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Rotary degassing is one of the most frequently used melt treatment technologies used for processing liquid aluminum alloys. Despite this, the information available about the possible effects of this method on the double oxide-and nitride... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMetallurgyMaterials Science and Engineering
Zero Impact è un concetto molto ambizi oso quando
si parla di una fonderia. un decalogo di interventipotrebbe
indicare la via da seguire per raggiungere l’ “impatto zero”
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      Sustainable DevelopmentFoundry Engineering
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      Foundry TechnologyFoundry Engineering
The quality of chemically bonded sand cores used during the manufacturing process of cast components is highly dependent on the properties of the sand, which constitutes the refractory base media of the core. One of the main advantages of... more
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      FoundryFoundry & Metallurgical EngineeringFoundry SandFoundry Technology
The paper presents the analysis of technology of copper and alloyed copper destined for power engineering casts. The casts quality was assessed based on microstructure, chemical content analysis and strength properties tests.... more
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      MicrostructureCopperCopper AlloysFoundry Engineering
Bimetallic casting adalah metode penggabungan dua material logam yang memiliki sifat mekanis maupun sifat fisik yang berbeda dengan metode pengecoran. Dua sifat logam yang tadinya sulit didapatkan dari satu jenis material kini dapat... more
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      Materials ScienceFoundryFoundry MetallurgyFoundry Engineering
Investment casting technology belongs to the oldest casting techniques. Historically, it was used for casting tools, weapons and ornaments. A model, made from beeswax, was covered in loam, dried and fired. The casts obtained were... more
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      Copper AlloysFoundry Engineering
The research aimed at assessing the influence of alloying elements, such as Al, Si, Ni, Pb and Bi on the chosen alloys of Cu-Zn. Microstructures were examined with the use of optical and scanning microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. The... more
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      Mechanical propertiesCopper AlloysFoundry EngineeringBrasses
Metal Casting industry has a classic problem in handling the production process and quality control. Hybrid manufacturing and rapid prototyping are technological developments in the manufacturing sector that are currently attracting a lot... more
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      ManufacturingRapid PrototypingManufacturing EngineeringFoundry Technology
3D printer merupakan teknologi rapid prototyping yang telah berkembang pesat dalam decade ini. 3D printer menggunakan STL file yang berasal dari gambar 3D CAD sebagai input data untuk proses pengerjaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk... more
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      Computer EngineeringIntegrated CAD/CAM systems3d PrinterAdditive Manufacturing and 3D printing
Una empresa que se instala o que desea aumentar su capacidad de producción debe analizar las diversas alternativas tecnológicas disponibles en el mercado actual, para la obtención de metal líquido. Esta evaluación debería hacerse con la... more
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      FoundryFoundry MetallurgyFoundry SandFoundry Technology
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringCasting
The presence of inclusions such as oxides, carbides or refractory particles can be harmful to the mechanical and surface characteristics of castings. Inclusion-rich metals result in lower fluidity and feeding capability during casting.... more
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      Materials ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringCastingMetal Casting
The analysis of brasses regarding their microstructure, mechanical properties and ecological characteristics has been presented. The influence of characteristic alloying elements contained in the brasses and the possibilities of replacing... more
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      MicrostructureMechanical propertiesMetal CastingEnvironmental protection
The research aimed at the comparison of the old and modern jewellery and goldsmith's articles, based on the alloys and technologies used. The jewellery was cast taking the historical artefacts as models, using the old traditions and... more
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      Metalwork (Archaeology)X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy3D printingRapid Prototyping
The presence of inclusions such as oxides, carbides or refractory particles can be harmful to the mechanical and surface characteristics of castings. Inclusion-rich metals result in lower fluidity and feeding capability during casting.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringCasting
Soprattutto in quest’ultimo periodo la fonderia rappresenta nell’immaginario comune l’antitesi di qualsiasi tentativo di vivere nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Solo in poche occasioni però ci si rende conto di come sia solo grazie alle... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityFoundryFoundry Engineering
Per recuperare efficienza produttiva e vantaggi competitivi riducendo tempi e costi esistono diversi metodi e strumenti standard di miglioramento d’affidabilità: la loro applicazione alle problematiche concrete di produzione in fonderia... more
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      Foundry SandFoundry TechnologyFoundry Engineering
Foundry sand is the main element of sand mixtures from which molds or sand cores are made. Due to the continuous development of coremaking technologies, the selection of the right type of base sand becomes more and more important. The... more
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      Materials ScienceFoundryFoundry SandFoundry Technology
This paper presents research results in the field of casting technology of copper and copper alloys using the investment casting technology, both from historical as well as modern technology perspective. The analysis of exemplary... more
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      MicrostructureInvestment CastingCopperCopper Alloys
Entrained double oxide films, or bifilms, can seriously alter the structural integrity, microstructure, and in this way, the mechanical performance of aluminum alloys. Bifilms, which usually preexist in suspension in the liquid metals,... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgyMetallurgy and Materials EngineeringMetal Casting
Nowadays, solid fluxes are widely used in foundries in order to reduce the inclusion content of alumínium alloy melts. The effect of fluxes is determined by their Chemical composition, morphology, added quantity, as well as the... more
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      Materials ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringCastingMetal Casting
The key to success for reducing energy cost is to have right information and take informed decision. Monitoring is the key to success for reducing energy costs in a foundry.
