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Aim: The aim of the current investigation was to screen the presence of Staphylococci spp., especially S. aureus in meat, meat products of different animal species, and some seafood sold in some retail markets in Libya using cultural and... more
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      Meat ScienceFisheriesBiologyPublic Health
Lecithocladium angustiovum is identified from the stomach (87.33%) and the intestine (12.67%) of Indonesian short mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma). The description includes an elongated body; a mean total length of 1018.84 µm; and an... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyFisheries ScienceFisheries
This study was carried out to detect the percentage content of fatty acids (FA) and some minerals (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Fe) of 40 mantis shrimp (Erugosquilla massavensis) obtained from Northeastern Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. The protein and... more
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    • Fishery Product
This study was carried out to detect the content of amino acid in female and male specimens of blue swimming crab (Portunus segnis) obtained from (including 12 male crab and also 12 female crab) North Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Turkey.... more
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    • Fishery Product
This study was conducted to confirm the bacterial conditions of fish products with E.O.S, and its hazards on public health. A total of 60 samples of fish products (smoked fish: herring and smoked salmon–semi cooked fish: fish finger and... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyFood ScienceFood Safety
One hundred random samples of local and imported canned Tuna and Mackerel fish (25 of each) were analyzed for detection and determination of biogenic amines residues (histamine, tyramine and putrescine) by High Performance Liquid... more
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      Food SafetyFood Science and TechnologyFishery Product
Sixty random samples of fish and fish products (frozen fish: Tilapia nilotica and imported basa fillet salted fish: Mugil cephalus and sardine) (15 of each) were collected from different supermarkets in Egypt. All collected samples were... more
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      Food SafetyFood MicrobiologyFood Science and TechnologyFish processing Technology
Fish is an extremely perishable food product which requires proper handling soon after harvest. The present study was aimed at assessing post-harvest fish losses and preservation practices in Siavonga district, Southern Zambia. Structured... more
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      FisheriesAquacultureFood ProcessingFood Security
This article presents an overview of the long term trends in the trading patterns for salted herring in the area of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and their hinterlands in the period of c. 1600-1850. The market is defined as ‘the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Pasta Ikan merupakan salah satu produk diversifikasi perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Banyak metode yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan tekstur produk pasta ikan, misalnya penambahan tepung. Tepung kentang dapat ditambahkan... more
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      Food Process EngineeringFood Science and TechnologyFishery Product
Smoking is a method for preserving fishes that, after previous salting, are processed with organic components obtained from smoke. Smoke contains volatile aromatic substances that give specific features to fish flesh (attractive... more
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      Food SafetyFisheries ProductsMeat Science and TechnologySmoked fish
ABSTRACT Present study was carried out to determine the larvivorous activity of fishes was found in Lower Manair Dam to identify the potential fish species for consuming larval forms. The listed 58 larvivorous potential fish species were... more
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      FisheriesFishery Product
Tempat Pelatihan Persiapan Pensiun sekaligus Pelatihan Budidaya Lele, Restaurant yang menyajikan hasil olahan ikan langsung dari kolam dan sayuran dari tanaman hydroponik yang tersedia di areal Farm. Tersedia juga Kids Corner, anak-anak... more
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      Training and DevelopmentFisheries ScienceFisheriesTraining
The site of Wakrita is a small Neolithic establishment located on a wadi in the tectonic depression of Gobaad in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa. The 2005 excavations yielded abundant ceramics that enabled us to define one Neolithic... more
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      African StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Science
ABSTRAK Minyak ikan adalah produk perikanan yang mempunyai asam lemak tak jenuh tinggi yang rentan akan oksidasi. Penghambatan oksidasi dilakukan dengan penambahan antioksidan pada minyak. Penggunaan bahan alami sebagai antioksidan dari... more
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      FisheriesBiotechnologyFood Science and TechnologyAntioxidants
