Forest Industry
Recent papers in Forest Industry
Istoricul Societăţii Anonime „Argeş” pentru exploatarea de păduri şi industria lemnului mai înainte E. Lessel în „Acta Bacoviensia”, Anuarul Arhivelor Naţionale Bacău, IX, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2014, p. 417-426.
The forests of Victoria were once the scene of a thriving industry of sawmilling and timber cutting. The relatively undisturbed remains of the industry provides the basis for an historical and archaeological investigation of sawmill sites... more
IMFES2019 Congress Full Text Book
The forests of Victoria were once the scene of a thriving industry of sawmilling and timber cutting. The relatively undisturbed remains of the industry provides the basis for an historical and archaeological investigation of sawmill sites... more
Online learning offers advantages for all levels of training and development in the timber industries, from new recruits at technician level to chartered professionals. Learners and employers both value the flexibility it affords, while... more
Cameroon's for est sector has for many decades been characterized by industrial, large-scale, concession-based and export-oriented timber production. Over the past two decades, many innovative regulations have been adopted that largely... more
This paper is a critical analysis of media discourse on a corporate restructuring case in the pulp and paper industry in Finland. The analysis indicates that discursive struggles over the legitimacy of corporate restructuring initiatives,... more
O presente artigo corresponde à segunda parte de um estudo mais abrangente de caracterização da Fileira Florestal. A primeira parte, divulgada anteriormente no Boletim Mensal de Economia Portuguesa de dezembro de 2011 , foi dedicada à... more
Online learning offers advantages for all levels of training and development in the timber industries, from new recruits at technician level to chartered professionals. Learners and employers both value the flexibility it affords, while... more
Online learning offers advantages for all levels of training and development in the timber industries, from new recruits at technician level to chartered professionals. Learners and employers both value the flexibility it affords, while... more