Friedrich Engels
Most downloaded papers in Friedrich Engels
Prefácio à primeira edição/1884 1 Prefácio à quarta edição/1891 5 3 simas falsificações liberais do senhor Freeman. Tive que refazer toda a argumentação económica, que, se era suficiente para os objetivos de Morgan, não bastava, em... more
Contemporary geographical thought is constrained by a political economic imagination rooted in binarism, which is exemplified in debates surrounding neoliberalism. Neoliberal proponents call for decentralization and increased capital... more
This article is a manifesto for anarchist geographies, which are understood as kaleidoscopic spatialities that allow for multiple, non-hierarchical, and protean connections between autonomous entities, wherein solidarities, bonds, and... more
This book has been an unconscionably long time in the making. My interest in theories of the state and state power dates back some twelve years or more and my interest in epistemological and methodological issues in theory construction is... more
The objective of the following observations is to offer a rough overview of central ways of reading Marx’s theory. These are to be presented – by means of a few selected topics – as Marxisms that can be relatively clearly delimited from... more
The issue of “housing” has generally not been granted an important role in post-war political economy. Housing-as-policy has been the preserve of social policy analysis and of a growing field of housing studies; housing-as-market has been... more
Although Marx himself did not explicitly theorize the media, his postulations and adumbrations about the dialectics of cultural and ideological mediation have provided a robust springboard for a Marxist theory of the media. In this... more
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
Gianmo Leopardi, Carlo Antici, Monaldo Leopardi, Adelaide Antici, Sebastiano Timpanaro jr., Sebastiano Timpanaro sr., Maria Cardini Timpanaro, la scienza greca, la filologia di e su Giacomo Leopardi, Epicuro, Lucrezio, il materialismo,... more
In 2013, the world is entering the sixth year of the global crisis. In those six years, sparked by the unfolding events, there has developed a burgeoning literature regarding the origins, conjunctures and regional manifestations of the... more
Este libro es una defensa apasionada del pensamiento de Federico Engels, en especial, de las ideas relacionadas con su Dialéctica de Ia naturaleza. Se sumerge y toma partido en una añosa y, sin embargo, actualísima polémica en torno al... more
It is a commonplace that Marx did not produce an account of the state to match the analytical power of his critique of the capitalist mode of production in Das Kapital. Indeed, although this great work was to have included an extended... more
L'analisi del libro sulla Origine della famiglia svolta dalla filosofa francese. Una critica al «monismo» proprio del materialismo storico che forse andrebbe più rivolta alla vulgata marxista che a Engels. Esistenzialismo, marxismo e... more
One of the most important debates in contemporary social and political movements concerns the importance and value of “prefigurative politics”. Its meaning, along with its origins, is often misconstrued, and it has come under intense... more
Patched Version. Fixed grammar and structure errors. A few new sentences added, some taken away. New paragraph added in the section on the development in measure. Still 43 pages, and over 100 quotes, directly engaging Marx's economics... more
Ireland is one of the few countries to be discussed systematically in Capital, Karl Marx's most important work. Ireland and the Irish were also discussed in Marx's lesser known economic writings and journalism. And famously, Engels'... more
To record the contradictionswithinthe life and writings of Alexandra Kollontai's to reclaim a largely unidentifiedpart of Marxist feminist history that attempted to extend Engel's and Bebel's analysis of women's oppression but eventually... more
Deleuze and Guattari’s conception of desire stands at the heart of their criticisms of psychoanalysis and the political program they develop in Anti-Oedipus. Although this notion is clearly divorced from a commonsense understanding in... more
“Depois da morte de Deus e do desmoronamento das utopias, sobre qual base intelectual e moral queremos construir nossa vida comum?” (TODOROV: 2006, p. 9) Com esta questão, que inaugura sua obra O Espírito das Luzes, Tzvetan Todorov situa... more
