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Background Anemia is a common blood condition that affects populations in both rich and poor countries. The most prevalent anemia after iron deficiency anemia is the anemia of chronic disease. It is usually observed as a non-specific... more
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      InflammationAutoimmunitySurvey ResearchChronic Disease
Objectives: To measure the psychological effect of an art intervention on hospitalized patients and explore benefits to their quality of life.
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      OncologyCancerQuality of lifeAnxiety and Depression
Background: Anthracycline-treated childhood cancer survivors are at higher risk of cardiotoxicity, especially with cumulative doses received above 250 mg/m 2. Dexrazoxane is the only option recommended for cardiotoxicity prevention in... more
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      Cost Effectiveness AnalysisSarcomaCost effectivenessDexrazoxane
Loss-of-function mutations of cyclic-AMP response element binding protein, binding protein (CREBBP) are prevalent in lymphoid malignancies. However, the tumour suppressor functions of CREBBP remain unclear. We demonstrate that loss of... more
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      DNA damageLymphangiogenesisSignal TransductionBiological Sciences
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to compare the extent of variation in haematologic parameter associated with the long term use of hormonal and non hormonal contraceptives in urban population of low socio-economic... more
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      PharmacyPharmacy PracticeCommunity PharmacyClinical Pharmacy
Objectives: To measure the psychological effect of an art intervention on hospitalized patients and explore benefits to their quality of life. Methods: We conducted a large prospective randomized trial between July 2006 and August 2009 of... more
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      PsychologyOncologyArt TherapyDepression
Loss-of-function mutations of cyclic-AMP response element binding protein, binding protein (CREBBP) are prevalent in lymphoid malignancies. However, the tumour suppressor functions of CREBBP remain unclear. We demonstrate that loss of... more
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    • Haematological Malignancies