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La presentazione rappresenta una carrellata di attività sulla didattica plurilingue, in particolare sul translanguaging e sulle competenze di literacy e biliteracy anche sulla base della teoria CUP (Common Underlying Proficiency) di Jim... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionForeign language teaching and learningLanguage AwarenessDidattica, Italiano L2, Teaching Italian as a Second Language
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      Applied LinguisticsPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesGlottodidattica
*** Didactics of translation/ Translodidactics - terminological considerations: * The increasing demand for translators, espacially translators of specialised texts, means that the importance of translation didactics as an academic... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTranslation theoryApplied Linguistics
W artykule przedstawiono sytuację, wyzwania i problemy współczesnej chińskiej polonistyki. Przez ponad 50 lat na terenie Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej funkcjonowała jedna polonistyka — na Pekińskim Uniwersytecie Języków Obcych (Beijing... more
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      Polish language, literature and culturePolish LanguagePolish Language TeachingGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
L’obiettivo del corso è fornire le linee-guida teoriche e metodologiche per didattizzare materiale autentico di diversa natura, e indirizzato a studenti di vari livelli linguistici ed età. Le indicazioni generali sono accompagnate da... more
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      Applied LinguisticsLudolinguisticsGlottodidatticaDidáctica lenguaje
Celem artykułu jest analiza zawartości różnorodnych podręczników przeznaczonych do nauczania języka polskiego obcokrajowców pod kątem obecności leksemów wykrzyknikowych. Na wstępie autorka wyznacza zakres wykrzyknika jako części mowy. Do... more
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      DidacticsLearning and TeachingInterjectionsTextbook Analysis
Vademecum per chi applica il metodo Ørberg o natura nei licei, ed. digitale rivista ed ampliata. N.B.: Un adattamento postumo (a. 2020) in spagnolo del medesimo vademecum è qui disponibile:... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureTeaching and Learning
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsHistory of Italian Language
во Зборник на трудови од меѓународниот научен собир „Италијанистиката во третиот милениум: новите предизвици во јазичните, книжевните и културните истражувања“ – 60 години изучување на италијански јазик на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и... more
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      Cultural StudiesGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Il presente elaborato si pone l’obiettivo di delineare un quadro generale dello sviluppo della glottodidattica e della neurolinguistica, mostrando come il loro percorso sia interconnesso e come queste si siano influenzate reciprocamente.... more
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      NeuroscienceLanguages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsTeaching of Foreign Languages
In the era of digitization in schools and global interest in then development of modern technologies, board games seem to be a relatively less attractive element in foreign language classes for Polish students of the 21st century, than... more
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      Board GamesGlottodidatticaGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Come e perché insegnare cultura quando si insegnano le lingue straniere? Che cosa si intende per ‘cultura’ in glottodidattica? In questo volume viene tracciata l’evoluzione diacronica della didattica della cultura nell’ambito... more
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      Language EducationLanguages and LinguisticsInterCultural StudiesIntercultural Pragmatics
LANGUAGE DIDACTICS - GLOTTODIDACTIC, APPRACH AND TEACHING TECHNIQUES Language Didactics or Glotodidactics is a discipline that analyzes and puts in practice theoretical approaches, methods and techniques for language learning.... more
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    • Glottodidactics. Teaching strategies
В статье рассматриваются различные методы, которые зарубежные лингводидакты используют в практике обучения иностранным языкам. Дается краткий обзор научных исследований в области итальянской педагогики и лингводидактики. Особое внимание... more
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      Italian StudiesTeaching of Foreign LanguagesGlottodidatticaМетодика преподавания РКИ
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      Applied LinguisticsPolish StudiesGlottodidatticaPolish Language
Current developments in the fields of communication and information technology contribute to the situation that we are faced continuously with new e-learning software in second language teaching. This fact presents new challenges for, in... more
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      Interkulturelle GermanistikInterkulturelle Kompetenz im FremdsprachenunterrichtFremdsprachendidaktikElearning
2015 issue of Language and Literary Studies of Warsaw Contents Literary and Cultural Studies / Studia Literaturoznawcze i Kulturoznawcze Edward Morgan Forster i Polska: Przypis do biografii i próba studium recepcji - Krzysztof... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
Un esempio di piano delle attività per classi di apprendenti in età 3-6 anni, di L1 inglese, in contesto bilingue (france-inglese), all'interno delle attività culturali promosse dalla comunità italiana locale.