ABSTRAK Annisa Rizki Ramadhani (Dibawah bimbingan: Junianto dan Agus Asep Handaka Suryana). 2015. Karakteristik Organoleptik Bubuk Flavor Kepala Ikan Tenggiri Dengan Bahan Pengisi Tepung Terigu. Penelitian mengenai penambahan tepung... more
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    • Fishery Product
Six storage trials were conducted for preservation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in ice storage at 5 C using moringa leaves powder. The study aims to prolong the storage life of tilapia fish using moringa leaves powder of... more
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      Food ScienceFood SafetyFood EngineeringFisheries
Christianti, Y.A. 2019. LAPORAN PRAKTIKUM METODE ANALISIS MOLEKULAR HAYATI LAUT Proses Ekstraksi Kolagen, Nanokolagen, Gelatin, Kitin, Kitosan, dan Nanokitosan dari Limbah Sisik Ikan Kakatua. Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan. Universitas Sam... more
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      GelatinEXTRACTIONFish GelatinFishery Product
ABSTRACT This project details the results of a research work carried out to develop fish feed compounded from locally available materials in the institute of oceanography fish farm and analyzed its nutritional values, in the biochemistry... more
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      FisheriesSociology of Fisheries and AquacultureFishery Product
Diseño, Diagramación, Impresión y apoyo Editorial: Fundación Amano, Cross Market Ltda. ISBN (versión impresa): 978-958-9001-00-4 ISBN (versión digital): 978-958-9001-01-1
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesFisheries ManagementFish Biology
Pengujian organoleptik adalah pengujian yang didasarkan pada suatu proses yang melibatkan indera manusia. Bagian organ tubuh yang berperan dalam penginderaan adalah mata, telinga, indera pencicip, indera pembau dan indera perabaan atau... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesFisheries ManagementFishery Product
Fillet kakap merah adalah salah satu produk perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi, tetapi mudah mengalami kemunduran mutu. Konsistensi mutu produk yang dihasilkan harus sesuai dengan tuntutan kebutuhan konsumen, oleh karena itu... more
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      Sociology of Fisheries and AquacultureFood and NutritionFood MicrobiologyFood Science and Technology
Contents, preface and introduction
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyMediterranean Studies (Area Studies)Terra SigillataAncient Egyptian History
Pakan merupakan sumber energi bagi pertumbuhan dan kehidupan makhluk hidup. Pakan Buatan adalah pakan yang dibuat dengan formulasi tertentu berdasarkan pertimbangan pembuatnya. Pembuatan pakan buatan sebaiknya didasarkan pada pertimbangan... more
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      FisheriesFish ReproductionPerikananPerikanan Dan Kelautan
Ikan layang merupakan salah satu hasil terpenting sumberdaya perikanan pelagis kecil dan mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting akan tetapi ikan layang termasuk jenis komoditi pangan yang mudah busuk (highly perishable food). Oleh karena itu... more
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      Fermentation TechnologyTraditional FisheriesFishery Product
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheries ManagementFish BiologyFishery Product
ABSTRAK Annisa Rizki Ramadhani (Dibawah bimbingan: Junianto dan Agus Asep Handaka Suryana). 2015. Karakteristik Organoleptik Bubuk Flavor Kepala Ikan Tenggiri Dengan Bahan Pengisi Tepung Terigu. Penelitian mengenai penambahan tepung... more
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    • Fishery Product
Marine mole crabs (Emerita emeritus) belong to a small genus of crustacean species. They are edible and could be developed to meet human nutritional needs. We determined the effects of various processing methods including boiling,... more
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      Food and NutritionFood ChemistryFood Science and TechnologyFood Technology
FRANCESCO BIANCHI, “Una storia di pinne e di squame”. Appunti per una storia del pesce nell’ebraismo medievale Partendo dai dati biblici e talmudici, l’articolo esplora, in primo luogo, il ruolo del pesce nella creazione e le leggi... more
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      Jewish Ritual Purity LawThe Spanish InquisitionFishingRamban
Published by Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Republic Indonesia. It discusses the contemporary issues of fish logistics, in terms of determining centre of production, consumption, and buffer stocks
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      LogisticsSupply ChainMaritime Economics and LogisticsFishery Product
Mengonsumsi Ikan Cucut apalagi menjadikannya sebagai makanan sehari-hari mungkin masih jarang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Namun, seiring dengan bertambahnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang kandungan gizi yang terdapat di dalam... more
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    • Fishery Product
O mercado de peixes cultivados cresce no mundo todo e, especialmente no Brasil, ganha cada vez mais produtores e consumidores. Pensando em orientar os empreendedores de pequeno porte a aumentar a comercialização do seu principal produto,... more
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      GastronomyGastronomiaFish processing TechnologyPescado
