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Istoricul Societăţii Anonime „Argeş” pentru exploatarea de păduri şi industria lemnului mai înainte E. Lessel în „Acta Bacoviensia”, Anuarul Arhivelor Naţionale Bacău, IX, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2014, p.  417-426.
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      ForestryForest IndustryForest HistoryForest exploitation
The forests of Victoria were once the scene of a thriving industry of sawmilling and timber cutting. The relatively undisturbed remains of the industry provides the basis for an historical and archaeological investigation of sawmill sites... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
IMFES2019 Congress Full Text Book
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable agricultureForest IndustryMediterranean Studies
This report traces the flow of Montana's 2009 timber harvest through the primary wood-using industries; provides a description of the structure, capacity, and condition of Montana's primary forest products industry; and quantifies volumes... more
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      ForestryForest IndustryTimber Supply (Forestry Economics)Forest Economics
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      Forest IndustryTimberTimber TradeTropical forest
The forests of Victoria were once the scene of a thriving industry of sawmilling and timber cutting. The relatively undisturbed remains of the industry provides the basis for an historical and archaeological investigation of sawmill sites... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
Online learning offers advantages for all levels of training and development in the timber industries, from new recruits at technician level to chartered professionals. Learners and employers both value the flexibility it affords, while... more
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      Forest IndustryOnline Learning
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      AgroecologyPeasant StudiesForest IndustryEcofeminism
Bioresources are converted into greener products with multiple applications, which present elementary or complex characteristics, and perishable or durable purposes. Forests are leading matrices of sustainable inputs, as they convert... more
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      Biomaterials EngineeringBioeconomicsBiomaterialsForest Industry
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      EconomicsForestrySocial SciencesGovernment
Cameroon's for est sector has for many decades been characterized by industrial, large-scale, concession-based and export-oriented timber production. Over the past two decades, many innovative regulations have been adopted that largely... more
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      EconomicsForestrySocial SciencesGovernment
SUMMARY Cameroon's forest sector has for many decades been characterized by industrial, large-scale, concession-based and export-oriented timber production. Over the past two decades, many innovative regulations have been adopted that... more
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      TaxationForest IndustryTimberCameroon
This paper is a critical analysis of media discourse on a corporate restructuring case in the pulp and paper industry in Finland. The analysis indicates that discursive struggles over the legitimacy of corporate restructuring initiatives,... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIndustrial SociologyMedia SociologyMedia Studies
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      Forest IndustryPulp and Paper IndustryHISTORY OF PAPER INDUSTRY
O presente artigo corresponde à segunda parte de um estudo mais abrangente de caracterização da Fileira Florestal. A primeira parte, divulgada anteriormente no Boletim Mensal de Economia Portuguesa de dezembro de 2011 , foi dedicada à... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EconomicsForestry
Online learning offers advantages for all levels of training and development in the timber industries, from new recruits at technician level to chartered professionals. Learners and employers both value the flexibility it affords, while... more
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      EngineeringTraining and DevelopmentForest IndustryOnline Learning
This report traces the flow of California’s 2012 timber harvest through the primary wood products industry and provides a description of the structure, condition, and economic impacts of California’s forest products sector. Historical... more
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      BiomassBioenergyForest IndustryTimber Supply (Forestry Economics)
Este estudo procura demonstrar a importância da Fileira Florestal para a economia nacional, a nível mais agregado, através da criação valor e geração de emprego, mas também a nível das suas componentes sectoriais, complementando o... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyForestryNatural Resources
Online learning offers advantages for all levels of training and development in the timber industries, from new recruits at technician level to chartered professionals. Learners and employers both value the flexibility it affords, while... more
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      Training and DevelopmentForest IndustryOnline LearningOnline Courses