Environmental Ergonomics
Recent papers in Environmental Ergonomics
Buku ENBORA: Teknik Penilaian Risiko Ergonomik di Tempat Kerja (Penerbit UTHM) Tahun 2019 Teknik ENBORA adalah alat atau kaedah penilaian risiko ergonomik yang mudah dan praktikal digunakan di tempat kerja serta memberi penanda aras... more
Currently, computerized work is present in virtually all sectors of society, but how it is done varies according to the tasks to be performed. A furniture inappropriate to the needs of the tasks and the continued use of the computer can... more
A manufacturing work system should be designed by attempting not only to maximize worker productivity, but also to improve worker satisfaction and minimize safety hazards. It is possible to achieve such a desirable goal through proper... more
O objetivo da investigação é verificar os erros ergonómicos que os trabalhadores em teletrabalho cometem, assim como realçar a relevância da ergonomia e contribuir para a sua consciencialização. Foi realizado um questionário para a AET... more
In health or hospital facilities is of great concern. The facilities and amenities such as a bed infusion device either in the inpatient or outpatient in space. In this study, infusion devices is the focus of t follow the concept of... more
Buku ini membahas masalah analisa perancangan kerja yang berisi peta-peta kerja, ergonomi secara umum, perbaikan metoda kerja, serta contoh penyelesaian waktu set up
a. Praktikan mampu melakukan pengukuran anthropometri manusia. b. Praktikan mampu menggunakan alat pengukur anthropometri manusia. c. Praktikan mampu mengolah data anthropometri untuk merancang suatu sistem kerja.
ABSTRAK Energi listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan hidup yang paling penting bagi umat manusia. Tanpa adanya energi listrik, berbagai aktivitas manusia tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Namun konsumsi energi listrik secara... more
L’objectif de ce étude est de comprendre comment une équipe d’infirmières gère, de manière individuelle et collective, les contraintes et les ressources disponibles pour produire un travail de soins de qualité. L’étude s’intéresse en... more
Pada kesempatan kali ini kami telah melakukan sebuah penelitian terhadap pabrik kerupuk yang bertempat di suatu kawasan di wilayah Bandung, pada kesempatan yang telah diberikan kami telah melakukan pengamatan yang dimulai sekitar pukul... more
Stasiun kerja merupakan salah satu komponen yang harus diperhatikan berkenaan dengan upaya peningkatan produktivitas kerja. Kondisi kerja yang tidak memperhatikan kenyamanan, kepuasan, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja tentunya akan sangat... more
RESUMO A oferta de roupas plus size aumentou nos últimos anos, como reflexo da segmentação do mercado de moda, para atingir as necessidades de um público exclusivo, mas crescente, que apresenta necessidades dimensionais e de modelagem... more
It is obvious that either public or private institutions might be profit or service oriented in their nature and to achieve this; employee wellbeing should be primarily concerned. One move toward is to integrate the concepts of quality... more
A work environment is place where employees perform their daily work activities. Job satisfaction is one important indicator of improving labor productivity. Need to know whether the work environment influence on employee job... more
Production ergonomics – the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance – is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of... more
Comfort is similarly as vital for understudies everything being equal, as profound learning requires focus and consideration. When learners are distracted by their pain, they will be more likely to get frustrated with the task at hand,... more
BACKGROUND: Assessing physical ergonomic factors within the classroom environment creates new opportunities to support designs that promote student well-being. Student-aged anthropometric data helps guide proper desk fit assessment,... more
Noise and vibration are occupational hazards that affect worker health and safety. Prolonged exposure to noisy environment results in hearing loss of the affected individuals. The objective of this study was to estimate an excess risk of... more
Objective: The problems associated with joint laxity pose great concern especially to people engaged in athletic occupation for livelihood. The prevalence of the disorder has continued to rise especially lately following enhanced interest... more
Topics: Introducing the BIENNALE ARCHITECTURE, which will take place in Venice, Italy from 26 May to 25 November 2018. The Biennale Architecture of Venice is the most important exhibition of architecture all around the world, The last... more
Noise is a problem that is often encountered many industrial workers today. The cement plant has production machines with high noise level. The noisy environment will arise risks on workers. The purpose of this study was to determined... more
Topics: The Biennale Architecture of Venice will take place in Venice, Italy from 26 May to 25 November 2018. Design for Children. Wright at the Pinacoteca Agnelli. Costante Colore, The Pool NYC. Caravaggio, Uffizi, Firenze. Ergonomics of... more
Output Input Produk Sampingan Sekunder M J tenaga, maklumat, produk mentah Ketidakhadiran kerja, tekanan perasaan, motivasi kerja rendah, reputasi negatif dll. Sistem Kerja (Briedger, 2002)
Perangkat proyektor LCD (liquid crystal display) merupakan media pembelajaran yang populer digunakan di kampus Perguruan Tinggi. Display LCD memiliki banyak keunggulan dan penggunaannya diyakini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa... more
Background: Assessing physical ergonomic factors within the classroom environment creates new opportunities to support designs that promote student well-being. Student-aged anthropometric data helps guide proper desk fit assessment,... more
This study aims to measure the practicality of the participatory ergonomic and teaching factory model in metal welding training in order to improve the abilities and skills of welding training participants at Batam Training School. This... more
Special Number concerning the 57th International Art Exhibition <Viva Arte Viva> organised by “La Biennale di Venezia” chaired by Paolo Baratta and curated by Christine Macel.
Special Number concerning the 57th International Art Exhibition <Viva Arte Viva> organised by “La Biennale di Venezia” chaired by Paolo Baratta and curated by Christine Macel.
Topics: The Biennale Architecture of Venice is the most important exhibition of architecture all around the world with 71 participant nations. Biennale Architecture 2018. The Castle/Shloss Wolfsthurn. The South Tyrolean Museum of Hunting... more
L’open office supporta il lavoro individuale? È ergonomico e funzionale alle nostre esigenze psicofisiche? Come evitare la “trappola delle trasparenze”? La dimensione post moderna dell’habitat ufficio crea un clima di difficile relazione... more
CSR does not emanate directly from external demands but instead from organizationally embedded processes. These processes prompt the organization to view its relationships with stakeholders in a different perspective, which in turn... more
Public spaces are key elements for social contact and urban qualification, in this way demanding appropriated components to fit social, functional and microclimatic conditions for the development of human convivial activities. In this... more
Labors, especially in industry, spend most of their time in the workplace. Several factors including physical activity and lifestyle of workers such as smoking habit in the workplace that will affect labors health. Besides that, bone mass... more
The Italian Factories of Excellence
Carpigiani ice cream machines
Lamborghini vs. Ferrari
The University of Bologna, Italy
The Italian Factories of Excellence
Carpigiani ice cream machines
Lamborghini vs. Ferrari
The University of Bologna, Italy
Production ergonomics – the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance – is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of... more