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      GeographyCartographyClassicsGreek Literature
Eratóstenes escribió un poema titulado Hermes del que apenas conservamos unas decenas de hexámetros. En el fragmento más amplio (F16) se presenta, en clave poética y mitológica, una descripción de la Tierra en zonas. Por sus... more
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      Hellenistic poetryHermesEratosthenes of Cyrene
This book is the first comprehensive examination of the lists of Olympic victors that were assiduously maintained by ancient Greeks for more than a 1,000 years. The origins, development, content, and structure of Olympic victor lists are... more
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      Greek HistoryAristotleAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
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      New TestamentAncient HistoriographyBiblical TheologyAncient Geography
Abstract. The interlink between the determination of the circumference of the Earth and the geographical mapping performed by Ptolemy in his Geography (c. 150 AD) is discussed. As Ptolemy himself stated, he used the value of 180,000... more
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      CartographyEthicsCommunicationWeb 2.0
The Measurement of the Earth's Circumference
Hands On Activity: Repeat Eratosthenes' Experiment
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      History of ScienceEratosthenesEratosthenes of Cyrene
Geus, Klaus: Krokodile, Elefanten, Wale und Bohnen: über Kontingenz und Valenz von zoologischen und botanischen Argumenten in den geographischen Kon-zeptionen der Antike. In: Lafer, Renate; Dolenz, Heimo; Luik, Martin (Hrsg.):... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAlexander the GreatEratosthenes
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      History of ScienceHistory of Geographic ThoughtHistory of geographyEratosthenes
Synopsis There can be no doubt, that Pytheas' curious played an important role in his journey to the distant shores. But, there is also no doubt, that someone had to support such a risky and expensive trip. Apparently, Pytheas, who... more
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      Greek ColonisationAncient Greek HistoryAncient NavigationAncient Greek Geography
The seeming assignment of an iambic trimeter line (= adesp. tr. fr. 123 a) to Antiphanes (fr. 288) and Timocles (fr. 41) at Pseudo-Plutarch Lives of the Ten Orators 845 b, in the course of a brief description of Demosthenes’ early career,... more
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      DemosthenesAncient Greek LiteratureAncient Greek ComedyEratosthenes of Cyrene
The aim of the presentation is to analyse possible overlaps between Eratosthenes' philological and scientific production, both in terms of 'content' and in terms of 'method'. Particular attention is paid to Eratosth. fr. 52, 81, 101... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyAncient ScholarshipEratosthenesAncient Greek Geography
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      Ancient ScienceHistory, Science, Astronomy, Ancient Chronological Systems, CalendarsEratosthenesEratóstenes
Didymus’ commentaries on the comic playwrights and his Comic Vocabulary responded to the interests of the readership of Attic Comedy primarily in two ways: by summarising the opinions of previous scholars and by offering a wide... more
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      AristophanesHistory of Classical ScholarshipAncient Greek ComedyLycophron
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyEratosthenesAncient Geography and the Representation of Space
El conocimiento geográfico del Noroeste hispano que nos transmiten geógrafos e historiadores greco-romanos antiguos está estrechamente unido tanto al debate científico más general sobre la dimensión y los límites de la ecúmene, como a la... more
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      Ancient GeographyPolybiusStraboAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania
The analysis of four fragments from Eratosthenes’ Περὶ τῆς ἀρχαίας κωμῳδίας (frr. 91, 89, 66, 152 Strecker) allows to shed some light on the reuse of the interpretamenta of the Cyrenean in later exegetic works.
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesHellenistic PhilologyAncient Scholarship
The contributions in this volume combine fundamental questions of common sense geography with case studies of ancient geographical texts. The book seeks to bridge synchronic cognitive linguistic and cognitive psychological approaches to... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAncient Greek HistoryPtolemy
Доклад на Научной конференции «Международные сети как фактор интеграции научного сообщества» (Секция «История географии»), Санкт-Петербург, 13 ноября 2018 года Рассматривается вопрос о реальной протяженности стадия, которым мог... more
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      Historical GeographyMetrology, Weights and MeasuresMetrologyAncient Metrology
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      Classical Reception StudiesGreek ritual, religion, and mythology (especially catasterism myths), ancient astronomy, and religious timekeepingAncient Greek Astrology and AlchemyEratosthenes of Cyrene
Klaus Geus: Eratosthenes: Sternsagen (2007): A German Edition of the Catasterismi. In: Pàmias, Jordi (Hrsg.): Eratosthenes’ Catasterisms: Receptions and Translations. Mering: Utopica Verlag Rainer Streng, 2016. S. 123–30. [ISBN:... more
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      Ancient AstronomyGreek ritual, religion, and mythology (especially catasterism myths), ancient astronomy, and religious timekeepingEratosthenesEratóstenes
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      Greek LiteratureAristotleAuthorship AttributionFour/Five Elements
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      HagiographyAncient ScienceAncient GeographyStrabo
Klaus Geus: Sternbild und Standpunkt: Zu einem Ordnungs- und Beschreibungsprinzip in der astronomischen Literatur der Griechen (Die Anordnung der Sternbilder in den Katasterismen des Eratosthenes). In: Pàmias, Jordi (ed.): Eratosthenes’... more
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      Ancient AstronomyEratosthenesEratóstenesAncient astrology
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      GeographyCartographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesReception Studies