Group Analysis
Recent papers in Group Analysis
Penna, Carla. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo, 2014. 481 p.
The need for a drive theory in group analysis and psychoanalysis is argued for; especially against the background of recent advances in genetics. The old drive theories were not adequate and created confusion on several levels. With the... more
“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more
Adolescence seems to be a period full of changes and conflicts. The main issue of this life-period is the search for personal identity. Adolescents need to differentiate from their family environment and want to commit and relate to a... more
There is a growing tension between the findings of child developmental research and classical psychoanalytic theory. Accumulating research evidence for the importance of the critically important role of early childhood neural-cognitive... more
"אי אבדה הדרך הברוכה / אי אבדה הדרך אל הכפר / הדרך בה רציתי לשוב בחזרה" (יורם טהרלב) "Where is the lost blessed road / Where is the road to the village / The road of my return" (Yoram Teharlev) In 2007, an Israeli... more
This study evaluates personality changes, after successful completion of long-term group-analytic psychotherapy, in an outpatient day treatment unit (Athens Open Psychotherapy Centre). 1 Testretest method was applied in thirty-nine... more
In this keynote lecture given at the 17th GASI Symposium in Berlin, the main ideas informing the clinical work with foreign families and refugees conducted at an ethnopsychiatry clinic in France are outlined. The treatment methodology is... more
... Page 8. Völkern: Trans generational Transmissions 85 Transgenerational Transmissions Although the ... One aspect of clinical observation that is especially relevant to understanding certain components of large-group iden-tity is the... more
Lecture for the NVGP (Dutch Society for Group Dynamics and Group Psychotherapy) 25.03.2022
Research into computer simulation of group and cultural processes has expanded in recent years, including an important recent attempt to incorporate neuropsychoanalytic principles. This paper argues that in order to progress we need to... more
Internal Racism: a psychoanalytic approach to race and difference. M. Fakhry Davids.
Narratives are an increasingly popular focus of social research. Perhaps this is because 'stories' 1 seem to promise human universality and accessibility, while analysis of them requires a rewardingly comprehensive attention to... more
The question of "the relationship between the individual and society" has troubled group analysis since its inception. This paper offers a reading of Foulkes that highlights the emergent, yet evanescent, psychosocial ontology in his... more
Los enfoques relacionales, intersubjetivos y sociales del psicoanálisis han comenzado, tradicionalmente, por el rechazo de la teoría freudiana de las pulsiones. Ello resulta apropiado, si sólo consideramos el fallido intento de la... more
Im Zentrum der Methodologie der Ethnoanalyse steht das Konzept der Forschungssituation. Ausgehend von ethnopsychoanalytischen und gruppenanalytischen Überlegungen wird die hier entstehende Forschungsbeziehung als Resultat einer... more
The emergence of 'collective therapies' such as group therapy and therapeutic communities are explored. It is discovered that these therapies start emerging around the beginning of the twentieth century and gain widespread acceptance... more
it is useful to raise these issues, and to debate them. No one has the right answer to them all. This article continues to explore some crucial differences between group analysis (as a western approach to group therapy) and the Minia... more
Working in groups is increasingly regarded as fruitful for the process of analyzing qualitative data. It has been reported to build research skills, make the analytic process visible, reduce inequalities and social distance particularly... more
This is the English language version of a paper that is forthcoming in the journal Chimères, n. 91. This paper proposes an institutional analysis of harm reduction work being done in the London metropolitan area, with a specific focus on... more
Spatial terminology is used in many fields, including that of psychotherapies, in ways that often go unremarked. Human geographers have expressed ambivalence about an apparent proliferation of spatial thinking challenging... more
Published in: Forum: Qualitative social Research (2016), Volume 17, No. 2, Art. 9 Abstract: Working in groups is increasingly regarded as fruitful for the process of analyzing qualitative data. It has been reported to build research... more
Institutional Analysis is the thread that runs through and connects some of the most convincing work being done today in philosophy and postcolonial theory. However, little work has been done in this area and no serious studies have ever... more
Mirror reactions are characteristically brought-out when a number of persons meet and interact. The person sees himself, or part of himself -often repressed part of himself -reflected in the interactions of other group members. He sees... more
Ovo istraživanje polazi od hipoteze da aktiviranje i prorada separacijske anksioznosti može imati utjecaj na procese individuacije kod članova grupe. Time je u središte istraživanja stavljen međuodnos separacijskog iskustva i procesa... more
The author makes two basic points, ones that have not been elucidated in the literature. The first is that when group associations coalesce, in some sort of unified way, they form in two levels. One level is the manifest theme that the... more
Reflections on the Large Group at the 14th Group-Analytic Symposium in Dublin: Despair, Dialogue and Desire: The Transformative Power of the Analytic Group in the Movement from Despair to Desire through Dialogue.567 people from 39... more
In this article, the author focuses on Foulkes’s concept of the foundation matrix, re-examining its heuristic value in a theory of unconscious processes, trying to outline what could be the ‘contents’ of the foundation matrix as well as... more
Psychoanalysis and Politics spring symposium in Barcelona March 20th-22nd 2015, with thanks to the Spanish Psychoanalytical Society. Deadline for abstracts November 1st 2014.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Lene Auestad PART 1: THEORETICAL REFLECTIONS The Dread of Sameness: Social Hatred and Freud's 'Narcissism of Minor Differences' Karl Figlio Subjectivity and Absence – Prejudice as a Psycho-Social... more
The birth of psychoanalysis owes much to Sigmund Freud's encounter with anti-Semitism. There is little doubt it led to Freud's failing to obtain a much hoped for academic appointment in Vienna and for a number of years he was forced to... more
Ordeal Therapy is a collection of storiesand who doesn't like a good story, particularly when told by Jay Haley? The stories are about people: what happens to them, how they get stuck and end up seeking help from therapists, and how... more
It is no secret that there is a difficulty in accepting death and dying. The whole of our society shares this difficulty, tending to contemplate death as something which cannot and must not be discussed. This is reflected in the group... more