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      DidacticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Italian as a Foreign LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Dottore di ricerca (PhD) in Lettere Cristiane e Classiche (tesi in glottodidattica del latino). Fondatore e responsabile del gruppo di scrittura haiku in latino "Sodalicium haicubus Latine pangendis Romanum Opaca Fronde". Filologo... more
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      PhilologyClassicsLatin LiteratureLatin and Greek
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      Educational LinguisticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingGlottodidatticaFriulian language
Language comprehension in academic writing. Italian as L1
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    • Glottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Статья посвящена принципам изучения украинского, русского и английского языков на кафедре украинистики Варшавского университета. Описаны методы преподавания. Особое внимание уделяется преодолению интерференции польского, украинского и... more
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      Glottodidactics. Teaching strategiesGlottodydaktyka
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      Italian StudiesItalian Cultural StudiesItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Glottodidattica
The purpose of this study is to describe the specificity of teaching Polish as a foreign language to Slovaks and Czechs (including the advantages and disadvantages resulting from language transfer), and to present the available teaching... more
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      Learning and TeachingLanguage TeachingPolish LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Vedi 1a parte
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      DidacticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Italian as a Foreign LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Tra i temi trattati in questo numero segnaliamo: “L’italiano che include: la lingua per non essere stranieri”: un documento dell’Osservatorio nazionale per l’integrazione degli alunni stranieri e per l’intercultura “Insegnamento... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionEducational LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)History of Italian Language
Temat numeru: W kręgu badań kulturoznawczych Redaktor numeru: Aleksandra Achtelik W numerze: W numerze: Prescriptum W kręgu badań kulturoznawczych: Kosowska Ewa: Tradycja jako wehikuł swoistości kultury Sajkiewicz Violetta: Czar... more
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      CultureApplied LinguisticsPolish StudiesPolish language, literature and culture
Questo numero si apre con l’editoriale di Cristina Lavinio in ricordo della ricerca scientifica e dell’impegno civile di Tullio De Mauro. I saggi delle diverse sezioni affrontano argomenti relativi a: - varietà e contesti di... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsHistory of Italian Language
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsHistory of Italian Language
Nauczanie języka polskiego w Czechach -formy i rodzaje kształcenia Nauczanie języka polskiego w Czechach ma bardzo długą tradycję. Zainteresowani już od prawie stu lat mają możliwość podjęcia studiów polonistycznych na czeskich uczelniach... more
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      DidacticsLearning and TeachingPolish LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
The paper addresses the importance of – commonly underrated – students’ directed utterances, generally frowned upon as devoid of individuality and/or linguistic creativity. It presents a twofold benefit of promoting their articulation:... more
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      Language EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEnglish language
Taken as multifunctional tool, branding is nowadays ready to use not only for material products or various services. Firstly used during the process of territorial marketing, it was also claimed to be appropriate strategy to empower image... more
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      GlottodidatticaNowe MediaNowe Media, Social Media, BlogiKultura Języka Polskiego
Lezione iniziale tenuta per segretarie di azienda (Montreal, Québec, settembre 2016). L'attività didattica cerca di sfruttare il contesto (inizio delle attività con un nuovo docente) per riaffrontare le strutture comunicative con cui una... more
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      DidacticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Italian as a Foreign LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Modern changes related to globalization and more intensive mobility of people, imply the increase of number of Poles living abroad. Bilingualism of children of Polish immigrants, who grow up in a foreign country, quite often remains... more
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      Teaching Heritage LanguagesBilingualismPolish LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Otwarcie konferencji pt. CEFRiTES: The Common European Framework of Reference in Tertiary EducationSystem – Interpretations and Implementations / Europejski System Opisu Kształcenia Językowego w Szkolnictwie Wyższym – Interpretacje i... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsArabic LiteratureTeaching of Foreign LanguagesCEFR
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      Language EducationFilm StudiesPopular CultureStereotypes
The article describes a popular phenomenon associated with drawing upon literary texts and literature related works in the practice of language instruction. The application of reportage in the teaching of foreign languages is generally... more
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      Polish language, literature and cultureGlottodidactics. Teaching strategiesGlottodidacticsLiterary Reportage
The text presents cross-disciplinary observations which justify treating the learner’s expression of his/her knowledge as the main L2 learning/teaching technique. It is argued that such an approach is most likely to render educational... more
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      Language EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEnglish language
No more than a brief teaching report, written in very unidiomatic English
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      DialectologyMinority LanguagesRomance LinguisticsLanguage Teaching
Az erősödő európai integrációs törekvések, amelyek egyre időszerűbbé teszik a magas szintű idegen nyelvi oktatást, immár hazánkban is jelentkeznek. A nyelvtanítás feltételeinek megteremtése a módszertanilag jól felkészült tanárok... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage TeachingTeacher Professional LearningNyelvészet
A più di dieci anni dalla pubblicazione su L'Eco di Aversa (, si ripropone un piccolo contributo che ha inaugurato la seconda ondata di sperimentazioni didattiche inerenti al metodo induttivo-contestuale in... more
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      Didattica Del LatinoDidattica Del GrecoGlottodidactics. Teaching strategiesMetodo Induttivo-Contestuale
Il format è stato poposto con un triplice fine: 1) creare un profilo degli apprendenti per meglio calibrare le attività didattiche; 2) saggiare le capacità di comprensione scritta utilizzando questionari/anagrafiche 3) dare modo ai... more
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      DidacticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Teaching Italian as a Foreign LanguageGlottodidactics. Teaching strategies
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie, jak włączyć teksty prozatorskie do pracy z uczącymi się języka polskiego jako obcego na niższych poziomach zaawansowania (do B1 włącznie). Pierwszą część tekstu poświęcono przeglądowi dostępnych materiałów... more
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      LiteratureAdaptationPolish LiteratureLiteratura
Dostępne od pewnego czasu na rynku smartfony i tablety wyposażone są w oprogramowanie oraz funkcje pozwalające na ograniczone komunikowanie się w języku obcym bez jego znajomości. Choć jest to obecnie możliwe jedynie na poziomie A1, już... more
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      Computer ScienceNew MediaSocial MediaMass Communication and New Media
El presente estudio pretende analizar el uso de presentaciones de PowerPoint en las clases de polaco intermedio y avanzado. Las observaciones incluidas en este texto se basan en la experiencia obtenida por la autora durante su trabajo... more
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      Slavic LanguagesPolishPolish StudiesPolish language, literature and culture
The paper presents a radically new approach to the teaching and learning of English referred to – owing to its rationale drawing on music – as Compose Your Own English. With the (markedly interdisciplinary) theoretical foundations... more
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      EducationLanguage EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish language