Global Law
Recent papers in Global Law
In June 2016, the European Union launched its new ‘Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy’. In less unusual times, it would have been received as merely the latest iteration of the main tenets and ambitions of EU external action,... more
This book takes a close look at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), challenging existing claims and answering previously unanswered questions, by considering all of its publicly available decisions, both in its entirety as a body of... more
Human right to water has arguably become a flashpoint issue for debates over the social dimensions of globalization. The social dimension of a globalization is a current and main challenge to ensure that globalization and global... more
Roman Law: An Introduction offers a clear and accessible introduction to Roman law for students of any legal tradition. In the thousand years between the Law of the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s massive Codification, the Romans developed... more
The dislocations of the worldwide economic crisis, the necessity of a system of global justice to address crimes against humanity, and the notorious “democratic deficit” of international institutions highlight the need for an innovative... more
Solo recentemente il diritto di famiglia sembra essere uscito dall’”oblio” nel quale a lungo è stato lasciato dalle analisi comparatistiche classiche che lo consideravano troppo “politico” e variabile per essere oggetto di analisi... more
Constitutionalism is changing but the direction of change is an uncertain and open issue. What can be the role of the comparative constitutional law and of the comparative lawyer in front of different contemporary visions of... more
Este artículo analiza ciertas similitudes existentes en el tratamiento jurídico de la persona humana entre el Derecho internacional público y el Derecho canónico. Ambos sistemas jurídicos dotaron al concepto jurídico de persona de un... more
Ma au ur ri it ti iu us s.
Mon intervention cherche à restituer, à travers les travaux les plus récents de Benoît Frydman, la recherche du sens du droit global comme une entreprise qui se situe dans le prolongement de son livre "Le sens des lois. Histoire de... more
This paper critically reassesses the notion of relative normativity in international law and the related debate triggered by the emergence of ius cogens and international soft law. Contrary to standard positivist assumptions which treat... more
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
The parallel between contemporary issues and Roman history often fascinates and illuminates. In this article, I argue that Roman law, which was one of several sources of inspiration for the American founders, can serve today as an... more
The international community, under the impact of globalization, is being transformed into a new community made up of new members, inspired by new principles, and based on new ideas. In the first part of this paper, I aim to justify the... more
This chapter examines the development of a global regime of social differentiation as a consequence of migration control. It discusses the main features of migration control, focusing on nationality and visa policies, and conceptualizes... more
In contrast to the view taken by Gunther Teubner and Andreas Fischer-Lescano, this paper argues for the continued relevance of a Kelsenian approach in the face of the structural problems of the modern international legal system. Legal... more
La profession d’avocat connait des transformations profondes. L’avocat est de plus en plus amené à travailler en réseau, à conseiller en matière de compliance, à intervenir dans des procédures d’arbitrage, à user de nouvelles techniques... more
La globalisation impose plus que jamais d’étudier le « droit en contexte » et de reprendre, dans la tradition de la philosophie pragmatique, des points de vue ouverts et larges sur le droit. Une telle méthode a pour caractéristique de ne... more
This essay articulates and defends a global normative paradigm of religious freedom: a minimum standard of respect for religious freedom that is rooted in human dignity and consistent with a variety of cultural and constitutional... more
In this monograph, the author attempts to reconstruct Hans Kelsen's theory and philosophy of international law. It includes not only the analysis of the claims of his Pure Theory of Law in the context of international legal problems. The... more
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The chapter outlines the legal concept of international organization. We map the debates on the traditional defining elements and the broader theoretical paradigms where the concept has been traditionally embedded. We argue that... more
Dattiloscritto non citabile!! Introduzione a: H. Lindahl, A-legalità, Autorità, Riconoscimento. Riconfigurazioni giuridiche nell'epoca della globalizzazione, Giappichelli, Torino 2020, pp. 5-26. Ordenamiento jurídico y la política de la... more
Leading legal scholars and philosophers provide a breadth of perspectives and inspire stimulating debate around the transformations of jurisprudence in a globalized world. This innovative book considers modifications to jurisprudence’s... more
La propuesta de este trabajo consiste en realizar un análisis sociojurídico crítico del fenómeno de la construcción de legalidad de las aguas subterráneas transfronterizas, en el especial caso del Acuífero Guaraní, tomando para tal fin... more
The global justice debate has largely ignored law. But that debate presupposes a legal order within which principles of justice could be implemented. Paying attention to law alters our understanding of global justice by requiring us to... more
The idea of transconstitucionalism represents a milestone in innovative proposals in constitutional law. It is a perspective that seeks to demonstrate how the context of “world society” (Weltgesellschaft) develops new mechanisms for... more
The paper studies some international law aspects underpinning the project of the new Domain Name System governance, in order to try and bridge the worlds of IT law and international law. It also deals with the issue of the fragmentation... more
As deficiências e conquistas das sociedades globalizadas impactaram a concepção, estrutura e capacidade de efetividade do direito moderno. A tradicional rigidez da norma limitada às definições territoriais do Estado nacional impede a... more
Dans un contexte globalisé, l'enseignement du droit change aussi. Sous quelles formes change-t-il ? Doit-on parler d'internationalisation ou de dénationalisation, voire de transnationalisation de l'éducation juridique ? Ces différents... more
Les interrogations sur le statut disciplinaire du droit comparé sont classiques et anciennes. L'intensité du débat tient sans doute à ce que le droit comparé ne forme pas un corps de règles positives. Ce n'est d'ailleurs pas le seul droit... more
La présente contribution évalue les répercussions de la saga contentieuse argentine sur la résolution des crises des dettes souveraines. Le contentieux, porté devant les juridictions new-yorkaises, fut l’occasion d’avaliser la... more