Fiji Islands
Recent papers in Fiji Islands
Since the era of national independence in the Pacific Islands, many indigenous leaders have attempted to articulate a 'Pacific Way' aimed at developing island states along lines true to a shared past. Drawing on emblematic regional... more
Fiji’s media landscape has been challenged by the consequences of Fiji’s own political struggles (Pareti, 2009; Perrottet & Robie, 2011; Singh, 2010a; S. B. Singh, 2018). While scholars and policy analysts have pointed out the nuances of... more
Although the academic research on religion in Fiji and the South Pacific is substantial, there are few examples of studies that connect religion with the larger discourses of Fijian tradition and social life. Even fewer are the ones... more
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This article contains a previously unpublished essay of personal reflections on the relationship between Catholicism and Marxism. The essay includes a critique of the social teaching encyclicals written by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and... more
Political campaigning on social media in Fiji was first witnessed in the 2014 national election. In the Fiji 2018 general election, social media political campaigning had evolved with greater complexity and a wider variety of... more
This report describes a series of excavations performed upon the site of Bātiri, located within the district of Sigatoka, Nadrogā Province, Fiji. The investigation of the site was part of a larger research project that explored the... more
Fiji, an island nation located in the South Pacific has three major higher education institutions namely, "The Fiji National University, The University of the South Pacific which is also 'the oldest university' in the country and The... more
This recent book provides the most current and well-illustrated overview of the art of Fiji. It was written, designed and illustrated by Dr Rod Ewins, who has been documenting Fijian art and culture for over 35 years. Produced in a... more
A new strategic vision for Fiji's National Museum. It sets the new direction for the Fiji Museum in this new century.
The power struggle between the children of the first and second marriage of the former Vunivalu of Bau played right into the agenda of external parties to weaken the Fijian traditional system when armed soldiers and police interfered with... more
This research brief summarises three recent publications that analyse some of the social and political effects of Tropical Cyclone Winston in Fiji. The research was conducted by a multidisciplinary team with a core of SGDIA researchers... more
Establishing a national university has been widely viewed by smaller developing countries as a means of asserting national sovereignty and driving the country’s economic, social, and cultural development. This has been particularly true... more
A Personal reflection addressing the increase in number of church splits taking place in Fiji amongst Pentecostal denominations. It is not a historical reflection but rather a biblical view of the Church and why church splits and church... more
Rokowaqa's 75,000-word account of Fijian history was published as Ai Tukutuku kei Viti (meaning Stories of Fiji) in 1926. His text contains tales of Fiji's origins, the migrations and wars of the great chiefdoms, and explanations of how... more
The suggestion that the iTaukei (indigenous Fijians) are a lost tribe of Israel has gained currency among Methodists in the interior of Viti Levu, coexisting with a firm and widely held belief in the ancestors’ emergence from the mystical... more
Establishing a national university has been widely perceived by smaller developing countries as a means of visibly taking ownership of the country’s economic, social and cultural development. A national university, funded and directed by... more
This article poses the question of what analytical insight can be gained by comparing ritual and cliché, both of which involve evaluations of the significance of repetition. The case study is kava-drinking sessions in indigenous Fiji.... more
This chapter explores teacher's perceptions of CE as a subject and the ways in which CE is taught in Fiji.
