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A la meme epoque, la reine ostrogothe Amalasonthe, fille de Theodoric le Grand, aurait res:u une education classique : en l'an 533, Cassiodore la loua ainsi au Senat de Rome : « Dans quelle langue son savoir n 'est-il pas prouve ? Elle... more
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      RomansBarbariansToulouseSidonius Apollinaris
Prefazione al volume "Storia istituzionale, storia amministrativa e interculturalità nel mondo greco e romano. Atti dei seminari Ricerche a Confronto XIII, Bologna 2018", a cura di Generoso Cefalo e Francesco Muraca. Urbino University... more
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      Ancient HistoryIntercultural CommunicationAncient Greek HistoryInterCultural Studies
Heródoto e Aristóteles apresentam as formas de governo de uma perspectiva quantitativa (quando um, poucos ou muitos ocupam o poder) e qualitativa (quando o governo é bom ou ruim). O governo de muitos é a democracia e para entender seus... more
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      Ancient HistoryComputer ScienceGreek LiteratureAristotle
Con admiración y agradecimiento a la memoria de Don Pedro Laín Entralgo, quien, desde que presidiera la defensa de mi tesis doctoral, siempre me alentó al estudio de los médicos griegos RESUMEN Laín mantuvo trato cordial con varios... more
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In much recent scholarship on the lives of women in Athens of the Classical period (broaily,fifthand fourth cenruries ncr), there is a recurring insrstence that women were objects in a patriarchal system, the property of men, and the... more
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A large body of psycholinguistic research has revealed that during sentence interpretation adults coordinate multiple sources of information. Particularly, they draw both on linguistic properties of the message and on information from the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLinguisticsGreek
The existence of optionality in acquisitional data presents a problem to the view that developing grammars do not include more than one grammatical system at any stage. In this article data from Greek and Spanish, on the one hand, and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceSpanishLanguage Acquisition
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      LiteracyLanguage AcquisitionPhoneticsCognition
ABSTRACT Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 between Spain and Portugal has inaugurated a new era in world history. Soon after the surrender of the kingdom of Granada in 1492, both Spain and Portuguese kings began to search for new lands for... more
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      Economic HistoryIndian studiesNaval HistoryPortuguese Colonialism and Decolonizaton
disciplina delle Chiese, poiché corrispondevano a visioni ecclesiologiche contrastanti. Per un verso la Chiesa veniva raffigurata sul modello di un piccolo ed esclusivo gregge di eletti. Per altro verso si considerava la Chiesa come un... more
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This research investigated teachers' perspectives on utilizing Learning Management Systems (LMS) for educational purposes in secondary schools in Delta State. The study was guided by one research question and a null hypothesis,... more
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      Professional DevelopmentTeachers' professional developmentLearning Management SystemsICT in Teachers Education
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Presentacio d’una base de textos grecs antics, d’acces lliure, creada pel Grup Consolidat d’Innovacio-ELECTRA (Universitat de Barcelona) per il·lustrar categories de sintaxi nominal i oracional. Els textos grecs, ordenats segons un... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesGreekGrammatical Categories
En aquest article es fa una descripcio de l’examen de Grec de les Proves d’Acces a la Universitat, en l’ambit universitari de Catalunya. La intencio principal de l’autora es exposar a partir de quins parametres son confegits i quins... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesEducational evaluationGreek
Re-examination of a Latin inscription found in Xanthus (Lycia) in 2021, which was engraved in 378 AD on the attic blocks of the two-arched arch in the heart of the city. It was dedicated by the comes sacrarum largitionum Fl. Eutolmius... more
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      Roman HistoryLate AntiquityLatin EpigraphyLate Roman Empire
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    • History
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Stachtopouta (ATU 510A), una de les rondalles més populars de la tradició folklòrica grega, ha rebut recentment molta atenció des dels enfocaments pioners i innovadors d’estudiosos grecs i estrangers com ara D. Loukatos, Photeini P.... more
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L’«oikonomía» di Senofonte, diversamente dalla nostra «economia», non è considerata una pratica specialistica. La sfera dell’amministrazione domestica coinvolge anche quelle della politica, della religione, della guerra, dell’etica, della... more
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      HistoryPortugueseLinguisticsPersonal pronoun use
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      Computer ScienceReading ComprehensionLinguisticsText
