Recent papers in Hammams
Like in any Middle Eastern city, the public bath, or hammam, was a vital social institution in Ottoman cities for centuries. Hammams played a primary role in promoting hygiene and public health, but they also served as meeting places... more
Over the past decade the Antique and Medieval Baths of Egypt programme of the IFAO and the Balnéorient group have conducted multidisciplinary studies of the collective baths and bathing culture of Egyptian societies from the 4th century... more
Malgré la disparité des sources et des vestiges matériels, il reste possible de restituer une histoire de l’architecture des bains algériens. Patrimoine en grande partie méconnu, leur construction s’échelonne depuis la fondation des... more
La seguente indagine scientifica rappresenta un nuovo tassello nella ricerca multidisciplinare riguardante l'analisi degli aspetti architettonici e funzionali di Castel del Monte, edificato per volontà di Federico li di Svevia attorno... more
Following the discovery of a Mamlūk public bath and a vaulted hall to the south of the Cotton Market in the Old City of Jerusalem, this article proposes a new evaluation of the urban fabric in close proximity to the focal point of the... more
Led since 2008, the archaeological researches at Qalhāt (Qalhāt Project/Qalhāt Development Project), in the South Sharqiyah Governorate of Oman, delivered the vestiges of a whole port city of the Middle Ages (13th-16th c. C.E.) with all... more
Now that we no longer need a public place to cleanse ourselves, the role of the public bath has been greatly diminished, much to the detriment of modern society. This journey to baths in the Middle East and Central Europe evokes the... more
Kültür turizminin hızla gelişen bir parçası olan kültürel miras turizmi, günümüzde gittikçe önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çerçevede kültürel varlıklar ve özellikle mimari doku, koruma altına alınarak turizm amaçlı kullanılmaktadır. Özgün mimari... more
In the year 2006, the hamman of Churriana de la Vega (Granada, Spain), a XVth Century Listed Building, was for the first time the subject of archaeological study. An archival and historiographical research was followed by the... more
Resumen: La restauración y consolidación del Dolmen de Alberite (Villamartín, Cádiz), requirió previamente la realización de una intervención arqueológica de urgencia. Por otra parte, se exponen los datos obtenidos durante la vigilancia... more
Continuamos viajando por al-Andalus y nos vamos hasta la ciudad de Jaén, donde vamos a conocer otro hammam. Los Baños Árabes de Jaén se sitúan en la planta sótano del Palacio de Villardompardo. Se construyeron aprovechando los restos de... more
"A Paradise on Earth. The hammam and the Economy of Salvation". The adoption and adaptation of the late-antique practice of the public baths in early Islam gave rise to contrasting responses among religious scholars. Many early... more
Seminário de Termalismo e Turismo de Saúde sobre hammam ou banho turco, um espaço social, ritual e identitário.
Spiritualità e benessere: percorsi di identità per un nuovo umanesimo. Si pone in continuità con il convegno appena celebrato Educare alla speranza oggi. Sfide educative e itinerari pedagogici per uno sviluppo integrale della persona. Le... more
Archaeological study on Medieval Arab Bath (Ceuta)
En mi página de Facebook Al-Andalus, Arqueología e Historia me dedico a la difusión de noticias, publicaciones e información sobre la investigación arqueológica e histórica de al-Andalus, estando orientada a un público amplio, tanto... more
Violence, intrigues, murders ... all under the cover of darkness and the isolation of the hammam. We bring to light the cases recorded in the preserved chronicles, especially the Muslim ones and especially in al-Andalus.
Souvent défini comme un espace d’intériorité et d’abstraction d’autrui, l’intime apparaît comme un angle mort des sciences sociales. Ayant participé de représentations parfois réductrices de l’individuel, du social, de l’Orient et... more
Abstract – In 2008 a preliminary survey was carried out on the site of Khirbat al-Dūsaq near Shawbak and confirmed the presence of a bath and an īwān opening onto a large pool. In 2009, the first excavation campaign focused on the pool... more
When the film Hamam was screened in Turkey, there was a great outcry claiming that this was a totally distorting, orientalizing, and wholly untrue account of what goes on in a traditional Turkish bath. Reading any tourist guide, one... more
Adaptive reuse of the built heritage can often result in damage to heritage values both during the adaptation and reuse processes -in many cases it can bear on building performance and user satisfaction. Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is... more
Morocco is one of the countries with the highest record of traditional living hammāms. Despite this fact, this key civic building remains poorly studied by researchers and professionals. This paper presents a research into Moroccan... more
Medieval Islamic Architectural Heritage (Ceuta)
Yeni Hammam is a monument of culture of local importance. With its rich four-centuries-long history, along with Chifte Hammam, it is one of the last information-bearers of the ottoman bath culture in Plovdiv. After a devastating fire in... more