Groundwater Management
Recent papers in Groundwater Management
In developing countries, the rapid urbanization in the second half of the twentieth century provoked radical changes in the cities with serious water related problems, such as freshwater scarcity, sewage and drainage problems. This growth... more
In southwestern Australia, karst features occur in geological formations other than the coastal calcarenites of the Tamala Limestone. The Noondine Chert was formed by the silicification of carbonate rocks and contains relict carbonate... more
Groundwater chemistry and isotopic data from 40 production wells in the Atemajac and Toluquilla valleys, located in and around the Guadalajara metropolitan area, were determined to develop a conceptual model of groundwater flow processes... more
National Capital Territory of Delhi occupies an area of 1483 with the population density of 9344 persons/ The projected population for year 2009 works out to be 176 lakhs and total water requirement for drinking and domestic... more
While modern Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software is robust in handling maps and data in plan view, the software generally falls short when representing features in section view. Further complicating the issue is the fact that... more
Groundwater over-exploitation has been on the rise in Jordan. Competing demands have grown in the face of perennial water shortages, a situation which has been exacerbated by drought conditions in the past decade. This paper reports... more
Perkembangan di sektor industri dan sektor pemukiman yang berada di wilayah CAT Yogyakarta-Sleman berkembang dengan pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Beriringan dengan hal tersebut, maka kebutuhan air bersih terutama yang berasal... more
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a participatory planning and implementation process which provides the opportunity to meet society's long-term needs for water while maintaining essential ecological services and economic... more
One approach for utilizing geoscience models for management or policy analysis is via a simulationbased optimization framework-where an underlying model is linked with an optimization search algorithm. In this regard, MATLAB and Python... more
The aim of this study is to elaborate a synthetic document for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Hajeb-Jelma aquifer. The specific object is to incorporate the Geographical Information System (GIS) to... more
The coastal regions, particularly deltaic regions, are the most developed and most densely populated regions all over the world. These regions are facing many hydrological problems both due to natural conditions and man's activities. The... more
ABSTRAK Wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Jepara mengalami perkembangan yang cukup pesat dan telah menunjukkan adanya tanda-tanda dampak negatif dari pemanfaatan air tanah, yaitu berupa masuknya air asin ke akuifer di daratan. Maksud dari... more
The available literature was used in this work to review the methodologies for groundwater vulnerability mapping. The objective of the literature review was to define the vulnerability concept and to discuss the best way to establish... more
Di Indonesia kebutuhan air bersih bagi masyarakat setiap tahun selalu meningkat sesuai dengan dinamika pembangunan baik peruntukannya sebagai air minum dan rumah tangga, industri, pertanian maupun menunjang usaha komersial lainnya.... more
Numerical modeling of flow and solute transport has received increased attention during the last three decades. Groundwater models can offer the most accurate representation, characterization, and prediction of hydrogeologic processes.... more
Airtanah yang ada di wilayah-wilayah Kab. Sleman, Kota Yogyakarta dan Kab. Bantul dikontrol oleh sistem hidrologi, geologi dan hidrogeologi yang berhulu pada lereng selatan bagian atas G. Merapi. Keberadaan hutan dan daerah-daerah... more
A groundwater model is any computational method that represents an approximation of an underground water system. While groundwater models are, by definition, a simplification of a more complex reality, they have proven to be useful tools... more
Groundwater refers to any water below the surface of the earth's crust, it is an integral part of the water cycle and it interacts directly with the water present on the earth's surface. It is very essential to animal and plant life but... more
Airtanah adalah air yang terdapat di bawah permukaan tanah pada lapisan batuan yang jenuh air, yang disebut sebagai akuifer. Airtanah dapat muncul ke permukaan tanah dengan berbagai cara yang umumnya dikontrol oleh kondisi geologi... more
The project aimed at studying 5 main aspects related to agro-well farming. They were: (a) testing and validation of the groundwater estimation model; (b) resource utilization pattern in agro-well farming; (c) improvement of water... more
I. Konsumsi Air Konsumsi makhluk hidup dalam hal apapun tidak bisa dilepaskan kaitannya dengan penggunaan air, semua aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh makhluk hidup akan membutuhkan eksistensi dari sumber daya air, baik secara langsung... more
Providing efficient and effective methodologies and technologies for sustainable groundwater resources development and management are the vision of Ground Water Hydrology division of National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand,... more
The present report deals with the issue of Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management in ACSAD member countries. Since the renewable water resources in many ACSAD member countries are very scarce, the sustainable management of these... more
In case numerical solute transport modeling, the flow field may not be uniform, and especially under various stresses applied to an aquifer (such as extraction wells, injection wells, drain, etc.), the flow field may potentially become... more
Groundwater quality mapping is very essential to identify regions where groundwater is suitable for various uses. A study of the vulnerability of groundwater for pollution in a region is required as it will provide information for taking... more
The Yucatán Peninsula karst aquifer is one of the most extensive and spectacular karst aquifer systems on the planet. This transboundary aquifer system extends over an area of approximately 165,000 km 2 in México, Guatemala and Belize.... more
Water is one of the most essential natural resources for sustaining life. Its development and management play a vital role in agriculture production. Integrated water management is vital for poverty reduction, environmental sustenance,... more
Management priority of groundwater conservation zone is an effort to prevent the degradation of the quantity and quality of groundwater based on Groundwater Basin (GWB) Management concept, which can be used as a reference in the... more
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
Agar kegiatan konservasi berjalan optimal dibutuhkan Peraturan Menteri (Permen) yang berfungsi sebagai pedoman dan panduan dalam pengelolaan airtanah khususnya pada kegiatan konservasi airtanah. Kegiatan penyusunan Permen ini berupa... more
Fresh groundwater resources in Egypt contribute to some 20% of the total potential of water resources in Egypt. The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) increasingly recognizes its importance in the overall water resources... more
The occurrence and movement of groundwater are controlled by various hydrogeological, hydrological and climatological factors. Reasonably accurate assessment of groundwater recharge and discharge components is not easy because no direct... more