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Misogínia i rialla de masses: la dona a la comedia atenesa Misogyny and Mass Laughter: Women in Athenian Comedy RESUM La misoírúiia, en maior o menor grau, e incipient cultura de mas d'aquest supbsit, intent il.lustrant-lo amb textos,... more
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    • Turkish History
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      Roman ComedyNew ComedyAncient Greek ComedyAncient Greek Prostitution
Byzantine chant, the music of the Greek Orthodox Churches in America, embeds meanings and functions as a methodological tool which constructs and teaches about the role of women within church communities. This thesis explores how as... more
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      ReligionGreekCultural AnthropologyByzantine
The Hittite term warā(i)- is only found in Hittite bird oracle reports of early date (Middle Script). The first convincing interpretation of this term, as ‘pair’, was provided by Y. Sakuma in his doctoral dissertation on Hittite bird... more
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      HittitologyHittiteMagic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAugury
This article revisited the foundation of why biblical languages are important in the theological and biblical education of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-operated colleges, universities and seminaries belting the world. It unveiled the... more
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This article revisited the foundation of why biblical languages are important in the theological and biblical education of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-operatedcolleges, universities and seminaries belting the world. It unveiled the... more
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In the present article the time series of the decomposition of Greek real GDP are investigated for the presence of a unit root, allowing for a maximum of two breaks which take place at an unknown point in time. This methodology is... more
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      EconomicsTime SeriesDecompositionGreek
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HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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    • Philosophy
In this article, stele N 30 is removed from the Pisidian corpus because it is read as a plain Greek text containing the name of a man, Papas, said to be a gallus. Moreover, the relief of the same stele depicting a figure in woman’s... more
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      ArtLiteratureGreek EpigraphyGreek
Een navertelling van Jh.1:1-18 in het Nederlands
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    • Evangelie van Johannes
Este artículo es el estudio previo de un papiro del siglo III d.C. conocido como "Leyenda de Tefnut". Se trata de la traducción al griego de una leyenda egipcia que narra el mito del Ojo del Sol. Aunque hasta ahora ha recibido... more
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The present study discusses two unedited ninth-century texts dedicated to saints Menas the Kallikelados, Hermogenes and Eugraphos. The first text is a praise composed byTheophanes of Caesarea, and the other is a canon by George of... more
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Up to now, referring to Arab sources and Iranian authors in the writings about the Khurrami movement and their ruler Babak in Azerbaijan has created conditions for the existence of wrong ideas about the Khurrami state that existed in... more
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      Phoenician and Punic StudiesPhoenician tradePhoenician ceramicsArchaeology of the Iron Age in the Levant
The paper examines a syntactic consequence of a typological property of Romanian: the Clitic Doubling construction (=CD), in order to derive a wellknown generalization on CD languages: namely, the fact that CD does not license parasitic... more
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Storage and cataloguing done by FU Berlin Language Science Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any... more
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Les inscriptions suivantes proviennent toutes d'Aspendos. L'une (n° 277) a été vue par Recai Teko'lu au musée d'Antalya; les autres ont été découvertes lors de deux campagnes de recherche (2005 et 2006) dans les hameaux qui composent... more
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Exploring Dress, Gender, and Bodily Capital through Pre- and Protohistoric Funerary Contexts: Case Studies from Southwestern Europe by Francisco B. Gomes, University of Lisbon, Catarina Costeira, University of Lisbon, Anna Maria... more
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This paper deals with the treatment of stress in Greek inflectional morphology. First, a morphological processor is presented which is built on the basis of a linguistic analysis of Greek inflected forms. This is followed by a discussion... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental PsychologyComputer Science
The occurrence of referential Null Objects (NOs) is a recurrent syntactic feature of ancient Indo-European languages. As previous scholars have remarked, different conditions license the occurrence of NOs in individual languages. In... more
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      PhilosophyHistorical LinguisticsSocial SciencesSyntax