Abstrak Ikan Mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus) termasuk ikan yang bergizi tinggi dan potensial untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai ikan Mujair asap. Penelitian tentang kualitas ikan Mujair asap dengan metode yang berbeda dan lama simpan yang... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyFishery ProductFood Science and Chemistry
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      FisheriesFish processing TechnologyFishery ProductFish Prosessing
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      Early Modern HistoryFood HistoryCourts and Elites (History)History of Food
Smoking is a method for preserving fi shes that, after previous salting, are processed with organic components obtained from smoke. Smoke contains volatile aromatic substances that give specifi c features to fi sh fl esh (attractive... more
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      Food SafetyMeat TechnologyFisheries ProductsMeat Science and Technology
Snapper (Lates calcarifer), grouper (Epinephelus coioides), tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) are leading commodity worthly cultivated in Pidie Jaya. Bandar Baru and... more
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      FisheriesSociology of Fisheries and AquacultureFisheries ManagementFisheries Biology
Business to business promotion of aquaculture in Zambia presented at several B2B events
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      Fisheries ManagementFish BiologyAquacultureFishery Product
Dont copy.
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      Philosophy of MindProject ManagementFisheriesSolar Energy
ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan IPTEK bagi masyarakat dengan memberikan informasi mengenai kualitas ikan asap yang diproses menggunakan smoking cabinet dan tungku tradisional. Penggunaan smoking cabinet dan tungku... more
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      Food ProcessingFishery Product
The use of exogenous hormones to induce final oocyte maturation, ovulation, and spawning has become commonplace in the reproductive protocols for many species. In the present study, African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were monthly... more
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      FisheriesFisheries ManagementFish BiologyFish Reproduction
Marketing Model of Skipjack Tuna in Kupang Regency. The study was aimed to identify marketing model of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Kupang City especially in Namosain, Oeba and Oesapa markets. The samples were selected by using... more
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      FisheriesSociology of Fisheries and AquacultureFishery Product
Presence of browning or black-spot in fresh foods can adversely affect consumer acceptance. Onion has been reported to exert inhibitory activity against browning reaction. This research aimed to uncover the mechanism and identify active... more
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      ChemistryEnzymologyBiotechnologyNMR Spectroscopy
Smoking is a way of preserving the fish which, after previous salting, are processed with organic components contained in the smoke during incomplete combustion (pyrolysis) of wood. Smoke contains volatile aromatic substances that gives... more
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      Food SafetyMeat TechnologyFisheries ProductsMeat Science and Technology
The jellyfish fishery in Malampaya Sound, Palawan was studied in 2004 as one of the recommendations of the participatory strategic planning workshop for the General Management Plan of Malampaya Sound Protected Landscape and Seascape... more
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      FisheriesSeafood processingSmall scale fisheriesSustainable fisheries
For no less than 300 years, c. 1550-1860 the Dutch way of fishing was the envy of neighbours in the North Sea area and looked upon as the undisputed best practice. This was a lasting consequence of the Dutch Golden Age in fishing... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
• The risk of human health through the ingestion of fish was estimated. • The study area is a Ramsar site polluted by mining activities and urbanization. • The consumption of C. spixii pose risk to human health due to Cd, Pb and As. • As... more
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      Marine Protected AreasHeavy Metal PollutionRamsar siteFishery Product
ABSTRAK Salah satu fungsi alginat dalam pangan yaitu digunakan sebagai pengemulsi. Kamaboko ikan adalah produk pengolahan hasil perikanan yang memerlukan ketahanan stabilitas emulsi. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah ikan Kuniran (Upheneus... more
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      Food EngineeringFood Science and TechnologyFishery Product
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      StatisticsSocial Research Methods and MethodologyFisheriesIndustrial Districts
The spawn of Indian major carps makes the Halda River an irreplaceable heritage of Bangladesh. The study was conducted to observe present status of Indian major carp breeding and collection management procedures of carp spawn and fry from... more
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      Fisheries ManagementFish BiologyFishery Product