portrayed Henry David Thoreau as having a blind spot when it came to the persecution and dispossession of Native Americans. One of the articles that set the tone for such essays about his “Indian Problem” (Kucich... more
By looking at maps that Thoreau copied during his lifetime and identifying the sources of his tracings, this article examines the role that these documents have played in his writing. Using Jacques Rancière's notion of the distribution of... more
L'affirmation de l'individu s'avère paradoxale chez Emerson car, qu'il cherche à s'affirmer esthétiquement ou éthiquement, l'individu se nie nécessairement. L'affirmation doit donc passer par la médiation d'un autre qui l'appelle à... more
Society progresses not through acceptance of injustices, in contrary, it progresses through the courage of few men and women who oppose discrimination and challenge hateful bureaucracies. In the following analysis, three distinctive... more
boekhoofdstuk (hier als preview van 4 bladzijden) in: NATUUR ALS MISVERSTAND - THOREAU OP TIENGEMETEN. SAMENSTELLING & REDACTIE JELLE REUMER, Historische Uitgeverij 2017 - zie ook informatie van de uitgever op... more
an old student paper) Defenders and detractors of John Brown may disagree about many things, but few will deny that he was, at the very least, a fascinating character. In his lifetime he was even more famous-more loved and more... more
This chapter explores terms that are central to this study: religion, spirituality, nature religion, green religion, and dark green religion. Although this sort of linguistic labor may seem most pertinent to those with backgrounds in... more
This fourth chapter of THOREAU'S BOTANY asks how plants and plant-thinking function in WALDEN. By examining Journal sources for several key passages in which plants appear, I argue that the role of botany in Thoreau's masterpiece is... more
Segundo apêndice da tradução brasileira do livro de Jacobs, contendo um glossário de conceitos ligados à vida e obra da autora (São Paulo: Aetia, 2018, p. 259-292)
In semem Buch «Screening History» stellt Gore Vidal fest, Hollywood sei zur Lingua franca des 20. Jahrhunderts geworden. Freuds berühmtes Diktum umformulierend, erklärt er: «Heute, wo Literatur war, ist Kino geworden.» Von der kulturellen... more
After the fall of the Soviet Union, market capitalism replaced socialism in Eastern Europe. Supposedly, the new economic logic would allocate resources impartially, allowing the possibility of prosperity for those who worked hard. What... more
From a corpus of 37 caves in the province of Castellón (Spain), we establish a classification in 17 themed typologies of legends (and other narrative texts of oral transmission), from which the presence and possibilities are studied of... more
Gerechtigkeit sollte die Grundlage allen politischen Handelns sein. Doch was, wenn staatliche Maßnahmen und Gesetze dieser Norm widersprechen? Können dann auch in Demokratien Akte des zivilen Ungehorsams gerechtfertigt sein? Und wenn ja,... more
En entendant un oiseau que je recherchais, je me suis retourné pour l'examiner, quand j'ai perçu un aboiement derrière moi et me retournant de nouveau, j'ai vu un vieux renard en haut de la colline, sur le flanc ouest de la vallée, parmi... more
The phenomenon of “tiny houses,” loosely defined as dwellings ranging between 65 and 120 square feet, has rapidly accumulated interest among economically and environmentally conscious individuals. The movement’s recent popularity... more
From the Publisher's abstract: Through an original and close reading of the key literature regarding both revolutionary violence and nonviolence, this book collapses the widely-assumed concepts of violence and nonviolence as mutually... more
In the field of environmental history, Henry David Thoreau has come to symbolize the arrival of a preservationist ethos in American culture. His retreat to a secluded house in Walden woods, his book Walden, and essay "Walking," and... more
Wilderness as a concept emerged as a way of thinking about nature with the beginnings of a pastoral way of living around twelve thousand years ago. It was conceived as a region where one was likely to get into a confused, disordered, or... more
Henry David Thoreau 's ideas about sound and music were 150 years ahead of their time. He developed a proto-theory of ambient sound, and expressed the concept of the acoustic niche. He understood sound as signaling presence, and he was... more
Quelle est la nature du travail ? Oui ou non est‐il le propre du phénomène humain ? Offre‐t‐il vraiment un sens à notre existence terrestre, voire à ce qui pourrait lui faire suite ? Seule une approche anthropologique articulant les... more
Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Transparent Eyeball (Nature, 1836)
The American Romanticists of the mid-19th century may not have held a monopoly on being the first literary authors to opine about nature’s vast beauty, overwhelming immensity and humbling simplicity, but they were a generation of writers... more
I read Henry David Thoreau as an environmental virtue theorist. In this paper, I use Thoreau’s work as a tool to explore the relation between the virtue of greatness of soul and environmental virtues. Reflecting on connections between... more
The Romantic Era of the mid-19th century introduced America to its first distinct form of national literature that brought worldwide recognition to its prominent authors and their works. Yet for hundreds of years prior the continent... more
This essay will glance at some of the most relevant environmental landmarks from the historical point of view, as well as the most significant literary works that have discussed the issue. The purpose of this study is to trace the... more
This article aims to provide a historical summary of the eco-critical situation from its origins to recent acquisitions, focusing on both the comparative and aesthetics of reception aspects of this new approach to literary analysis and... more
Mohandas Gandhi is civil disobedience’s most original theorist and most influential mythmaker. As a newspaper editor in South Africa, he chronicled his experiments with satyagraha by drawing parallels to ennobling historical precedents.... more
From the century of independence to the contemporary, Montaigne acted as an influential voice in the ongoing transatlantic conversation that shaped the American identity. This special issue offers a series of transhistorical and... more
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