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      Energy efficiencyEnergy ManagementFoundryFoundry Metallurgy
The casting workshop in Grzybiany is one of the most important archaeological sites in regards to casting technology from the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. During the “Grzybiany. Osada nadjeziorna z epoki brązu i żelaza” [Grzybiany.... more
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      3D Reconstruction3D visualisationArchaeometallurgyMetal Casting
The article presents the research results obtained at the Department of Foundry of Non-Ferrous Metals at the Foundry Faculty of AGH, the University of Science and Technology, in Krakow. The research comprises the processes connected with... more
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      MicrostructurePropertiesCopper AlloysFoundry Engineering
The entrainment of the surface oxide layer of aluminum alloy melts is currently a mostly inevitable process during the melt handling and processing techniques of the foundry industry. As a consequence, a large number of double oxide films... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceComputed TomographyMaterials Characterisation
Conoscere l’affidabilità dei propri impianti, come e quando un certo dispositivo smetterà prevedibilmente di lavorare, in che modo interagisce con gli altri, quanto tempo occorre per ripristinarne il corretto funzionamento, quando costa... more
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      Foundry SandFoundry Engineering
ABSTRAK Industri Pengecoran Logam memiliki masalah klasik dalam menangani proses produksi dan penjaminan kualitas. Penelitian ini memberikan solusi untuk memecahkan masalah industri pengecoran logam dengan memperkenalkan dan menerapkan 3D... more
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      Additive ManufacturingFoundryCAD/CAMTeknik Mesin
Rotary degassing is one of the most frequently used melt treatment technologies used for processing liquid aluminum alloys. Despite this, the information available about the possible effects of this method on the double oxide- and nitride... more
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      Metallurgical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceMetallurgy
The development of the industrial revolution 4.0 will certainly be a new problem in The Ceper Metal Casting Industry if it is not accompanied by technological developments. This research has an important goal which is to be reference data... more
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      ManagementBusiness ManagementMetal CastingIndustrial Management
An attempt to examine the earliest traces of non-ferrous metal metallurgy and casting in present-day Krakow has been made. The preparatory investigation has centred around a group of finds coming from a small section of the eastern part... more
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      ArchaeologyMicrostructureMetalwork (Archaeology)Archaeometry
The article focused on researching the influence of Ti, B, Sr and Na as a modifying treatment elements for Al-Si alloys. The influence of alloying additives such as Cu and Cr was studied. Tensile strength Rm, elongation A5 and HB... more
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      MicrostructureHeat treatment of metals and alloysAluminumAluminium Alloys
Si propone una serie di azioni progettuali e organizzative pensate per trasformare una fonderia di ghisa tradizionale in un impianto produttivo a ridottissimo impatto ambientale.
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      Sustainable DevelopmentFoundry TechnologyFoundry Engineering
64 l'opinione Primo comandamento: "Proteggi la vita" La sicurezza dell'ambiente di lavoro è un aspetto estremamente complesso, per le diverse sfaccettature che assume quando si passa dai concetti più generali per calarsi nella concretezza... more
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      Safety EngineeringFoundry TechnologyFoundry Engineering
Prezentowany felieton jest jednym z dłuższego cyklu felietonów, publikowanych w Gazecie Myślenickiej w tym celu, żeby zachęcić do tworzenia w tym mieście innowacyjnych firm, bazujących na wiedzy naukowej i technicznej powstającej w... more
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      StartupsFoundry MetallurgyFoundry Engineeringmyślenice
In order to produce cast components, which meet the quality requirements of the automotive and aerospace industries, the control of liquid metal quality prior to the casting process is essential. Rotary degassing is the most commonly used... more
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      CastingFoundryAluminumMetal Casting
ln this study, the effects of different melt cleaning fluxes on the inclusion content and tensile properties of an aluminum casting alloy were compared. Melt treatments, consisting of rotary degassing with N2 gas, and flux addition were... more
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      Materials ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringCastingMetal Casting
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      Metal CastingFoundry Engineering
È idea comune, quanto errata, che le tecnologie fusorie si siano sviluppate progressivamente e riadattate lentamente per rispondere alla necessità sempre più raffinate dell'uomo moderno. Al contrario, molto spesso sono gli sbalzi... more
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    • Foundry Engineering