Fiji adalah salah satu negara dari banyaknya negara yang tersusun atas banyaknya pulau yang terbentang di atas bangsa kewilayahannya sendiri. Hal ini bukan selalu berdampak baik, karena dalam beberapa kasus tertentu, ruang dan waktu... more
A personal reflection paper responding on the Role of Spiritual Leaders during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Fiji. Does the “Pacific way” a term coined by the late Kamisese Mara, former Prime Minster and President of Fiji, whereby Pacific... more
iv This dissertation examines the idea of "environment" in Waitabu, an indigenous Fijian community on Taveuni Island, and how it influences the community's participation in contemporary development projects. My main argument is that vanua... more
This paper presents four new strategies for growing the organic agriculture sector. Globally there are 51 million hectares of certified organic agriculture land and a further 39 million hectares of wild culture land. For the past two... more
Evangelism is not only about preaching and winning the lost at any cost but the approach towards this God given mandate must be achieved in a humble, thoughtful, evaluative, analytical, and prayerful manner as reflected in Luke 14: 28. A... more
This thesis is an interpretative study of early museum collections from Fiji. It combines some art historical, historical and anthropological approaches of museum items, in order to inform exchange relations between Fijians and... more
Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 2022. The God Tinilau (Tagaloa) in a Proto-Polynesian Plot: The New Pictogram has been Decoded. Paper. 2 pages. The original was first delivered by Sergei V. Rjabchikov as the paper “The God Tinilau (Tagaloa) in a... more
This report was developed by IRC-MSCA CAROLINE research fellow Dr Tommaso Natoli (University College Cork—School of Law) in the course of his secondment to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)... more
This paper, using a critical ethnographic methodology, examines the lessons for the Pacific and institution-building from the first ten years (2010-20) of Fiji National University from the perspective of an insider researcher who served... more
Rapid tourism growth over recent decades has brought with it a number of challenges for accommodation providers, and particularly located on small islands. Increasing competition has necessitated the need to secure high customer... more
The draft paper as at 24th April which is updated from the draft made for the oral presentation session (5th April 2017 does not contain any references and text errors needed corrections). The paper is still being worked on with more... more
Guitars are amalgamations of different materials, from bones and guts to metals and plastics. Wood, though, has always been the guitar's primary building block. And for many guitar makers and players it is mahogany, in particular, that... more
Melanesia is becoming a region of many partners , expanding diplomatic options and a new sense of independence. The wider context of the new Melanesian assertiveness is one in which China is a rising power and Indonesia is forging closer... more
As debate intensified over Fiji's future as either a secular or a Christian state during the 2012 Constitution Commission drafting-process, a more fundamental point arose: had Fiji ever been a secular state? For Bainimarama's military... more
Background: Yard-long bean is one of the exporting crops of Fiji, with approximately half a ton exported annually. Lack of information on the varietal performance under the field condition walls the ability of farmers to choose a suitable... more
This Health System Review provides an overview of the health system of Fiji, one that faces many challenges in order to meet increasing demand for health care from a highly dispersed but rapidly urbanizing island population during a time... more
Fiji has a checkered history with democracy. Since gaining independence from the United Kingdom in 1970, its politics have been marked by a pattern of coups and constitutional reform. After the first military coup in 1987, three... more
This report describes a series of excavations and investigations performed upon the site of Nadrogā, located in the district of Noikoro, Navosa Province, Fiji. The investigation of this site was part of a larger research project that... more
There are diverse ways of knowing and learning. Learning is best understood within an individual’s cultural milieu which then informs teaching practice. The spoken word is only one in a myriad ways in which opinions or desires can be... more
This report describes a series of excavations performed upon the site of Qoroqorovakatini, located in the district of Naqalimare, Nadrogā Province, Fiji. The investigation of this site was part of a larger research project that explored... more
Early Pentecostal Missionaries did a tremendous job in the establishment of the Pentecostal movement in Fiji but their lack of contextual understanding of traditions and cultural issues has birthed a theological impasse between the... more
This paper reviews the need for Multicultural Education in Fiji and examines some of the contextual realities of Socio-cultural and Political influences on the schooling experience.
The concept of "coolitude" provides a creative and discursive framework for remembering and comprehending the dislocation and transformation expressed in the literature, art, music, and other creative work of descendents of indentured... more
This essay addresses the vexed questions of provenance and authenticity of objects that have been collected and made accessible for study. It calls for an exploration of the way in which these have often been uncritically accepted solely... more
Since emerging in Fiji in 1964, betting on Australian horseracing has become an increasingly common pastime for Fijian men. A recently introduced urban practice, this type of gambling is associated with ‘modern’ social settings and is... more