L'Orestea di Eschilo appartiene ai drammi più influenti che siano mai stati scritti e gode di una posizione straordinaria nella letteratura mondiale e nella storia del teatro. Dalla prima messa in scena nel 458 a.C. fino ai giorni nostri... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. ISBN 978-3-88619-440-7 (Band 8/I) ISBN... more
Graduate thesis for Kingston University's CEP (Contemporary European Philosophy Program), supervised by Catherine Malabou In critical assessments of the work of Karl Marx, the role of nature is often trivialized—he is portrayed as an... more
The article argues for contemporary relevance of "Cosmology of the Spirit" by the outstanding Soviet philosopher Evald Ilyenkov, and explores its historical and intellectual contexts. This short treatise was written in the first half of... more
Reading different or controversial intentions into Marx and Engels' works has been somewhat a common but rather unquestioned practice in the history of Marxist scholarship. Engels' Dialectics of Nature, a torso for some and a great book... more
Die sozialistische Arbeiterbewegung stand am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts vor der Frage, welche Haltung zum Staat einzunehmen sei, mit dem man sich in der Tagespolitik auseinanderzusetzen hatte und von dem man, sollte eine ‚revolutionäre’... more
Bu makale, mimari ürünün hammaddesi olarak kabul edilen kent mekanının dönüşümünü anlatmak amacıyla yazılmıştır. Kapitalist toplumlarda kentlerdeki mimari ürünler giderek birbirine benzemekte, birbirinden çok farklı coğrafyalarda da... more
« Se réapproprier le champ de la longue durée. Contribution écoféministe à une histoire après l'anthropocène » Mots clef : matriarcat, écoféminisme, anthropocène, Tsing, Haraway, Bachofen, anthropologie, d'Eaubonne, Engels, Federici... more
This paper considers the importance of examples from India in the text of Marx’s Capital. In tracking Marx’s preoccupations, it is possible to show the relevance, especially for today, of his critique in a global frame, as political... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more
Apoiando-se no método marxista, Henrique Wellen analisou a função social da "economia solidária" nas suas relações com as determinações do capitalismo brasileiro atual. Além de expor seus principais pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos,... more
The Critique of the Gotha Programme, written by Karl Marx in 1875 and posthumously published in 1891, contains his most detailed statements on the essential features of a communist economy. One of them, the end of the exchange of... more
Cet article propose un résumé actualisé de mon livre « Le Communisme primitif n'est plus ce qu'il était. » (Smolny, 2012) Il paraîtra en anglais dans le livre Beyond war: archaeological approaches to violence, A. García-Piquer and A.... more
This paper criticizes a range of recent positions on Max Stirner’s relationship to the anarchist canon. A recent rise in academic attention to Stirner offers a possibility for new analyses to clear away the misconceptions of the past,... more
En el artículo "Reflexiones sobre la dialéctica dominación/emancipación en el derecho desde el pensamiento marxista" se reflexiona acerca de cómo el derecho no puede ser visto sólo como un fenómeno de dominación, sino también como un... more
This essay explores some aspects of the debate led by Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar on the strategy of the French Communist Party (PCF) in the 1970s. They saw the Eurocommunist turn of the party as a strategy that accepted the... more
Evald Vasílievich Iliénkov y el fin de la fllosofía clásica soviética E ste ensayo nos retrotrae a un momento que, separado de nosotros en el tiempo por una generación, es a pesar de ello tan extraño para los cubanos de hoy, como si desde... more
"Studi Storici", 2/2018, pp. 403-435 Il saggio ha per tema il rapporto di Gramsci con una silloge di scritti di Marx ed Engels da lui conosciuta durante il suo soggiorno a Mosca. Tale antologia, edita nel 1924 da V.V. Adoratskij e A.D.... more
1 "Tout ce que je sais, c'est que je ne suis pas Marxiste." (Karl Marx 1 ) Kein Gespenst ging 1989 um in Europa, sondern ein Aufatmen: Man vermeldete das Ableben des real existierenden Sozialismus, dem man als Beigabe das OEuvre Marxens... more
Las características del dêmos ateniense durante la democracia y, especialmente, las implicancias de la participación política de masas, han sido objeto de profunda atención por parte de distintos intelectuales modernos que reflexionaron... more