French Civil Code
Recent papers in French Civil Code
Continental codes have been presented, following in the French model’s footsteps, as a determining technique to achieve legal unification and legal positivism. From this perspective, codes would not be compatible with non-legal sources... more
Conférence, Tours, Université François Rabelais, 20 juin 2014.
I. Introduction -délimitation du sujet.
– Comment la législation nouvelle contenue dans le Code civil at -elle été appliquée en pays de droit écrit ? Les auteurs du Code, en attribuant aux juges l'interprétation par voie de doctrine, l'ont investi d'une tâche immense, celle de... more
BiBlioGraPhie BettA e., 2006, Animare la vita. Disciplina della nascita tra medicina e morale nell'Ottocento, Bologna, Il Mulino, 367 p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 218 p. Brière s., 1983, Infanticide du nouveau-né : définition d'une... more
The development of the law of riparian rights in the Anglo-American world in the nineteenth century has been analyzed from several points of view, including economic property theory and Marxian legal history. Transnational aspects of the... more
À partir d’une enquête menée sur des couples français recourant à des mères porteuses en Amérique du Nord, cet article analyse la façon les individus composent avec des interdits juridiques, des blocages administratifs et des réprobations... more
Abstract: Since the French Civil Code is the first codified civil law, it has affected many legal systems and inspired the Swiss Law, which is the source of the Turkish Code of Obligations. For this reason, in the present study, the... more
The aim of the contribution is to examine the influence and significance of the French Code Civil for the Croatian legal culture from the beginning of the 19th century until the present day. The introductory part presents the basic... more
В статье анализируется французский проект реформирования ГК Наполеона (Catala) и разница подходов к развитию институтов преддоговорной ответственности и добросовестности со стороны судебной практики и законодательства во Франции и России.
This article focuses on the attitude of the Polish legal elite regarding the adaptation of French civil law introduced on the Polish territories in the Duchy of Warsaw, established by Napoleon in 1807. While addressing the Polish example,... more
Do Direito Romano até hoje é um dos ramos mais importantes do Direito e por motivos que ficam claros no decorrer do texto.
This paper examines the diverse responses of the German states to the Code Napoleon at the beginning of the nineteenth century. These states differed both in the extent to which they adopted the Code, and the extent to which they retained... more
Il saggio discute il tema della giurisprudenza normativa nell’attuale assetto di ricodificazione del diritto contrattuale, esaminando la regola pretoria che afferma l’inesigibilità della clause résolutoire quando sia stata esercitata in... more
Au cours de ces journées bilatérales franco-espagnoles différents thèmes essentiels du nouveau droit des obligations ont été présentés, sans exhaustivité, avec le regard tantôt critique tantôt approbateur de nos amis juristes espagnols,... more
Thomas Duve (ed.), Entanglements in Legal History: Conceptual Approaches (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main, 2014), pp. 297-313
Scotto, Pablo (2020). "Lo civil en el Código napoleónico y la libertad de los modernos", Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, nº 43, pp. 285-304. RESUMEN: El propósito... more