Erich Auerbach
Recent papers in Erich Auerbach
This article outlines a systematic theory of style that aims to combine "social formalism" with narratology. Beginning with a reading of a little-known essay by Raymond Williams on the history of English novelistic prose, the article... more
“La letra embrolla” escribió Ricardo Gutiérrez. Un aire de sospecha pesa sobre ella. Para poder leer más los lectores involucionan, desconfían, desconocen los textos, se ven obligados a “poner la erudición a la altura del barro” arriesga... more
This paper explores the curious issue of crowd noise on "live" records. What does it mean to call a recording "live"? When we hear a crowd road through speakers, who is the performer and who is the audience? Using Baudrillard's notion... more
The three figures presented in this essay are textile diagrams: patterns for lace and embroidery, notation systems for loom weaving, and sewing diagrams. Each embodies the historical and economic conditions from which it emerges. (The... more
Because film, as a form, is appropriate for the depiction of the past, film may have influenced Magris's nostalgia for the Habsburg Empire.
El trabajo examina los planteos teóricos y metodológicos expuestos por el filólogo y crítico literario alemán Erich Auerbach en torno del problema del realismo. Para tal fin me basé fundamentalmente en su texto Mímesis (AUERBACH, 1946),... more
Fichamento do Capítulo 6 de Mimesis de Erich Auerbach.
Illustrious is the roll of those who have made prescriptions and predictions declaring that poetry has had its day. Plato wanted to keep poets out of his ideal republic. Love Peacock, Shelley's friend, thought poetry has little place in... more
Why then should we give credit to humanism? And what is humanism according to Said? It is not reckless to maintain that the recovery and the refounding of humanism in Said’s literary and cultural criticism tout court are inconceivable... more
This paper analyses how Auerbach influences the work of Pasolini, in view of the main concept of Stilmischung in Mimesis: Pasolini uses this category not just as a mean to deal with language (and therefore with thought), but mainly as the... more
Odysseus’ Scar and Erich Auerbach’s ‘Searchlight’ — Abstract The first chapter of E. Auerbach’s Mimesis (“Odysseus’ scar”) is an impressive tour de force in which the great German philologist lays out the principles and the tools of his... more
Martedì 3 maggio, ore 17.30 Sala Azzurra, Ca' Bernardo Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia Letteratura mondiale e metodo di Erich Auerbach Con Guido Mazzoni (Università degli Studi di... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
A reedição em pleno curso de Mímesis: desafio a pensamento (Editora UFSC, 2014) e Vida e mímesis (Editora Martelo, no prelo), de Luiz Costa Lima merece ser não apenas celebrada, mas, como demanda sua própria textura argumentativa, são... more
“This is a brilliant and highly original investigation of how Cold War politics shaped the emergence of world literature and new forms of cultural authority, literary consecration, and political surveillance in the aftermath of the Second... more
Truman Capote, an American author in the "Southern Gothic" style, is credited with having accomplished the first modern "nonfiction novel." His work, published in 1966, having been labored over for many years before, begins with the... more
The first, theoretical part of this study pursues the question of how meaning was generated and how an ambivalent-or polyvalent-object, for example, an allegory, was or can be understood. The interweaving of acts of interpretations... more
In medieval art, there are numerous examples of pictorial programmes composed according to a system of typological opposition between scenes from the Old and the New Testaments, in which scenes from the New are seen as the typological... more
Conversazione con Francesco Orlando è la trascrizione di un’intervista effettuata da Alessandra Diazzi e Federico Pianzola a Pisa il 26 giugno 2009. Per gentile concessione del Prof. Orlando, la medesima intervista viene anche proposta,... more
Reading Erich Auerbach’s highly influential Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, it quite quickly becomes evident that Auerbach is not seeking to supply us with a universal recipe for realism in literature, if... more
Drawing on recent calls for a return to philology and on the experience of the international research programme "Zukunftsphilologie: Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship", this essay seeks to problematise these calls by examining... more
Montaigne, Aeneis’in VIII. Bölümündeki birkaç dize ile ilgili şunları söyler: “Venüs çıplak halde, Vergilius’ta olduğu gibi çok güzel, canlı ve heyecanlandırıcı değildir.” (Denemeler, III, 5). Bu yaratma sürecinin kutsanması anlamındaki... more
Proust décrit le temps des cercles dans son roman. C’est pourquoi j’ai pensé que « le temps perdu » et « le temps retrouvé » chez Proust correspondent au « Paradise Lost » et au « Paradise Regained » chez Milton. J’aimerais citer la... more
Ivano PACCAGNELLA e Elisa GREGORI, Quaderni del circolo filologico-linguistico padovano, 23, Padova, Esedra, 2009, pp. XX, 530.
In: Bolte, Rike / Haase, Jenny / Schlünder, Susanne (Hg.): La Hispanística y los desafíos de la globalización en el siglo XXI. Posiciones, negociaciones y códigos en las redes transatlánticas. Madrid - Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana -... more
Immagine di copertina: Andi Kacziba, Vìola project, Talee IV., 2015. Foto di Alessio Melloncelli L'editore resta a disposizione di tutti gli eventuali proprietari dei diritti sulle immagini riprodotte nel caso non si fosse riusciti a... more
Vertige de lire La Bruyère après Molière et de se laisser (trop) rapidement convaincre que le Tartuffe de notre mémoire culturelle n'est jamais qu'un faux faux dévot quand l'Onuphre de La Bruyère serait le vrai faux dévot par excellence... more
Introduzione e Capitolo I del libro La teoria letteraria di Erich Auerbach. Una introduzione a Mimesis, Roma, Artemide, 2013.
Translation has largely been dismissed by the field of comparative literature as being considered a mere mediator and an unnecessary tool for the true comparatist. But it is the comparatist who should master the languages in which the... more
Pasolini e Dante. La "divina mimesis" e la... pubblicato da Le parole e le cose - Pasolini e Dante. La "divina mimesis" e la politica della rappresentazione di Emanuela Patti [Quest'anno si celebrano... more
Wherever one looks one finds a consensus among scholars that Auerbach’s vision of literary history can be read through the lens of figural reading, as though he had adopted this interpretive technique and made it his own, not only in... more
Este tercer número de Cuadernos de teoría y crítica, revista independiente cuyo objetivo es la publicación de traducciones o de textos de escasa circulación, ha sido dedicado a Erich Auerbach. Contempla 5 textos publicados por el filólogo... more
In this Philological Conversation, Carlo Ginzburg reflects on the place of philology in his work and explores the connections between philology, microhistory, and casuistry. We talk about the people who inspired his early thinking,... more
così od'io che solea far la lancia d'Achille e del suo padre esser cagione prima di trista e poi di buona mancia (Dante, Inf. XXXI, L'ultimo capitolo di Mimesis arriva ad abbracciare alcuni aspetti della narrativa contemporanea, muovendo... more
Saggio pubblicato in «La punta di diamante di tutta la sua opera». Sulla novellistica di Federigo Tozzi, Atti del convegno di Perugia, 14-15 novembre 2012, a cura di M. Tortora, Morlacchi editore U. P., Perugia, 2014, pp. 35-70.
Este artigo procura ofertar uma reflexão crítica sobre o conjunto de textos escritos pelo poeta anglo-americano Wystan Hugh Auden referentes à obra de J.R.R. Tolkien, tentando precisar suas linhas de força. Dentre estas, nosso foco... more
Danilo Kiš and French new novel